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How to take notes. Subject (Sometimes title of slide) Main point 2 nd main point 3 rd … etc 2 nd Subject (Perhaps title of next slide…) Main point Etc…. Rome’s Beginnings. -Italy was originally occupied by many different groups of people
How to take notes • Subject (Sometimes title of slide) • Main point • 2nd main point • 3rd … etc • 2nd Subject (Perhaps title of next slide…) • Main point • Etc…
Rome’s Beginnings • -Italy was originally occupied by many different groups of people • -Two main groups were Greek colonists and the Etruscans • -The Etruscans ruled much of central Italy and Rome itself
Rome becomes a Republic • Rome was originally under the influence of the Etruscans until they overthrew the last Etruscan king. (509BC) • Romans did not like the idea of one man ruling the rest, so they formed a republic. • Republic is a form of government in which power rests w/ citizens who have right to vote for leaders. (Different from a democracy…)
Structure of the Republic • -Senate= governing body • Consuls= two patricians • -At first only the Patrician could hold office in the Senate. • Patricians= landholding upper class • Plebeians= farmers, merchants, artisans, traders
Roman Expansion • Rome dev. a large army by requiring all land owning citizens to serve in the army. • They used this force to conquer both the Etruscans (North) and the Greek colonists (South).
The Punic Wars -Rome fought Carthage in three wars from 264 B.C. to 146 B.C. for control of the area. -2nd War, Hannibal (Carthage) led troops through France and the Alps to attack the main Italian Peninsula. He was successful for a time. -Scipio (Rome) forced Hannibal to leave by attacking Carthage itself.
-By the Third Punic War, Carthage was no longer a threat, but many feared their return to power. • -Cato, an aged and influential senator ended all of his speeches with “Carthage must be Destroyed.” • -Needless to say… Carthage was destroyed and its citizens made slaves.
Economics -Conquests brought much wealth to Rome -Wealthy families bought huge estates called latifundia. -Romans forced the people they conquered to work as slaves on the latifundia -Slave labor hurt the small independent farmers -Farmers fell into debt, sold their land, and moved to the city looking for work -Gap between rich and poor widens=riots and chaos
The Gracchus Brothers • The brothers worked to get the state to distribute the land to the poor farmers • They also worked to get the state to buy grain to feed the poor • Senate felt they were a threat to its power, and hired thugs to kill the brothers and their followers -Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were patricians who were elected tribunes
Republic to Empire -Civil wars broke out to decide who should hold power. The senate wanted to keep the status quo; political leaders wanted to weaken the senate and enact reforms -Slave uprisings throughout the republic -Armies became loyal to their commanders because they gave them benefits such as conquered land
Republic becomes an Empire • 1st Triumvirate : Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey (59BC) • Pompey fears the strength of Caesar’s army and has the Senate order the army to disband.
Caesar refuses to disband his army and they march towards Rome. (49BC) • Pompey flees and Caesar defeats his forces in Greece, Asia, and Spain. • 46BC Caesar returns to Rome and the people crown him as Dictator for life. • … the Republic is no more…
Caesar’s Reforms • Granted citizenship to more people in the outer provinces. • Created jobs for the poor through public building projects. • The people loved their Caesar…
Fearful of the Caesar’s popularity, many nobles and senators plotted his assassination. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FvgP5hO99o
2nd Triumvirate • After Caesar’s death, civil war broke out and Rome was in chaos. • To preserve the empire, Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus joined together to restore order. • They succeeded in restoring peace for ten years (48-38BC) but then ended in jealousy and violence. • Octavian defeated Antony’s forces and forced Lepidus to retire.
PaxRomana • Means “Peace of Rome” • From 27BC to 180AD… 207 years • Well built roads and port cities made travel safe and easy. • Civil Servants were paid to manage affairs of government.
Daily Life in Rome • Majority of citizens were farmers. • Men were head of household and could banish or sell family members into slavery. • Women could own property and testify in court, but could not vote. Roman women were nearly social equals to men. • Rich lived lavishly while poor lived off of gov’t rations and entertainment.
Slavery • Numerous slaves were prisoners of war. • Their owner had the right to do whatever he wanted with them. • Some slaves were forced to become Gladiators
Religion • Roman gods and goddesses were replicas of the Greek gods, except that the names had been changed • Religion and State were linked • Public and private rituals paid homage to these gods.
