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Enrich teaching and learningHelp to raise students awareness and understanding of the world of workProvide opportunities for employers to influence and develop the workforce of the future. Education Business Links . Participation in EBL Activities. Provides young people with an insight into
Enrich teaching and learning
Help to raise students awareness and understanding of the world of work
Provide opportunities for employers to influence and develop the workforce of the future
Education Business Links 1. The EBP brokers EBL between schools, colleges and employers
2. In all subject areas, not just careers education
3. Also helps provide students with the skills they need to enhance their employability1. The EBP brokers EBL between schools, colleges and employers
2. In all subject areas, not just careers education
3. Also helps provide students with the skills they need to enhance their employability
3. Participation in EBL Activities Provides young people with an insight into the world of work
Helps young people reach their full potential
Assists them to make informed career decisions
Contributes to the future economic needs of Wales 1. We focus on activities which provide opportunities to practice key skills
Problem solving
Work with others
Improving own learning1. We focus on activities which provide opportunities to practice key skills
Problem solving
Work with others
Improving own learning
4. In designing programmes the EBP aims to
Promote diversity
Support students who have special needs
Address issues of gender stereotyping Hopefully the slides that follow will indicate our efforts to achieve this within the programmes we support Hopefully the slides that follow will indicate our efforts to achieve this within the programmes we support
5. EBP engages local employers to support the curriculum
In Primary Schools
In Secondary Schools
In Colleges (FE and HE)
6. EBP activities in secondary schools and colleges Support the development of 14-19 learning pathways
Aid the development of the key skills employers look for in their future workforce
Help deliver the learning outcomes of the Work Related Education Framework
Provide experiences upon which careers advisers can base their careers guidanc Dow Corning Maths Mentoring Programme 1. We describe and promote all the work focussed experiences in the EB Directory
2. We emphasis key skills as outcomes from our programmes
3. Providing real life experiences a Key context of our work within a careers company. By working together and sharing information we provide better services to our clients1. We describe and promote all the work focussed experiences in the EB Directory
2. We emphasis key skills as outcomes from our programmes
3. Providing real life experiences a Key context of our work within a careers company. By working together and sharing information we provide better services to our clients
7. Some statistics In 05/06 2,196 employers in Cardiff and the Vale supported EBL activities resulting in :
1,171 employer interventions
2,899 KS3&4, 419 16-19 and 142 FE students involved in setting up small business projects with employer support
75 Business Employee Mentors recruited
456 teachers and lecturers placed into business/industry
6139 work experience placements supported
1531 secondary students received employer support in the curriculum for science & technology
8. Why should I become involved ? Raise the profile of your sector and organisation
Influence young peoples career decisions
Help develop key skills that employers have identified as vital for the future workforce
Assist curriculum planning and teaching and hence develop the relevance of what is being learnt
Help prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
9. Why should I become involved ? Support staff learning and development
Help to meet the Welsh Assembly Government agenda on developing the workforce
Demonstration of organisations supporting their local community
10. How can you become involved ? Offer Work Experience placements
Offer Teacher/Lecturer placements
Input to Industry and Enterprise Days
Volunteer as mentors
Support mock interview programmes in schools
Host visits
Go into schools to talk to pupils
Provide case studies/curriculum materials
11. Contact details Careers Wales Cardiff and Vale
029 2020 3749
Careers Wales Gwent
01495 756666
Careers Wales Mid Glamorgan
01443 842207