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Senior High Health Course Descriptions 2014-2015. Senior High Health Course Descriptions 2014-2015
Senior High Health Course Descriptions 2014-2015 Senior High Health Course Descriptions 2014-2015 • The required Health course for senior high students has been split into two tracks. While there is broad overlap in the content of these tracks, the curricula differ in their approach to human sexuality. Health – Abstinence Until Marriage One Credit Required Elective One Trimester The focus of this course is on decision making. Rights, respect, and responsibilities of healthy people are integrated through these themes: Safety and Injury/Violence Prevention; Substance Use/Abuse; Personal Health/Nutrition/Fitness; Community/Consumer Health; Social/Mental/Emotional Health; Disease Prevention/STI-STD; and Family Life/Human Sexuality. • The goal of the Human Sexuality unit is to guide and empower students to remain abstinent until marriage. • Students are encouraged to seek support and advice from their parents/guardians and their faith community, if any, rather than friends and community resources. • Contraceptives are discussed within the context of their failure rates only.
Health Education K-12 Program Mission • Healthy Living through Comprehensive Education • Osseo Area Schools K-12 Health Education Mission is to inspire and prepare all students with the confidence, courage and competence to make and apply healthy decisions in order to achieve their dreams, contribute to community, and engage in a lifetime of healthy living. CORE VALUES • We believe that Health Education – • is vital to the well-being of the individual and community in a global society. Health education inspires learners to improve overall health. • is a partnership involving family, school, and community. • is a balance of acquiring knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and skills that will result in real-life application. • will improve goal-setting, decision-making, and communication skills to enhance health and reduce risks. • is a lifelong process. STRATEGIES • We will – • empower learners to make healthy decisions. • engage learners through differentiated instruction. • utilize the assets of our system and community. • overcome obstacles to ensure comprehensive health education for all learners.
Health Education K-12 Essential Standards Through Health Education, each student will:
Positive Behavior Intervention Framework The practices listed below exist so that all members of the Crimson Family consistently work together to live each day the Crimson Way: M OTIVATION G RATITUDE S CHOLARSHIP H ONOR
Positive Behavior Intervention Framework Cont.. • MGSH School starts at 7:30am. Class begins at the bell, so arrive on time and ready to learn. • • Place book bags under your chair or table when class begins to provide for safe, barrier-free classroom mobility for staff and students. • • Instruction is from bell to bell. Respect other classrooms at the end of each hour by remaining in your seat in your classroom with the door • closed until the bell rings. Do not disrupt the learning of others. • • When leaving class with your teacher’s permission, sign out and carry the hall pass to and from your destination and sign in when returning. • • You are permitted to have water in the classroom. • • “Bag It & Tag It”: Hats are not to be used, worn, or carried between 7:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. All cell phones and electronic devices can be checked for proper school use and must be flat on the table. • • Do not talk about getting drunk or high. Any inappropriate conversation will be addressed and/or reported to administration.
Summative Assessments 90% • Test, Quizzes, Presentation Project • Formative Assessments 10% • Worksheets, assignments, group work, class discussions • Non Graded items: **Academic achievement will be reported separately from non-academic issues, such as attendance, effort, ability, participation, attitude, behavior and other factors not directly related to student academic achievement. • Efficacious Learner • Equal Interval Grading Scale: 0-4 • Note: Student must strive for a 3 or 4 on any graded assessment or assignment!
Final grade will include approximately 90% Summative Assessments and 10% Formative Assessments. Students will: 1. Identify protective behaviors related to vehicle use. 2. Identify the impact of violence on society. 3. Predict the health impact of natural and man-made disasters. 4. Identify protective behaviors related to cyber safety. 5. Evaluate the risks of behavioral additions. 6. Evaluate the risks of substance use/abuse and addiction. 7. Understand the impacts of binge drinking. 8. Explore recovery resources for addictions. 9. Compare and contrast the effects that nutrition decisions have on the quality of life. 10. Identify and apply factors that improve physiological age. 11. Analyze consumer impact on the environment. 12. Examine health care options. 13. Identify behaviors that promote positive self-image. 14. Demonstrate the ability to set health-enhancing goals. 15. Identify and apply stress management skills. 16. Evaluate how internal and external factors influence decisions. 17. Recognize and apply disease prevention skills. 18. Compare the relationship between stress and disease. 19. Describe sexually transmitted infections and examine their future impact. 20. Investigate resources to obtain information and treatment. 21. Identify location and function of male and female reproductive systems. 22. Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy relationships. * Identify healthy ways to express intimacy * Sexual Responsibility 23. Examine gender differences. 24. Define sexuality and sexual orientation (theories, facts, societal issues). * Heterosexual * Homosexual * Transgender * Bisexual 25. Describe the benefits of marriage. 26. Examine the role of family and parenthood. 27. Understand the stages of fetal development. 28. Explain the advantages of sexual abstinence until marriage. * Learn the value of self control. * Understand abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent conception and sexually transmitted infections. * Examine consequences of premarital sexual activity. * Examine contraceptive failure rates. 29. Analyze the internal and external influences on sexuality. 30. Explain the benefits of seeking support and advice from parents/ guardians and their faith community.
