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Pre industrial/modern society

Pre industrial/modern society. Prior to the industrial revolution, families and communities worked the land together. Life before the industrial revolution was rural-based and peasants and small landowners were at the mercy of the aristocracy and the church who held the power.

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Pre industrial/modern society

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  1. Pre industrial/modern society

  2. Prior to the industrial revolution, families and communities worked the land together

  3. Life before the industrial revolution was rural-based and peasants and small landowners were at the mercy of the aristocracy and the church who held the power

  4. The extended family tended to share a household in pre-industrial communities

  5. The sense of community in the village came through the sharing of commodities and past times

  6. A pre-industrial village might have looked like this. Buildings were simple and functional

  7. The church was important in pre-industrial village life, it was often the heart of the village

  8. 1700-1800s Industrial Revolution

  9. Cities grew with the influx of people coming in from the countryside to look for work (due to enclosures)

  10. Factories were major employers of ex-farm workers as were potteries and mines

  11. Conditions were tough in the factories and workers worked 12 hours or more a day 6 days a week

  12. Even women and children were employed to fill labor shortages and were paid much less than men. But most women tended to the home and children

  13. Steam engines meant transport of goods was easier and steam power meant factories mass produced to meet the demand for these goods

  14. Post industrial/modern society

  15. A capitalist society was born with businessmen paying poor wages to maximise profits. Banks, stock exchanges and investing began

  16. Galileo Darwin The Scientific Revolution meant the power of the church broke down and there was movement toward a secular society

  17. Colonialism meant business opportunities opened up, such as the wool industry in Australia, and slave labor was exploited. Indigenous peoples were slaughtered, imprisoned or enslaved. Capitalism stretched further

  18. Tonnies More of a ‘me’ centered idea developed as old institutions dissolved and individualism was born.

  19. Families became more isolated and out of this came the concept of the ‘nuclear family’ and the development of the housewife role. Men were the breadwinners and there was definitely a male-centred work ethic

  20. Bibliography PRE-INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Pre-industrial Rural life http://images.google.com/hosted/life/ [Accessed 12.2.2010] Village life and Gentleman tending sheep http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/1810fair.gif [Accessed 12.2.2010] Preserved remains of village life http://eatandbehappy.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/english-village.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Church http://www.bainbridgetwp.com/history_images/old-church.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Extended family http://www.migrationheritage.nsw.gov.au/exhibitions/tieswithtradition/images/photos/large/lence-3-years-old.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Ferdinand Tonnies http://lb.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_Tönnies [Accessed 12.2.2010] INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Working women in factories (Industrial Revolution) http://www.trueroots.us/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/industrial-revolution-women.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Child labour in factories (Industrial Revolution) http://www.ymca.org.au/about/PublishingImages/24%20-%20child%20labor.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Overview of city (Industrial Revolution) http://www.nyu.edu/classes/persell/aIntroNSF/images/Sociology/krup_industrial_revolution.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Factories (Industrial Revolution) http://www.nyu.edu/classes/persell/aIntroNSF/images/Sociology/krup_industrial_revolution.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Steam Engine (Industrial Revolution) http://goldenstate.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/train.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Inside factory (Industrial Revolution) http://www.energia.gr/photos/Industrial%20Revolution.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Wentworth Street Slum (Industrial Revolution) http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-images/Arts/Arts_/site_furniture/2007/09/18/WentworthStreet460.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] POST-INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Capitalism (Industrial Worker) http://mises.org/images4/PyramidCapitalism.gif [Accessed 12.2.2010] Overweight Entrepreneur http://www.hermes-press.com/rich2.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Bank http://www.federalreserveeducation.org/resources/IPE/images/print_img/bank_img.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Charles Darwin http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tHXBN1JCMNY/SYrGQilmBHI/AAAAAAAAAYw/ax6g7Ki_QCQ/s200/467px-Charles_Darwin_01.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Darwin’s Theory of Evolution http://www.sliceofscifi.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/nc_evolution_080103_ms.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Galileo http://blogs.nature.com/news/thegreatbeyond/galileo_sustermans.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Galileo and his telescope http://www.galileoscientific.com/images/galileo.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Copernicus http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/ni/Copernicus.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Copernicus’ model of the universe http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/sciences/Astronomy/Thestars/stellardistances/TheParallaxMethod/TheCopernicanModel/copernicus.gif [Accessed 12.2.2010] Colonialism in Africa http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/history/bi/hst388-thomas/thomas.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Nuclear family http://losemindfindsoul.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/traditional-nuclear-family.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Housewife http://carthage.cementhorizon.com/archives/housewife_happy.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Male Breadwinner http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jah/87.2/images/willrich_f2.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Urban sprawl http://www.usefilm.com/images/1/8/0/8/1808/463003-medium.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010] Against Athiesm http://z.about.com/d/atheism/1/7/P/z/2/SaveJesusForHer-e.jpg [Accessed 12.2.2010]

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