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Lesson 2 The Quest for Order. Christian History. “the whole world perished in one city”. The Goths sack Rome 410 AD Balance of power shifts from centralized Roman Government to Barbarian warlords St Jerome’s reaction contained in the preface to his commentary on Ezekiel
Lesson 2 The Quest for Order Christian History
“the whole world perished in one city” • The Goths sack Rome 410 AD • Balance of power shifts from centralized Roman Government to Barbarian warlords • St Jerome’s reaction contained in the preface to his commentary on Ezekiel • Augustine’s reply summed up in his book “City of God”
…the siege of Rome, and the falling asleep of many of my brethren and sisters. I was so stupefied and dismayed that day and night I could think of nothing but the welfare of the community… full of anxiety, I was wavering between hope and despair... But when the bright light of all the world was put out, or, rather, when the Roman Empire was decapitated, and, to speak more correctly, the whole world perished in one city. • St. Jerome ca 410-414
City of God • Written in response to accusations by pagan Romans that the failure to worship the old gods had brought ruin to the Empire (413-426 AD) Rome had stood for 1100 years • Points out that pagans sought refuge in Christian Church’s (Aleric was an Arian Christian) • Exhorted Christians to look towards God’s Kingdom rather than Earthly Kingdoms • Augustin looked forward to a new civilization built on the foundations of Christianity
Accordingly, two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly by the love of self, even to the contempt of God; the heavenly by the love of God, even to the contempt of self. The former, in a word, glories in itself, the latter in the Lord. For the one seeks glory from men; but the greatest glory of the other is God, the witness of conscience. The one lifts up its head in its own glory; the other says to its God, "Thou art my glory, and the lifter up of mine head."
The Dark Ages • Period of time between Augustine’s death to Martin Luther’s birth 430AD-1483AD • Early Middle Ages, (590-1073) the missionary period. Conversion of the barbarians, dawn of a new civilization, the Great Schism, foundation of the Holy Roman Empire. • High Middle Ages, (1073-1294) rule of the papal theocracy, the Crusades, Monasticism, and Scholasticism. • Late Middle Ages, (1294-1517) decline of medieval Catholicism, papal exiles and schisms, decline of scholasticism, growth of mysticism, dawn of Reformation
Vandals Burgundians
Vandals Burgundians Lombards
Vandals Burgundians Lombards Franks
Vandals Burgundians Lombards Franks Moors
The Battle of Tours732 AD • Charles Martel “the Hammer” (Charlemagne’s Grandfather) broke off his campaign against the Saxons to meet the Muslim invaders after an appeal from Odo Duke of Aquitaine • Charles picks his battlefield on a rise with woods to his back and sides. • The Muslim line broke when Frankish scouts began raiding their baggage train • Charles followed up this victory with incursions into Spain • The Caliphate fell into civil strife afterward
St. Bernard of Clairvaux1090-1153 • A Cistercian or “White monk” • “preached Christ most excellently” • Instrumental in gathering support for the Second Crusade (1145) • Helped write the Rule for the Knights Templar • Preached against the Cathars (a Gnostic heresy) • Suppressed an early reformation movement, the Henricans.
Ulm Munster • Construction began 1377 and continued off and on until 1890 • The entire community donated to its construction, including all the women of the city who gave all their jewelry. • Now a Lutheran Church it is also the tallest in the world
Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Chartres • Construction began in 1145 in a wave of enthusiasm called “the cult of the carts” • Cathedrals were a form of religious expression, praise and devotion
Thomas Aquinas1220-1274 • Born a noble birth, was a Dominican monk and a Doctor of the Church • Wrote philosophical and exegetical commentaries • One of three great theological minds, along with Augustine and Calvin
St Anselm1033-1109 • Born in Burgundy, became a Benedictine monk at Le Bec • Archbishop of Canterbury under William II King of England (1093) • Writings offered a logical and philosophical approach to theology • “he who does not believe, has not felt, and he who has not felt, does not understand” • Redefined the theology of the atonement
The Monastic Orders • Two distinct types, contrasted by the way they ministered the Gospel • “Stabilitas” Benedictine and other minor orders • “Mobilitas” Franciscan and Dominican orders
Benedictine Order • Founded in the sixth century • Self sufficient • Basic motto “pray and work” • Several reform movements, i.e. Cistercians
St Francis of Assisi1182-1226 • Born to a wealthy family, “master of revels” • Visited Rome in 1208, exchanged his fine clothes for those of a beggar • Beginning of the mendicant order, “beggar” • Possession of property forbidden, lived off of donations from followers, example from apostles
Reform on the Horizon • Three major forces governing the Catholic faith • Priesthood, the Empire, and the University • The University became the instrument of reform • Early reformers John Huss, University of Prague and Wycliffe, Oxford University
John Wycliffe1320-1384 • The Morning Star of the Reformation • Best known for his translation of the Bible into the English language. (based on the Vulgate) • Sent itinerate preachers to preach in the open air • Lollard movement and peasant revolt arose from his ministry • His remains were exhumed, burned and scattered as ordered at the Council of Constance 1415
John Huss1370-1415 • Rector of the University of Prague • Defined the Church as the body of Christ with Christ as its only head • Copied by hand all of Wycliffe’s works he possessed • Condemned and burned at the Council of Constance after being assured of the emperors protection • His followers the “Hussites” became the seeds of the Moravian Church
In Conclusion • One thing that can be seen as common in the lives of all these men is that in many ways they are flawed like you and I, but by God’s Grace through them His Gospel was carried through the era. None of these men were able to operate or think outside of their time or culture and their writings reflect that. There is only one who transcends time and culture, that is the Christ.
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