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Revision Level E . Decimals. Add & Subtract Decimals. Multiplying by 2 Simple Decimals. Dividing 2 Simple Decimals. Rounding to Any Number of Decimal Places. Rounding to Significant Figures. www.mathsrevision.com. Profit and Loss. Hire Purchase. Salaries & Overtime. Foreign Exchange.

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  1. Revision Level E Decimals Add & Subtract Decimals Multiplying by 2 Simple Decimals Dividing 2 Simple Decimals Rounding to Any Number of Decimal Places Rounding to Significant Figures www.mathsrevision.com Profit and Loss Hire Purchase Salaries & Overtime Foreign Exchange Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  2. Starter Questions If a = 7 b = 4 and c = 10 Write down as many equations as you can www.mathsrevision.com e.g. a + b = 11 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  3. Decimals Revision of Level E Learning Intention Success Criteria • Understand how to round to 1 decimal place. • 1. To revise Level E work. • 2. Apply rules for multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  4. Decimals Revision Level E MNU 3-03a 6 hundredths 1. What does 6 stand for in 0.26 ? 2. What number lies halfway between 0.1 and 0.02 ? 0.06 3. Round to 1 decimal place 34.055 34.6 Shop A 80p Shop B 79p B is cheaper! 4. Calculate 4.76 x 100 476 www.mathsrevision.com 5. Calculate 567.89 ÷ 1000 0.56789 6. Shop A sell 20 CD’s for £16 and Shop B sells 40 CD’s for £31.60. Which shop is the cheapest. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  5. Decimals Revision Level E MNU 3-03a Now try Exercise 1 Ch13 (page 56) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  6. Starter Questions • Two numbers add to give 12 and divide to give 3. Find the two numbers. • 2. Two numbers subtract to give 5 and • multiply to 24. Find the two numbers. • 3. Make your own question up. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  7. Decimals Addition & Subtraction Learning Intention Success Criteria • Remember to keep decimal point in line. • 1. We are learning to add and subtract decimal numbers. • 2. Make use of trailing 0’s when needed. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  8. Decimals Addition & Subtraction MNU 3-03a Example : 3.2 + 0.487 + 5.73 Keep point in line www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  9. Decimals Addition & Subtraction MNU 3-03a Example : 6.2 – 3.19 + 1.783 Add first www.mathsrevision.com Then subtract Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  10. Decimals Addition & Subtraction MNU 3-03a Now try Exercise 2 Ch13 (page 58) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  11. Starter Questions www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  12. Decimals Simple Multiplication Learning Intention Success Criteria 1. Apply rules to do simple multiplication. • 1. We are learning to do simple decimal multiplication. 2. Show clear working. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  13. Decimals Simple Multiplication MNU 3-03a 0. 24 6 x 4 = 24 Example 1 : 0.6 x 0.4 2 digits after decimal place www.mathsrevision.com 0. 027 9 x 3 = 27 Example 2 : 0.09 x 0.3 3 digits after decimal place Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  14. Decimals Simple Multiplication MNU 3-03a 0. 0355 71 x 5 = 355 Example 3 : 0.071 x 0.5 4 digits after decimal place www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  15. Decimals Simple Multiplication MNU 3-03a Now try Exercise 5 Ch13 (page 62) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  16. Starter Questions www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  17. Decimals Division of a Decimal Learning Intention Success Criteria 1. Understand simple rule for dividing decimals. • 1. We are learning to divide simple decimal numbers. 2. Apply them to simple calculations. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  18. Decimals Division of a Decimal MNU 3-03a Do not attempt to divide by a decimal, multiply the divisor so it is a whole number first. Example 1 : 3.5 ÷ 0.7 35 ÷ 7 = 5 x 10 www.mathsrevision.com x 10 Example 2 : 0.8 ÷ 0.2 8 ÷ 2 = 4 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  19. Decimals Division of a Decimal MNU 3-03a Do not attempt to divide by a decimal, multiply the divisor so it is a whole number first. Example 3 : 0.036 ÷ 0.04 3.6 ÷ 4 = 0.9 x 100 www.mathsrevision.com Example 4 : 24 ÷ 3000 24 ÷ 3÷1000 = 0.008 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  20. Decimals Division of a Decimal MNU 3-03a Now try Exercise 6 Ch13 (page 63) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  21. Starter Questions The answer to the question is 60 www.mathsrevision.com Write down as many questions as you can Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  22. Decimals Rounding to Any Number of Decimal Places Learning Intention Success Criteria 1. Use previous knowledge to help round to any number of decimal places. • 1. We are learning to round to any number of decimal places. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  23. Decimals Rounding to Any Number of Decimal Places MNU 3-03a When rounding to : • 1 decimal place look at 2nd decimal figure e.g. 2.46 • 2 decimal place look at 3rd decimal figure e.g. 6.456 • 3 decimal place look at 4th decimal figure e.g. 3.7846 www.mathsrevision.com • 4 decimal place look at 5th decimal figure e.g. 13.1146 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  24. Decimals Rounding to Any Number of Decimal Places MNU 3-03a Example : The number 4.2615937 • Rounded to 1 decimal place, the number is 4.3 • Rounded to 2 decimal place, the number is 4.26 • Rounded to 3 decimal place, the number is 4.262 www.mathsrevision.com • Rounded to 4 decimal place, the number is 4.2616 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  25. Decimals Rounding to Any Number of Decimal Places MNU 3-03a Now try Exercise 7 Ch13 (page 64) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  26. Starter Questions www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  27. Significant Numbers Learning Intention Success Criteria • Understand what the term significant figure means. • We are learning about the term significant figure. www.mathsrevision.com • Apply knowledge to problems. