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December 19 th Town Hall

December 19 th Town Hall. Welcome! We will begin the webinar shortly. Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Please use *# to mute your phone. You can unmute your phone using *#. Support at: datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us

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December 19 th Town Hall

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Presentation Transcript

  1. December 19th Town Hall • Welcome! • We will begin the webinar shortly. • Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 • Please use *# to mute your phone. You can unmute your phone using *#. • Support at: datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us • Goal: Provide a weekly forum to answer LEA questions on Data Pipeline and inform LEA’s on any upcoming news and updates. 1

  2. Webinar Etiquette • Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones) • If you receive a call and need to pick up please disconnect from the webinar. • Enter your Name and your District when logging into the webinar (no password will be needed) • For today’s event, we will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: • Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR • Raise Your Hand: • A presenter will call your name • After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment • Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

  3. Webinar Etiquette Should you receive a call during the webinar, please hang up this call, answer the other call and then call the webinar number back please. When another call is answered while on the webinar all of the participants hear the hold music. Thank you 3

  4. Introductions • CDE Staff Introductions 4

  5. Agenda • Data Pipeline Statistics • Finance • Human Resources Interchange/Snapshot • Special Education December Count • HQOS (Highly Qualified Online System) • 11th Grade Alternate Assessment • No Town Hall on December 26th • Next Town Hall is January 2nd 5

  6. Securely Handling Data • Private, personal, and sensitive data should not be transmitted via email. • Subject to eavesdropping and interception during transit, and transmission is unreliable. • No control of the data, could be auto-forwarded, archived, and stored insecurely on multiple devices, many individuals have access, and data my never be destroyed. • Underlying data is also not secure, metadata such as senders, recipients, time sent, connecting servers, etc. are all included in email. 6

  7. Securely Handling Data 7 • CDE has implemented a Secure File Transfer System (SFTS) • Data stream is taken out of email. • Instead, user receives a link via email to securely download data. • Data expires and is destroyed on server side. • Guidance and training is forthcoming, expect your CDE data analysts to request the use of this system when exchanging sensitive data going forward.

  8. Data Pipeline Statistics

  9. Interchanges 9

  10. Snapshot 10

  11. Year Round Collections 11

  12. Periodic Collections 12

  13. Non-Pipeline Related Collections 13

  14. Finance December

  15. Finance December • Submission Status Update • Audits and Pipeline Submissions Due 12-31-2013 • Quick Reference Guide • Extensions • District Specific Questions 15

  16. Finance December Submissions • As of Tuesday, December 17: • Districts/BOCES that have submitted: 188 • Districts/BOCES that have Approved: 137 • Districts still working: 51 • Districts/BOCES yet to submit: 12 16

  17. Finance December Quick Reference Guide • There is a helpful Data Pipeline Quick Reference Guide on the School Finance website (under Financial Reporting), and it has been emailed to all business officials via the list serve. • Item #6 on the Reference Guide gives the steps on how to approve/officially submit your Financial December Pipeline Data to CDE • Once you officially submit your data to CDE, your Audit Integrity Report will say “FINAL” at the bottom, and this is what your auditor needs for audit completion • http://sites.cde.state.co.us/cdefinance/FinancialReportingFY2012-13.htm 17

  18. FY 12-13 Audit and Related Material Due Date • Audits which contain a “FINAL” version of the Audit Integrity Report are due, postmarked or emailed to CDE and the Office of the State Auditor on or before December 31st, 2013 • CDE requires: • Audit • Completed Accreditation Report, signed by Business Manager, Superintendent and BOE President • Reconciliations for Please Verify and “W” warning edits • Office of State Auditor requires: • Audit only 18

  19. FY 12-13 Audit and Related Material Due Date • Colorado Department of Education Public School Finance Unit, Room 206 201 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80203-1799 schoolfinance@cde.state.co.us 19

  20. FY 12-13 Extensions: Granted by Office of State Auditor Extensions of time to file FY12-13 Audit Office of the State Auditor Local Government Division 1525 Sherman St., 7th Floor Denver, CO 80203 303-869-3000 Phone 303-869-3000 Faxosa.lg@state.co.us 20

  21. Office of State Auditor Because the Office of the State Auditor is in the process of moving, the BEST and most secure way to contact them is via email: osa.lg@state.co.us 21

