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Did you know that 2.5 percent of people under the age of 18 are adopted?

Did you know that 2.5 percent of people under the age of 18 are adopted?. Should Adoption Papers Be Open Rather Than Sealed? Sierra Adams-Smith. Research. Open Adoption Papers Provide Original birth certificate Family background Medical history in the family and of the child

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Did you know that 2.5 percent of people under the age of 18 are adopted?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Did you know that 2.5 percent of people under the age of 18 are adopted?

  2. Should Adoption Papers Be Open Rather Than Sealed?Sierra Adams-Smith

  3. Research Open Adoption Papers Provide Original birth certificate Family background Medical history in the family and of the child Information about birth parents

  4. Research Closed Adoption Papers Provide Birth parents can be anonymous No contact with the birth parents, the child and vise versa Very limited health and family information

  5. Research Why adoption papers should be open Emotional effects (sadness, depression) Health Concerns (certain medical conditions) Right of the child (the child had the right to know their history)

  6. Because I researched adoption, I made a children's book about adoption for my product.

  7. Product Talk to mentor about product ideas Went to store to get materials (crayons, markers, paper) Looked at some adoption books online Brain storm ideas Talked to mentor about his adoption experience

  8. Product Writing the book Dedication page Prologue Illustrations Edit story Write final copy of story Putting the book together in power point

  9. Mentor Mr. Peake Brainstorming How to create the book Helped me understand how the adoption process might be for a kid. Eager to help and to create the story.

  10. Challenges and Successes I would have made the story first Then illustration and research Take pictures as I go Getting the pictures onto power point I’ve made a story that people seem to like and enjoy Great reviews on the book My hard work is shown in the book

  11. What I Learned Procrastination can set your goals back A big project has to be broken down into steps Writing a children’s book is not easy Coloring illustrations can take a long time if has a lot of detail

  12. Thank you for your time. Do you have any questions?

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