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Design Challenge Ground Zero History Mystery

Design Challenge Ground Zero History Mystery. Challenge Scenario: You are a news reporter for CNN and are investing the mysterious disappearance of the iconic American flag of ground zero . You will create a narrative that explains your report . Question /Issue:

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Design Challenge Ground Zero History Mystery

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  1. Design Challenge Ground Zero History Mystery Challenge Scenario: You are a news reporter for CNN and are investing the mysterious disappearance of the iconic American flag of ground zero. You will create a narrative that explains your report. Question/Issue: What ever happened to the ground zero American flag? Materials Needed: iPad Poster board Creativity 2. Design: As an investigative reporter for CNN, you need to collect as much data as possible on the mystery of what happened to the flag. Utilize this CNN link and record your findings: http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/04/us/the-flag-documentary/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 • Brainstorm: • Background knowledge research, use links below: • Briefly, what happened on 9/11? • What’s Ground Zero and why is it called that? • Who are the people in the iconic photo? • http://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=5237 • http://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3756391 • http://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3756477 • http://www.newseum.org • 2. What would be your guesses as to why this iconic flag has been lost? Based on your observations and inference, create a list of possible ideas, predictions, and or assumptions. Sketch out how you are going to research and investigate a possible proposal as to its whereabouts. What do you infer based upon your research? Based on your findings, start designing a news cast (a good narrative) that informs your audience of your proposed idea, which explains what happened to the flag.

  2. 5. Modify: • 3. Build: • Sketch a news report of your findings and conclusions as to the whereabouts of the flag, include the following: • 3 minute News Report (either on camera or in front of the class) • Have a visual display that accompanies your report • Report the story with a personal touch - i.e. story telling, editorial style, or even in rapping: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYiYfiWQ6t0 Pick at least one way in which you can improve your news report based on other student suggestions. 6. Share: Present to the entire class. Vote on the most effective news report as a class and discuss why it is effective. What other authentic audience could you present your news report to? • 4. Evaluate: • Preview your news report with another group in class. Be sure to take away 2 or more suggestions from the other group to better your informative report. • Ask these questions: • Does my report seem convincing? • Do I communicate what I intend? • Does my report have a flow, will it be easy to understand and is it engaging?

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