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WebTV for Schools: Enhancing Student Learning

Ensure effective project management, develop pedagogical framework, create Web TV platform, pilot application in school environment to enhance student learning through collaboration and innovative technology.

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WebTV for Schools: Enhancing Student Learning

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  1. WebTV for Schools TV programme for students by students on the Web PLANNING OF ACTIVITIES

  2. WP 1 Project’s management

  3. WP 1 Project’s management An effective project management system requires effective decision-making, operational internal communication, and development of solid breakdown structures, schedules, costs and resource plans, effective administrative and technical control of the project. All the above-mentioned factors are given the appropriate weight throughout the Web TV for schools project, in order to fulfil the very demanding task of the development of the Web TV for schools learning environment. Two collaboration meetings have been foreseen, one in the beginning of the first year (planning) and one in the beginning of the second year of the project’s run (assessment and further planning).

  4. WP 2 Development of the pedagogical framework

  5. WP 2 Development of the pedagogical framework Initially the appropriate pedagogical approach will be developed (Activity 2.1). Then, the implementation parameters for the adoption of the activities of the project in classroom will be set (Activity 2.2) and the specific educational activities and broad categories of scenarios to be exploited by teachers will be prepared (Activity 2.3). Subjects such as History, Informatics, technology, Geography will be selected and specific lesson plans will be constructed for the smooth integration of the project’s activities in the school curriculum through these subjects. The project’s implementation in schools will start with a training workshop (Activity 2.4) for the teachers of the participating schools. Before the project’s implementation phase teachers’ online training seminars will be organized (Activity 2.5). They will provide the educators with the knowledge and skills needed for the implementation of the project’s activities in the classroom and the effective facing of elementary technology problems that might occur. An implementation guide will be published to serve as reference for teachers participating in the project, including the material taught at the seminars (Activity 2.6). After the first cycle of school centred work and according to the remarks made during the implementation, the didactical approach will be optimised (Activity 2.7).

  6. WP 3 Development of the Web TV for schools platform

  7. WP 3 Development of the Web TV for schools platform At the outset of the project the technical requirements for the project’s run will be determined (Activity 3.1). The main components of the Web TV platform will be developed, namely the Database, where the students’ emissions will be stored (Activity 3.2), the Uploading Interface (Activity 3.3), which will give to the students an easy way to upload their emissions to the Database, the Data Retrieval Tool (Activity 3.4), which will retrieve the emissions according the user’s request and the Web User Interface (Activity 3.5). The whole Web TV for schools platform will be integrated (Activity 3.6) tested during the two phases of school centred work and optimised (Activity 3.7). An on-line manual will be developed (Activity 3.8) to guide students through their work. The emissions will be both pre-created productions, uploaded on the Web TV platform letting the spectators see them when they are planned to be emitted, and real time emissions- such as a football game, or a school celebration emitted in real-time through the platform to any spectator interested to watch it. The advanced “plateau ” technology will also be used offering the spectators with the help of advanced elaboration montage techniques the possibility to actually follow a discussion between various people, who although located in different countries interact between them instantly and give the impression that they are in the very same television studio. This particular technique will also enable spectators to interfere to the discussion and interact with the platform.

  8. WP 4 Piloting the application

  9. WP 4 Piloting the application The piloting of the application will be done in two school-centered cycles in real school environments (Activities 4.1, 4.2). During the first period the partnership will test the technology, while during the second period the impact of the technological application to the students’ learning will be investigated. During these periods students will be asked to select scenarios from thematic fields that would interest their virtual classmates around Europe. Then they will start writing down the scenarios, shoot the videos exchanging views with their European classmates through videoconferences and via Bulletin Board, proceed with the montage and prepare the first version of the emissions. The emissions created by the groups of students will be diffused to the Web TV for schools platform where students from all the other schools will have the chance to view the creations of their classmates, comment them, etc. Their feedback will be sent back to their colleagues in order to let them prepare the final version of the emission. All schools participating in the project will follow such production procedures. The outcome of the students work will be a WebTV programme that will be presented on the Progress Web TV channel during the two cycles of the school centered work. The contents of the WebTV programme will be published in the WebTV magazines during the period of the project’s implementation in the schools (Activity 4.3). During the periods of the student-centered work both pedagogical and technical support will be provided to the teachers and the students (Activities 4.4, 4.5).

  10. WP 5 Evaluation

  11. WP 5 Evaluation The evaluation of the project will be based on two axes: the pedagogical framework and usability issues of the various components of the Web TV for schools platform. The research plan will be developed (Activity 5.1) and the evaluation instruments will be designed (Activity 5.2). The evaluation scheme will include both measurements (Activity 5.3) before, during and after the school-centered work and on field observations (Activity 5.4). The data will be statistically analyzed (Activity 5.5) and integrated (Activity 5.6). The evaluators will compose an evaluation report (Activity 5.7).

  12. WP 6 Dissemination

  13. WP 6 Dissemination The partnership has proved its capability of disseminating its activities to the broad public through well-established relationships with the Press and Media. After the definition of the users’ requirements and the technology assessment in the beginning of the project, an effective dissemination plan will be designed (Activity 6.1). All partners have accepted the responsibility to disseminate the project’s outcomes and activities to their countries. The dissemination plan will include the creation of the project’s Web site (Activity 6.2), the development of the guide of good practice (Activity 6.3), one of the major outcomes of the project, the development of the project’s CD-ROM (Activity 6.4), publications (Activity 6.5) presentations to conferences and workshops (Activity 6.6) and production and distribution of the project’s dissemination material (posters, leaflets) (Activity 6.7). Finally open day events (Activity 6.8) will be organized in the participating schools.

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