4. Introduce web site to partner organizations:
To make this a dynamic web site we need as many partner organizations sign up as possible.
Introduce to potential users
Find ways to get the web site to the public for use.
brand as THE web site on the Eastside that connects
people to resources
Introduce web site to partner organizations:
To make this a dynamic web site we need as many partner organizations sign up as possible.
Introduce to potential users
Find ways to get the web site to the public for use.
brand as THE web site on the Eastside that connects
people to resources
5. Develop a marketing plan
Identify goals
Identify audience
Identify tactics to help us reach the goals
Populating the site
1st Step
Each team member took a section, and together we input approximately 130 primary partners. Including cities, chambers, govt agencies, arts, kids organizations and other non-profits.
Project low hanging fruit if you will
2nd StepTeam members draft a wish list of other organization who should be on the site.
Preparing to send out a broadcast email that showcases the site and asks them to register their organization.
3rd Step
Team members will be dedicated to talking about the site with people they know and meet. Talking Eastside Connections all the time.
Web launch to public
Search engine registration
Ask our partners help get the word out
Reciprocal web link with partners
Local media strategy working on an editorial for local papers
Ad campaign looking into possibility of media partnership(Media sponsor of site in return for ad space)
Develop a marketing plan
Identify goals
Identify audience
Identify tactics to help us reach the goals
Populating the site
1st Step
Each team member took a section, and together we input approximately 130 primary partners. Including cities, chambers, govt agencies, arts, kids organizations and other non-profits.
Project low hanging fruit if you will
2nd StepTeam members draft a wish list of other organization who should be on the site.
Preparing to send out a broadcast email that showcases the site and asks them to register their organization.
3rd Step
Team members will be dedicated to talking about the site with people they know and meet. Talking Eastside Connections all the time.
Web launch to public
Search engine registration
Ask our partners help get the word out
Reciprocal web link with partners
Local media strategy working on an editorial for local papers
Ad campaign looking into possibility of media partnership(Media sponsor of site in return for ad space)