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Join us as we study God's care for His children through passages in Matthew and Mark. Consider others by following these reminders. Text language from Biblical teachings.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
A reminder to consider others Please: Turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only Turn off sound to all electronic devices Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early)
God’s Care for His Children, Part 2Matthew 18:10-14; Mark 9:49-50 Matthew 18:5 - God identifies with the believer - to receive a believer is to receive God Matthew 18:6-7 - “little ones” = immature believers. God will take vengeance on those who cause stumbling
God’s Care for His Children, Part 2Matthew 18:10-14; Mark 9:49-50 Both non-Christians and Christians can be stumbling blocks - a cause of someone else falling into sin Direct enticement to sin can be done by invitation to join in sin or by ungodly counsel
God’s Care for His Children, Part 2Matthew 18:10-14; Mark 9:49-50 Indirect enticement to sin can be done through example or manner of treating others Matthew 18:8-9 - Jesus uses hyperbole to emphasis the need to be serious about dealing with sin
God’s Care for His Children, Part 2Matthew 18:10-14; Mark 9:49-50 Get rid of whatever entices you to sin and change the manner in which you live Consider yourself to be crucified with Christ, dead to sin, and alive to righteousness
Mark 9:49-50 Scripture must be interpreted in its context to be properly understood “Everyone” = all the disciples to whom Jesus is talking. “Fire” = trials of life all believers experience that purify (1 Peter 4:12; James 1:2-4), and so are good
Mark 9:49-50 Without embracing God’s grace, trials produce resentment, anger or depression instead of holiness The pursuit of holiness will keep you from sin and from being a stumbling block to others - 1 John 2:10
The Father’s WarningMatthew 18:10 Despise (katafronevw / kataphroneō) means “to think down on” - be condescending, treat with contempt, Philippians 2:2-8 - how we are to treat fellow believers. Jesus is our example
The Father’s WarningMatthew 18:10 Contempt is shown by a weaker brother who judges others and a stronger brother who flaunts his freedoms Disdain is demonstrated when partiality is shown - James 2:1-8
The Father’s WarningMatthew 18:10 Withholding help when you have the means and opportunity is another form of despising - James 2:15-16 Disdain is also demonstrated by either indifference to or being judgmental of a fellow believer who stumbles
The Father’s WarningMatthew 18:10 It is worse when resentment is shown to those who are willing to confront sin and help a stumbling brother
They Have Angels WatchingMatthew 18:10 This passage does not teach that all children have “guardian angels” God has assigned a group of angels to believers - Hebrews 1, Angels are ministering spirits
They Have Angels WatchingMatthew 18:10 God has a host of angels in His presence ready to carry out His will for our good
The Father’s DesireMatthew 18:12-14 Search & Rescue - Matthew 18:12 Jesus uses an analogy well known to His disciples to express God’s care for every one of his sheep God is patient with His wayward children and He seeks them out even when they hide from Him - Gen. 3
RejoicingMatthew 18:13 If he finds it - Not all who are in the visible church are actually in God’s kingdom Sin is dangerous - it can grab hold of your life and destroy it
RejoicingMatthew 18:13 There is rejoicing when a lost sheep is found If Jesus cares so much for even wandering sheep, how can we even think about despising them
His WillMatthew 18:14 “Perish” refers to any ruin or loss A believer in sin destroys his usefulness to God, his own joy, his relationship with God and other believers
Take radical measures to make sure you are neither a stumbling block nor tripping over those who are Seek to care for one another in a manner that reflects God’s care of us
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