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Regional Post-Secondary Education Coordinator Workshops 2014. Recognition of the Territory. Welcome & Introductions. Today’s Plan. PSE Updates Administering PSSSP/UCEP in your community User tips Critical issues Best practices Frequently asked questions Questions and Feedback.
Today’s Plan • PSE Updates • Administering PSSSP/UCEP in your community • User tips • Critical issues • Best practices • Frequently asked questions • Questions and Feedback
PSE Updates Aboriginal Policy Framework • Aboriginal Service Plan (ASP) Initiative • Aboriginal Community-Based Delivery Partnership Program (ACBDPP) • Emergency Assistance Funding • Transitions
PSE Updates Indian Studies Support Program (ISSP) Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) Funding National Education Legislation
Update Aboriginal Policy Framework
PSE Policy Initiatives PSE Policy Timeline
PSE Policy Framework Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education Policy Framework Development
PSE Policy Framework Goal 1: Systemic Change 1.1 Aboriginal voice is an integral part of the public post-secondary education system.
PSE Policy Framework Goal 1: Voice 80% of PPSIs have Aboriginal representation on Board of Governance Ongoing issues with board appointment process and board culture 135 Aboriginal grad students in 2011/12 (up from 80 students in 2009/09)
PSE Policy Framework Goal 1: Systemic Change 1.2 Public post-secondary institutions work in partnership and collaboration with Aboriginal communities, organizations and institutes to create the systemic change needed for public post-secondary institutions to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples’ success
PSE Policy Framework Goal 1: Partnerships and Collaboration Aboriginal Service Plans have been continued in 11 public post-secondary institutionsbut have not been extended to remaining institutions Aboriginal Gathering Places funded (but under the 2007 Post-Secondary Education Strategy)
PSE Policy Framework Aboriginal Service Plan (ASP) Initiative Plan to improve post-secondary educational experiences and outcomes for Aboriginal learners. Developed and implemented collaboratively by public post-secondary institutions and partners. Goals • Increase access, retention, completion and transition • Strengthen partnerships and collaboration • Increase the receptivity and relevance of post-secondary institutions and programs
PSE Policy Framework ASP Initiative
PSE Policy Framework ASP Initiative FNESC’s concerns with ASP include: Partnerships Sustainability & resource leveraging Measuring outcomes of program AVED is conducting a review of the ASP initiative at this time.
PSE Policy Framework Goal 2: Community-Based Program Delivery 2.1 BC public post-secondary institutions and Aboriginal institutes and communities partner in the delivery of community-based programs for Aboriginal learners
PSE Policy Framework Goal 2: Community-Based Delivery • Aboriginal Community-Based Delivery Partnerships Program initiated in August of 2012. • Provides PSE and training in Aboriginal communities (i.e. on reserve for First Nation communities) • Facilitates the employment of unemployed or underemployed individuals.
PSE Policy Framework Aboriginal Community-Based Delivery Partnerships Program • Funded primarily through Canada-BC Labour Market Agreement ($10 million). • AVED provided $4 million • AANDC committed $4 million funding through a supplementary Active Measures program – actual amount spent was less.
PSE Policy Framework ACBDPP • Builds on lessons learned through Aboriginal Training for Employment Program (ATEP) • Iterative proposal process • Strong partnerships
PSE Policy Framework ACBDPP • Future of program in question • Expiry of Labour Market Agreement • FNESC working with province to explore ways to continue and strengthen the program
PSE Policy Framework Aboriginal Community-Based Delivery Partnerships Program • Were you aware of this program? • Are programs being offered in your community? Explain. • To what extent does community-based delivery increase access and retention? • Have students who were trained through ACBDPP programs gained employment? • What are the issues you see with this program?
PSE Policy Framework Goal 2: Community-Based Program Delivery 2.2 Aboriginal institutes have a unique and critical role in British Columbia's post-secondary system to increase Aboriginal learner participation and completion in post-secondary education
PSE Policy Framework Goal 2: Role of Aboriginal Institutes FNESC and IAHLA are taking steps to review the legal structure of the Aboriginal-controlled institutes. FNESC, IAHLA and AVED are examining how a revised Quality Assurance Framework could support recognition of Aboriginal institutes. AANDC and AVED must work together to explore mechanisms to support IAHLA institutes.