Help!!!!!! • Parent/ School view • Moodle 2.2 (Coming soon “Schoology) • Computer lab Task • List all the things from Health Rules PP pertaining to “Positive Behavior Intervention Framework”
At MGSH Health we….. • Foster a safe, respectful, productive environment! (Use of inappropriate words) • Encourage personal and social responsibility (honesty, integrity and hard work). • Challenge students through learning experiences. • Inspire student to be lifelong learners!
At MGSH Health we….. • Bring a notebook and writing utensil to each class. MGSH Planner/ MGSH Writing Guidelines and a flash drive are helpful but not required. • Electronic devices are encouraged for school work purposes only. Thank you for leaving them flat on the table!
Additional Classroom Guidelines: Thank you for: not touching Bremseth’s computer, please! • Having fun, when it’s appropriate. • Respecting Each others Space. • Respecting what other people say; no put-downs. • Be sensitive to other people’s feelings • The right to “pass” (not answer a question) • Respecting each other’s differences • Keeping discussion and questions away from a personal level • Keeping confidential all private comments • Asking questions; are no “dumb” questions • Using scientific terms rather than slang
At certain times throughout the trimester, each class member will have writing assignments. Writing assignment should follow the Maple Grove Writing Assignment Guidelines. (According to your English Departments requests)
Student username & password issues • Continuing students: (including students from OJH & MGJH) • Username: SAME as last year – part of last name + ### – example: bond007 • Password:SAME as last year – If students need a new password: • Teacher calls Media - 50-060 • Teacher tells Media staff that student/s need password reset. • Student talks to Media staff.
New-to-the-district students: • usually these students have been set up & can log in by the time they arrive at MGSH. • Username: part of last name + ### – example: bond007 • Password: password
Environmental CIRCLE OF WELLNESS Video Link
The Factors That Affect Health1.Spivey A 2005. On Closer Inspection: Learning to Look at the Whole Home Environment. Environ Health Perspect113:A320-A323. doi:10.1289/ehp.113-a3202. Mind tools. (2010, August). Retrieved from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTED_00.htm3. United States. Genomics and Health. Atlanta: USA.gov, 2010. Print.
Heredity Available Health Care Physical Environment Total Health Daily Decisions
Why Health????????????? Wellness Wheel Media- pentagon • Moodle 2.2 • Why Health PP • Create an example heading and share in Google docx.
Do you live your life based on principles? VALUES Do you MAKE DECISIONS based on principles? VALUES Ethics Decision Making
Principles • Are fundamental truths or laws • Building blocks for relationships • Essential to having a Quality life • Take time to develop
Principles That Affect Success and Relationships • Honesty- telling the truth
Principles That Affect Success and Relationships • Honesty- telling the truth • Equality- all people have the same rights
Principles That Affect Success and Relationships • Honesty- telling the truth • Equality- all people have the same rights • Promise- Keeping
Principles That Affect Success and Relationships • Honesty- telling the truth • Equality- all people have the same rights • Promise- Keeping • Respect- treat everyone & yourself like you are worthwhile
Principles That Affect Success and Relationships • Honesty- telling the truth • Equality- all people have the same rights • Promise- Keeping • Respect- treat everyone & yourself like you are worthwhile • Responsibility- carry out your obligations or duties; answer for your actions
Principles That Affect Success and Relationships • Honesty- telling the truth • Equality- all people have the same rights • Promise- Keeping • Respect- treat everyone & yourself like you are worthwhile • Responsibility- carry out your obligations or duties; answer for your actions • Self-control- being able to control your actions and attitudes *Teen Ethics and Decisions
Secrets to longer living Surviving High school Part 2 Part 3
Standard # 6: Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting, problem solving, and decision-making skills to enhance health. Evaluate how external and internal factors influence decisions.
Similarities & Differences Similarities MGSH Yuba City HS
Similarities & Differences Differences MGSH Yuba City HS
Evaluate how external and internal factors influence decisions. • Small Group Assignment ( 2-3 in a group): • List the external factors viewed in the video • List the internal factors viewed in the video • Discuss (evaluate) how these factors influenced the students decisions in the video. • Discuss (evaluate) how these factors influence your decisions.
Media Influences (Commercials??) Using “Status” and “added value” to sell! Advertising and trends can make you want to replace your possessions with those that are more popular in an effort to maintain status. status A person’s standing or rank in relation to others, many times falsely based on wealth, power, or influence