Activity • Create a Comic Book/ Storyboard with one of the following ideas: Punic Wars, 1st or 2nd Triumvirate, or Roman Daily Life. • Needs to have at least 8 frames • Each frame must have either a caption or dialogue in it. • Make it Pretty
Comic Strip Storyboard
Fall of Rome and Roots of Western Civilizations
Fun Video • http://www.history.com/videos/the-fall-of-rome#the-fall-of-rome
Crisis is the Theme • Rome prospered under “PaxRomana” due to trade, spoils of war, and farms being able to feed the general population. • By 400AD, all of these sources disappeared.
The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius died • His son, Commodus, took control of Rome • Commodus was a poor leader, killed by his bodyguard • Time of disarray follows Commodus from the movie Gladiator
Political Problems • Poor leaders weakened the government • Frequent fights for power • Many officials took bribes • Talented people chose not to serve due to dangers of government life
Social Problems • Taxes were too great, many rich people stopped paying • People stopped attending school • Large number of people enslaved • Plague (disease) spread throughout Rome, killing 1 in 10 • Famine: There was not enough food to feed people
Economic Problems • Farmers lost land, unable to grow and sell crops, out of work (and famine) • People bought fewer goods, shops closed • Inflation occurred: Rapidly rising prices. Money lost value because fewer taxes paid. • Coins lost value: Less gold put in, people found out (caused inflation) • Bartering grew: sell goods without using money • No taxes, no money
Military Problems • Military only in it for money (mercenaries) • No money to pay military = weak military • Constant threat of invaders on empire’s borders • Weak military, unable to stop border invasions
Diocletian Reform • Became Emperor in 284 AD • Governed as absolute ruler, limited personal freedoms. • Doubled size of Army (hired German mercenaries) • Set fixed prices for goods to limit inflation • Split the empire in half to make it easier to manage.
Constantine Reform • Constantine (312 CE) united the empire again under one ruler • Moved the capital from Rome to Greek city of Byzantium. (Byzantium’s name was changed to Constantinople in honor of the emperor) • Center of power was shifted with the capital. East prospered while the west declined.
The End Cometh… • Constantine died in 337 CE, replaced by Theodosius. • Theodosius could not rule the empire (Not as strong of an emperor), divided in two again. • Raids from Germanic tribes begin to tear apart the empire in the west.
Rome Finally Falls… • Main reason for German invasions was to flee from the Huns. • 452AD Attila and the Huns swept through Western Rome and approached Rome itself. • Weakened by famine and disease, the Huns agreed to leave Rome
Romulus Augustulus (14 yr. old boy) was the last Roman Emperor and was defeated by Odoacer in 476AD -Even though the western empire fell in 476AD, the Eastern empire would continue with the capital in Constantinople until 1453. -The Eastern Empire would from this point on be referred to as the Byzantium Empire.
Spread of Christianity • Under PaxRomana, roman roads and internal stability allowed Christian Missionaries to travel across the empire safely and efficiently. • At first, Christians were persecuted by Roman authorities until 313AD when Constantine converted to Christianity. • 380AD Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion of the empire.
Arts • Roman Art was practical, realistic, and intended for education.
Architecture, Engineering, Technology • Used ideas of Arches, domes, and concrete in public buildings.
System of Law • All Persons had right to equal treatment under the law. • A person was considered innocent until proven guilty. • Burden of Proof rested with accuser rather than accused. • Person should be punished only for actions, not thoughts. • Any law that seemed unreasonable or grossly unfair could be set aside. • Principles of Roman Law helped form the basis for legal systems in many European countries
Learning and Literature • Poet Virgil wrote Aeneid: Epic of legendary Aeneas (Written in praise of Rome and Roman virtues and in similar style to Greek Epics of Homer). • Poet Ovid wrote light, witty poetry about love • Many historians who wrote sophisticated prose.
Reflection • In your spirals, • -Think about the legacy left by Roman society. Write an example of something today that comes to us from their legacy and how it affects you. (Minimum 3 sentences) • -Then write about the fall of Rome. Why do you think Rome fell? Give at least two reasons why you think they fell. (Minimum 3 sentences)
Unit Exam • May use any notes you have personally taken, but you may not share notes. • No talking • When finished, turn in to the tray and sit quietly in your seat until everyone is done or work silently on your comic book.