  22. Audit Extensions If your FY12-13 audit and December Financial Pipeline submissions are not completed by December 31st, 2013, you need to file for an extension with the Office of the State Auditor (OSA). CDE does NOT grant or process extensions – we honor the extensions granted by OSA Form for filing an extension is found on the OSA website: http://www.leg.state.co.us/OSA/coauditor1.nsf/LocalGovPublic?openform No. 03a- Audit Due Dates Timeline School Districts (pdf) Audit Due Dates Timeline - School Districts 22

  23. Audit Extensions • If you need to talk to a person at OSA about filing and extension, please contact Justin Smith: JUSTIN.SMITH@state.co.us 303-869-3000 Phone 303-869-3000 Fax 23

  24. District Questions Adam Williams: 303-866-6843 williams_a@cde.state.co.us Yolanda Lucero: 303-866-6847 lucero_y@cde.state.co.us Kirk Weber: 303-866-6610 weber_k@cde.state.co.us 24

  25. Human Resources 25

  26. Staff Interchange 26

  27. Staff Defects ST065 – Grant Code is invalid. This is not referencing the full list of grant codes ST091 – Age error for staff that are 87 years old ST101- Hours per day acceptable range was updated from 0.5 to 10 hours to be instead 0.33 to 10 hours range Staff Error Summary Reports are not populating correctly

  28. Staff Defects (2) ST092 – Years Teaching Experience In State compared with Years Education Experience Out of State ST198- Salary out of min/max range (currently fix is being tested and should be working by end of the week)

  29. Recent Staff Defects Corrected District Code of Residence – now working. If staff live outside of Colorado, enter the state abbreviation. Example ‘WY ‘ ST152 – Teaching Subject Area of 0100 is no longer error ST186 is now a warning instead of error (Years Principal at this school compared with prior year data)

  30. Human Resources 30

  31. Human Resources Defects Not all records in interchange files pulling into HR Snapshot HR048 – Teacher Overall Performance Evaluation

  32. Recent HR Defects Corrected HR034- Institution or State Code required if highest level of degree is 16 or higher HR067 – HR072: Teacher Quality Standards must be valid codes or 00 for teachers

  33. HR General Info • Final report due March 14th 2014 • Further information, including the FTE calculation can be found in the HR Training slides at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_hr • Contact Annette Severson: • Severson_a@cde.state.co.us OR • DataPipeline.Support@cde.state.co.us

  34. Human Resources Snapshot:Known Defects and in process HR033 – “If Subject Area of Degree is valid then Highest Level of Education must be 16 or higher” showing as error when subject area of degree = 2100 (no degree) Hr034 – “Institution or State Code must <> 0000 where Job Class Code = 100-299 “ being modified for only staff with BA or higher HR050 – Principal Overall Performance Rating is showing even when employee was not principal in prior year HR048- Teacher Overall Performance Rating is showing even when employee was not teacher in prior year Snapshots performance issues- taking long to process FTE by Size Report- is inaccurate at this time 34

  35. Human Resources Timeline Final due March 14th 2014 Please ensure you will have adequate time to complete the full process: Submit both Staff files into Staff Interchange Clear all Staff Interchange business rules (errors) Create the Human Resources Snapshot Clear all Human Resources Snapshot business rules (errors)--This includes having ALL Title I teachers and paras meet HQ req. Review Data Reports and Finalize Data 35

  36. Contact Information • DataPipeline.Support@cde.state.co.us – New method for us to better meet and record LEA needs • Annette Severson – severson_a@cde.state.co.us 36

  37. IntermissionRemember – No Town Hall on December 26thNext Town Hall is January 2nd

  38. Special Education December Count

  39. Overview • Child, Participation, and Parent Files submitted to ESSU IEP Interchange • Wait the specified amount of time after submitting files to the ESSU IEP Interchange to make sure they made it over to the Data Pipeline. Plan ahead to ensure you have the appropriate time allotted. • Interchange errors for Student may be viewed in both the ESSU IEP Interchange and the Data Pipeline. The Data Pipeline will have all of the errors. Interchange errors are similar to level 1 edit checks. • Staff interchange files are submitted to the Data Pipeline. • Before creating a snapshot make sure student and staff interchanges were successfully uploaded to the data pipeline by checking the appropriate status dashboard. • Snapshot errors will become available once the Snapshot has been created. These are similar to level 2 edit checks. 39

  40. Helpful Hints • SASID Cannot Equal LASID as this prevents records from pulling into Snapshot. • Students who are receiving Special Education services should be reported with “Current Eligibility and Services”=02-Eligible 40

