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Benchmarking Terminology for Protection Performance

This document presents a benchmarking terminology for evaluating the performance of protection mechanisms in different networking technologies. It focuses primarily on SONET/SDH rings but also explores measuring sub-IP protection schemes such as MPLS and Spanning Tree. The document discusses various metrics including dropped packets, out-of-order packets, duplicate packets, induced delay, and more.

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Benchmarking Terminology for Protection Performance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Benchmarking Terminology for Protection Performance Takumi Kimura Jerry Perser 55th IETF Atlanta, USA

  2. System Under Test (SUT) Protectiontrigger OADM Router Sender OADM Router Receiver Protection OADM Light path 54th IETF - Yokohama • Takumi Presented automatic protection system • SONET/SDH rings • RPR • Takumi was asked to refine his proposal

  3. 55th IETF - Atlanta • Draft submitted • http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-kimura-protection-term-00.txt • Draft 00 contains non technology-specific parts. • technology-specific parts(SONET/SDH APS, etc.) will be added • Still focused on SONET/SDH rings • Should we focus on measuring sub-IP protection schemes on IP performance? • Include MPLS, Spanning Tree, etc…

  4. Dropped packets Out-of-order packets 7 5 6 3 4 2 1 7 6 2 1 Duplicate packets Induced delay 2 1 4 3 6 5 3 2 1 4 4 Several Advantages • Not limited to SONET/SDH APS • Adopt to MPLS by using a different trigger • Measures the effect of failover on IP • Other drafts concentrate on control plane only • Observes more than packet loss

  5. Motivation • Different Protection technologies • Automatic Protection Switching (APS) for SONET/SDH • Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) for Ethernet • Fast Reroute for Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) • Recovery timing in IP-layer is different from that in sub-IP layer. • Standard Testing methodology to compare implementation’s performance

  6. Goals • Set focus on ? • SDH performance, or sub IP technologies • Incorporate different topologies • Incorporate different protection types • Add technology-specific part (especially, SONET/SDH APS) to the draft • Move draft from Individual work to BMWG working draft

  7. Finished • Takumi Kimura • Phone: +81 422 59 3026 • EMail: takumi.kimura@lab.ntt.co.jp • Jerry Perser • Phone: + 1 818 676 2300 • EMail: jerry.perser@spirentcom.com

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