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  28. 506 cm 50.6 cm 0.506 cm 0.00506 cm Significant Numbers MNU 3-03a • In mathematics a figure or digit is significant • if it gives an idea of both: • Quantity • Accuracy IMPORTANT : If zero’s are employed just to position the decimal point then they are considered NOT significant. www.mathsrevision.com e.g. Has 3 significant figures. Has 3 significant figures. Has 3 significant figures. Has 3 significant figures. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  29. Question ? How many significant figures is this number to. 360 Significant Numbers MNU 3-03a IMPORTANT : When dealing with WHOLE NUMBERS you need More information before you can tell if trailing zero’s are significant. Is it 2 or 3 !!! 3 If I said there are 360 deg. in a circle. How many significant figures. www.mathsrevision.com 2 If I said 359 to the nearest ten is 360. How many significant figures. YOU NEED TO KNOW THE CONTEXT OF THE QUESTION WHEN DEALING WITH WHOLE NUMBERS WITH TRAILING ZEROS. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  30. WORK OUT WHAT THE ZERO MEANS Significant Figures Decimals 0.001090 MNU 3-03a To the left of The number Middle of the number To the right of the number Always Significant Not Significant Always Significant Whole Numbers 03060 www.mathsrevision.com To the left of The number Middle of the number ? Depends More Info. Read Question Not Significant Always Significant Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  31. Significant Numbers MNU 3-03a Now try Ex 8 Ch13 (page 65) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  32. Q1. 0.5 + 5 x 8 Starter Questions Q2. Multiply out the brackets Q3. www.mathsrevision.com Q4. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  33. Profit and Loss Learning Intention Success Criteria • Understand the terms PROFIT and LOSS. • We are learning the • terms profit and loss. • Apply knowledge to calculations. In context. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  34. Profit and Loss Profit : When you sell something for MORE than you bought it. PROFIT = Selling Price – Buying Price Loss : When you sell something for LESS than you bought it. www.mathsrevision.com LOSS = Buying Price – Selling Price Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  35. Example 1 If I buy a Playstation for £100 and sell it for £120. Profit and Loss I have made a PROFIT of £120-£100 = £20 Example 2 I bought a bunch of flowers for £5.50 and tried to sell them for a profit. But I found it difficult to sell them. I sold them for £4.00 before they went off. www.mathsrevision.com I made a LOSS of £5.50 - £4.00 = £1.50 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  36. Profit and Loss MNU 3-03a Now try Ex 9 Ch13 (page 67) Q1 – Q3 www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  37. Hire Purchase Learning Intention Success Criteria • To know the meaning of the term HIRE PURCHASE. • We are learning the • the meaning of the term Hire Purchase. • Apply the process of working out the Hire Purchase for everyday products. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  38. MNU 3-03a Q1. Expand out 2j (k – 5g + 4jk) Starter Questions Q2. Find all the missing angles 25o Q3. www.mathsrevision.com Q4. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  39. Hire Purchase Hire Purchase : When you pay for goods by putting down a deposit and then paying the rest up in small fixed payments over a period of time. www.mathsrevision.com Normally you pay more for the goods using this method. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  40. Hire Purchase Buying Products Hoover Cash Price £365.50 or by H.P. £75 deposit + 12 Payment £28.80 www.mathsrevision.com How much more do you pay by using Hire Purchase Total H.P. price = £75 + 12 x £28.80 = £420.60 Difference in price = £420.60 - £365.50 = £55.10 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  41. Hire Purchase MNU 3-03a Now try Ex 9 Ch13 (page 68) Q4 – Q7 www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  42. Q1. Expand out 2a (a – c + 4ab) Starter Questions Q2. Find the missing angle 22o Q3. www.mathsrevision.com Q4. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  43. Salaries & Overtime Learning Intention Success Criteria • To know the meaning of the terms Salary and Overtime. • We are learning to calculate Salaries and Overtime. • Apply knowledge to calculations. In context. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  44. Salaries & Overtime Salary : How much a person is paid to do a job. Can be measured weekly, monthly or annually. www.mathsrevision.com Overtime : Extra work outside normal work time. Usually at night or weekends. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  45. Salaries & Overtime Example 1 : Mick the mechanic gets paid £1725.20 a month. How much is his annual salary. www.mathsrevision.com Annual Salary is = £1725.20 x 12 = £20 702.40 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  46. Salaries & Overtime Example 2 : Claire the clerkess gets an annual salary of £19 003.40. How much is her weekly wage. www.mathsrevision.com Weekly Salary is = £19 003.40 ÷ 52 = £365.45 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  47. Salaries & Overtime Example 3 : Percy works for £12.90 per hour. His overtime rate is “time & a half”. What does he get paid for 4 hours overtime. www.mathsrevision.com 4 hours Overtime is = 4 x £12.90 x 1.5 = £77.40 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  48. Salaries & Overtime Level F Now try Ex 9 Ch13 (page 68) Q8 – Q14 www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  49. Q1. Expand out 2a (a – c + 4ab) Starter Questions Q2. Find two missing angles 32o Q3. Find y www.mathsrevision.com Q4. The answer is 45. What is the queston. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  50. Foreign Exchange Learning Intention Success Criteria 1. Understand the term exchange rate and be apply it to convert £’s to another currency. • We are learning to convert £’s to another currency and vice versa. www.mathsrevision.com • Be able to convert back to £’s. 3. Show clear working. Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

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