  41. SPECIAL EDUCATION IEP BUSINESS RULE BUGS • SE118 with the programmer • SE254 Ignore in the ESSU IEP Interchange • SE261 with the programmer to fix • SE273 with the programmer to fix • SE347 with the programmer to fix If you get one of these errors and you think your data is right don’t change your data just let us know. Thank you for your patience. 41

  42. SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF BUSINESS RULE BUGS • ST045 EDID in Staff Assignment Association file must match a EDID from the staff file, EDID must be in both files. This would require loading the demographic file first. • ST092 Years of Teaching Experience Instate must be < = to Years of Education Experience Instate – triggering when both fields are zero-filled – FIXED MOVED TO PRODUCTION 12-18 • ST198 Base Salary is out of min/max range Warning. This is working for regular education staff. We will create a new warning for special education staff as there is a different salary matrix. • ST289 Number of Classes Taught in Subject should be greater than zero and less than 16 – FIXED? • ST299 Job Class Code Invalid – SOP related • ST307 All Special Education Staff must have at least one grade level selected. BUGs specific to SOPS • ST300 Teaching Subject Area – not working for SOPs • ST302 Grant Code is Invalid • ST304 Getting moved to production relative to SOPs and Grant Codes 42

  43. SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF BUSINESS RULE BUGS State Operated Program Issues in the Data Pipeline – High Priority for resolution – fix created issues with Student. New fix going in on Friday Instances where an Administrative Unit is able to see district data in their drop downs for staff under upload (AU 03030 sees 3030 and AU 01010 sees 1010) If there are other instances PLEASE let me know. 43

  44. SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF BUSINESS RULE BUGS Enhancement – Respondents with DEC roles will be able to verify by looking at the Status Dashboard under Staff to see if their corresponding district staff files have been uploaded 44

  45. SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT BUSINESS RULE BUGS • DC032 Teacher Overall Performance Rating • If a staff was in the district the prior year but not as a teacher until this year they should be able to use code 05 (similar to HR48) • DC105 Moved to Production 12/17 pm – let us know if it’s not working • DC132 Grades reported at a school not working correctly • DC137 If PPPS =01 or 02 Grade cannot be 002, 004, 006 or 00 – currently being tested in QA • DC154 New Warning Another AU is claiming funding – working correctly. Summary of errors not working correctly. • DC155 New Warning: There is a Detention Center within the boundaries of your AU and you have not reported any students there. Please check with the Detention Center for a list of DETAINED students and notify the resident AUs that their student was Detained on the count date and that they are reporting the student correctly. Please refer to your Data Elements and Definitions for guidance on which AU receives funding. Exceptions Glitch – Sorry  45

  46. SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT BUSINESS RULE BUGS • New Warning – There is a Detention Center within the boundaries of your AU and you have not reported any students there. Please check with the Detention Center for a list of DETAINED students and notify the resident AUs that their student was Detained on the count date and that they are reporting the student correctly. Please refer to your Data Elements and Definitions for guidance on which AU receives funding. 46

  47. SPECIAL EDUCATION REPORTS • Staff Included and Excluded Record Reports – WORKING • If a record does not meet the December Count Criteria for staff or student it will not get included the snapshot NOR the Excluded report • Error Counts on Summary Reports • We are still reporting the counts are off (Bug 2385) • “Modified Date” in Cognos is when the programmer last updated the code that runs the report and nothing to do with the date an individual submitted the file. 47

  48. HQOS • “No Broken Rules Found” Use Message Board to communicate HOUSSE RUBRIC NOT POPULATING 48

  49. Special Education Technical Assistance Helpful Hints If you have any questions or need assistance, please email the Data Pipeline Support Team Email: datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us Additionally please email the data team. Gleason_k@cde.state.co.us; Heitman_l@cde.state.co.us; Bolger_o@cde.state.co.us; Baca_k@cde.state.co.us ; Vargas_S@cde.state.co.us In the subject line please provide the Administrative Unit Number and the District Code if applicable as well as the subject of your email. Please do not leave the same voice mail to more than one person or separate emails. We will respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible. Thank you 49

  50. Contact Information • DataPipeline.Support@cde.state.co.us – New method for us to better meet and record LEA needs • Kristi Gleason 303-866-4620 – gleason_k@cde.state.co.us • Lindsey Heitman 303-866-5759 – heitman@cde.state.co.us • Orla Bolger 303-866-6296 – bolger_o@cde.state.co.us • Kathy Baca 303-866-6989 - baca_k@cde.state.co.us • Sonia Vargas 303-866-6649 – vargas_s@cde.state.co.us 50

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