PSE Policy Framework Goal 2: Community-Based Program Delivery 2.3 Aboriginal adult education programs enable Aboriginal learners to transition to post-secondary education and employment
PSE Policy Framework Goal 2: Aboriginal adult education Community Adult Literacy Program continues to support Aboriginal learners. $787,000 in funding was provided over 2012/13 and 2013/14. FNESC would like to be included in discussions and rollout. Recently contacted by AVED for consultation on CALP.
PSE Policy Framework Goal 3: Reduce Financial Barriers 3.1 Financial supports to access and complete post-secondary education and training are available to Aboriginal learners who need them.
PSE Policy Framework Goal 3: Reducing Financial Barriers $2 million Emergency Assistance Fund AVED provided $2 million in additional funding to the Irving K. Barber BC Scholarship Society to support awards for Aboriginal learners.
PSE Policy Framework Aboriginal Emergency Assistance Fund In August 2012 AVED provided $2 million to BC public institutions to provide emergency financial relief to Aboriginal students Funding was divided between institutions based on number of Aboriginal students Maximum per student was $700
PSE Policy Framework Aboriginal Emergency Assistance Fund Issues: Not available to students at IAHLA institutes. Is $700 enough to address student emergencies and ensure retention? This is only one-time funding
PSE Policy Framework Aboriginal Emergency Assistance Fund Were you aware of the Aboriginal Emergency Assistance Fund? Do you know of students accessing this funding in your community? In your experience, is $700 enough to address a “typical” student financial emergency? Explain.
PSE Policy Framework Goal 4: Seamless Transition 4.1 Teachers support Aboriginal learner success in the K-12 system
PSE Policy Framework Goal 4: Aboriginal Learner Success in K-12 AVED provided $2 million to support scholarships for Aboriginal learners in teacher education programs. Working with AVED, IAHLA, and the Association of BC Deans of Education to determine how best to increase the number of First Nations Language teachers.
PSE Policy Framework Goal 4: Seamless Transition 4.2 Aboriginal learners and their families have information and are better supported to make choices for their transition from K-12 to post-secondary and the labour market
PSE Policy Framework Goal 4: Supporting K-12 Transitions Aboriginal learners less likely to graduate with Grade 12 Dogwood Graduation rate is approximately 60% and AVED reports that only 17% of Aboriginal graduates have prerequisites required to transition to university. Graduation rates, as well as the percentage of students with the credentials and prerequisites to transition, must increase.
PSE Policy Framework Transitions Growing gender gap between Aboriginal male and female students Student transitions are impacted very early on, with course-selection in grades nine and ten impacting students’ options for further education
PSE Policy Framework Transitions FNESC hosted a transitions forum on October 3rd – working on a report on transitions This has been set as a priority of the joint PSE and K-12 Partners Tables FNESC has requested resources for education and career planning tools for learners, parents, counsellors, teacher Aboriginal institutes play a key role in supporting transitions and require adequate funding
PSE Policy Framework Goal 5: Continuous Improvement 5.1 Sharing of leading practices creates an environment of informed leadership, effective practices and results in Aboriginal post-secondary education
PSE Policy Framework Goal 5: Sharing Leading Practices This objective has yet to be fulsomely addressed.
PSE Policy Framework Goal 5: Continuous Improvement 5.2 Governments, Aboriginal institutes and public post-secondary institutions make evidence-based decisions with respect to Aboriginal post-secondary education
PSE Policy Framework Goal 5: Evidence-Based Decision Making Working with Partners on Policy Framework Implementation Report Aboriginal Institute Identifier to identify students who have transitioned to public post-secondary from Aboriginal Institutes Data remains a critical issue to be resolved.
PSE Policy Framework Outstanding Items Adult education research (programs, services) Review of student financial assistance policy Promoting awareness of financial assistance programs for Aboriginal learners Development of PSE Baseline report Working to explore mechanisms to mutually support Aboriginal institutes Continuing to promote the need for additional federal PSE funding.
PSE Policy Framework Outstanding Items FNESC continues to call for a comprehensive implementation plan that sets out measurable deliverables for each objective.
ISSP Update Indian Studies Support Program • March 2013: AANDC eliminated regional approach and centralized decision-making to headquarters. • Eliminated ISSP Committeewhich included First Nations and AANDC representatives. • 2013/14 allocations followed ISSP committee recommendations.