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The ABC's of Fourth Grade. Mrs. Anne Askey – room 202 Mrs. Laurie Christesen – room 203 Mr. Doug Sharretts – room 201. Teacher assignments. Mrs. Dolan : Science to all Mrs. Christesen : Religion to all Mrs. Askey : Language Arts to all
The ABC's of Fourth Grade Mrs. Anne Askey – room 202 Mrs. Laurie Christesen – room 203 Mr. Doug Sharretts – room 201
Teacher assignments Mrs. Dolan: Science to all Mrs. Christesen: Religion to all Mrs. Askey: Language Arts to all Mr. Sharretts: Math and Social Studies to all
Arrival Times 7:45 am – Arrival in gym 7:55 am – Bell rings for homeroom 8:15 am – Homeroom; morning prayer and announcements 8:20 am – 1st period begins
Attendance When your child is absent, all necessary assignments will be sitting on your child’s desk at dismissal. Students should make up missing work promptly, and be prepared to take any missed quizzes or tests the day they return (unless arranged).
Book Orders Birthdays You are more than welcome to send treats to school to celebrate your child’s birthday. Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to arrange a convenient day. The treats will be eaten during lunch time. Scholastic book orders will be completed online this year.
Communication Students have a take-home folder in their white binder. Each Wednesday graded work and various announcements will be sent home in this folder. Please review this work, sign, and return the folder on Thursday.
Dismissal • School ends at 2:55. Please send a note if your child is to go home a different way than his/her normal schedule. • Students are required to wait with their • class until the bell rings. • For safety reasons, a student is not to leave without informing the teacher.
Field Trips*All students are required to pay for field trips. Chaperones must be STAND certified. Annapolis/Naval Academy (fall) Living Classrooms (spring) Email We check our email daily. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. Early Dismissal Days On these days, school will end at 12:15.
Grades All grades will be available for parents and students to view on PowerSchool beginning Monday, October 1. Effort and conduct grades have a weight of zero.
Homework Average 4-5 hours weekly Expect English, Spelling & Math every night Assignments posted on classroom homework board Homework slips are given for missing work Please visit all of your child’s teachers’ websites daily.
Illness IPOD (I’m Prepared and Organized Daily) This should go everywhere with your child. It contains your child’s schedule, homework pad, and take-home folder. Please keep your child home if he/she is sick so that germs are not spread.
Junk Food Students may bring a healthy mid-morning snack. Because students work during snack, we ask that the food be non-greasy and non-juicy. Students will not be permitted to get snacks from their lunches at snack time. No drinks please.
Lunch/Recess Lunch – 12:00-12:20 Recess – 12:20-12:40 Teachers supervise students at this time. Students may not bring toys from home and should dress appropriately for the weather. Forgotten lunches can be delivered to the main office. No fast food please.
Management We use a discipline “flip card” system in the classroom. “Flip” card as consequence to not following classroom rule(s). Start every day on Green Two chances (“flips”) given Final “flip”: Red – demerit sent home *Tickets will be given for each week a student has not flipped their card. These will be used to purchase prizes during our auction at the end of each marking period.
Newsletters School newsletters are published online monthly on the SMS website. Please check this site at the beginning of each month for the latest school related news and information.
Outreach Parents Please check in at the main office before entering any school building so that you may receive a visitor’s pass. We participate in school-wide and grade level outreach projects throughout the year. Some include making casseroles for Our Daily Bread, making teddy bears at Christmas, and remembering those serving our country. Thank you for all of your support!
Parties Most are during lunch/recess time: 12:00-12:40 P.M. Party coordinators organize Dates: Halloween – October 31 Thanksgiving Day – November 16 Christmas – December 19 Valentine’s Day – February 14 End of Year – June 4
Supplies Please check with your child throughout the year to find out if he or she needs additional supplies.
Teacher Web You and your child may find the following information on his/her teachers’ websites daily: Homework Project requirements Important dates/announcements FAQ Class schedule These sites can easily be accessed by visiting smsch.org.
Updates Please keep the school and teachers informed with current addresses, phone numbers, emails, emergency contacts, or special situations.
Very Hot Lunches Hot lunch may be purchased in advance for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please note that Thursday hot lunches may be ordered online. Tuesday hot lunch forms may be found on the SMS website. These forms and money will not be accepted late. Room mothers schedule parent volunteers to assist with distributing hot lunch on Tuesdays.
Water On exceptionally hot days your child may bring a water bottle to keep in his or her locker. Please no flavorings.
Religion Class Mass - tba Bulletin Board – Students will work in groups and decorate board based on assigned theme. Guidelines were sent home. Prayer Partners – 4 year old preschoolers Prayer Journal – Students decorate required prayers to show meaning. Specific guidelines on inside cover of journal. Wednesday Folders - Parent signatures on folders are counted as Religion effort grade. Family Life – Classes begin in spring. Parents are offered opportunity to preview the materials.
Social Studies Focus: Maryland and the Regions of the United States Homework: When assigned, should be neat and accurate. Tests: Students should complete and use a review sheet to prepare for tests.
Math Focus – fluency with basic facts, time, and money; introduction to fractions and decimals; integration of algebra and geometry Homework will be given every night. Students must show work. Should I help my child with math homework? Computations class Text book/workbook online Excellent resources through the internet
Science Topics covered include the three major subdivisions of science – physical, life, and earth. Children will use scientific equipment. At times, students may be asked to bring in supplies from home for activities. Daily participation is an important part of grade.
English Journal There will be 1 entry every week. Journals are due on Friday of that week unless school is closed. Then they will be due on Thursday. Topics for the journal are assigned. Journal entries must include at least six sentences. Specific guidelines are provided on the inside cover of the journal. English Journal grade is part of the creative writing standard.
DIRT (Daily Independent Reading Time) Students are required to have a DIRT book with them at all times. DIRT books must be age-appropriate and cannot include catalogs or comics. Each class has a specific DIRT period every week. The student’s effort, including having his or her DIRT book with them and being on task during DIRT time, will be part of the Language Arts effort grade recorded every two weeks.
First Lego League is excited to have you!! Join the Sport for the mind!! • First Lego League • is excited to have you!! • Join the Sport for the mind!! 2012 Senior Solutions Challenge Student applications due Monday September 10th. First meeting will be after school in 4th grade classrooms on Thurs. from 3:15-5:00 Lego Club