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S-TEAM MDU. Margareta Enghag Birgitta Norberg Brorson Susanne Engström Jutta Lesell. Main ideas for the TPD activities(1). (Schwille, Dembélé, & Schubert, 2007) “In contrast to one-shot workshops or top-down cascades training, effective professional development are characterized by
S-TEAM MDU Margareta Enghag Birgitta Norberg Brorson Susanne Engström Jutta Lesell S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Main ideas for the TPD activities(1) • (Schwille, Dembélé, & Schubert, 2007) • “In contrast to one-shot workshops or top-down cascades training, effective professional development are characterized by • Programs conducted in school settings and linked to school-wide efforts; • Teachers participating as helpers to each other and as planners with administrators, of in-service activities; • Emphasis on self-instruction with differentiated training opportunities; • Teachers in active roles, choosing goals and activities for themselves; • Emphasis on demonstration, supervised trials and feed-back; • Training that is concrete and ongoing over time; and • Ongoing assistance and support available upon request” S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Main ideas for the TPD activities(2) • To contribute to research informed TPD influenced by three main areas: • 1) Dialogic teaching ( Lemke,1990;Mercer ,1995; Mortimer & Scott ,2003; Alexander ,2004) • Education for Sustainable Development (Energy) (Hobson, 2006; SEET, 2008; Areskoug, 2006; Connecticut Energy Education, 2008;Andersson, 2001; Driver et al., 1985; Duit, 2007; Solomon, 1992 ;Kesidou & Duit, 1993; Solomon, 1992; Wiser & Amin, 2001;Solomon, 1992) • Writing in Science (Halliday and Martin, 1993; Wellington &Osborne, 2001;af Geijerstam ;2006; Knain, 2001, 2005, 2006) S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Dialogic Teaching and Communicative approaches The five principles for dialogic teaching (Alexander, 2006)which bring together the essential features of dialogic teaching in the classroom: Collective: teachers and children address learning tasks together, whether as a group or as a class, rather than in isolation; Reciprocal: teachers and children listen to each other, share idea and consider alternative viewpoints; Supportive: children articulate their ideas freely, without fear of embarrassment over ‘wrong’ answers; and they help each other to reach common understandings; Cumulative: teachers and children build on their own and each others’ ideas and chain them into coherent lines of thinking and enquiry; Purposeful: teachers plan and facilitate dialogic teaching with particular educational goals in view. Mortimer & Scott model of communicative approaches with four categories; interactive/authoritative, interactive/dialogic, non-interactive/dialogic, non-interactive/authoritative. S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Non-interactive Interactive Focus on science view (Authoritative) Taking account of pupils’ understanding (Dialogic) Communicative approaches Presentation Q & A Presentation ‘lecture’ Probing Elaborating Supporting Review Mortimer, E. F., & Scott, P. H. (2003). Meaning Making in Secondary Science Classrooms Buckingham, UK: Open University Press. S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Education for Sustainable Development (Energy) Education for sustainable development aims to help people to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge to make informed decisions for the benefit of themselves and others, now and in the future, and to act upon these decisions. The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), for which UNESCO is the lead agency, seeks to integrate the principles, values, and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning, in order to address the social, economic, cultural and environmental problems we face in the 21st century. See http://www.unesco.org/en/esd/ S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Writing in Science 1. Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Various writing to learn strategies are focused upon, which can be used regardless of the specific subject. Spontaneous writing and writing to explore are used to help the pupils “make the subject their own” ,as in log-books and in various short texts in which the pupils become aware of what they know and do not know. In this kind of writing the pupils do not write to communicate something to another reader other than themselves and hence there are no specific requirements on correct spelling, sentence structure etcetera. 2.Writing in the Disciplines (WID) In Writing in the Disciplines the concepts, terminology and the specific requirements of each individual subject are stressed. During instruction the use of text strategies such as argumentation, information and instruction are important in teaching the pupils the language and ways of writing in various subjects. This kind of writing requires that the teachers of science know of the genres of their own subjects. S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Dissimenation • RUC – Regional Development Centre • - Seminairs with presentations 4 times in May 2009, November 2009 • NTA – Science for All • - Seminairs with presentations 3 times in August(2009) in NTA Education workshops • Comenius Regio Partnership • Collaboration partners within a UK- Swedish Partnership project building on shared resorces and shadow teaching One visit to each country during 2009, wiki • Presentation of S-TEAM in national contexts, • FND Swedish Science Research Association • National Workshop • Developing collaboration with National Resource Centre for Physics and Chemistry S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Schools and teachers involved Rönnbyskolan is a comprehensive school in Västerås for children/pupils between 6 and 16 years old. Currently, the school has about 510 children/pupils The school is well-known to be progressive, working with education for sustainable development and thematic work. They change theme each semester, and use the same theme in all grades. They develop their own schedule, and much responsibility is given to the teachers. The pupils are from an area with Swedish as the mother-tongue, and there are no social problems. Hällbyskolan is a primary school in Västerås. There are about 280 children between 6 and 12 years old. The school is located in an immigrant area where as much as 75 % of the pupils have Swedish as a second language. As many of the pupils have a migrant background the school has worked out a profile where film, drawing and music are important elements, which give the pupils the opportunity to express themselves in many alternative ways, and not only in words. Every year a musical is created in cooperation with the music teacher, a drama pedagogue, the teachers of other subjects and the pupils. S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Training model: phase1 S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Training model: phase2 S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Criteria for analyses:IBST/L • APPROACH - Teaching science for all • science as such, scientific inquiry and method, scientific history, modeling, science in society • A shift from teaching Science for future scientists to teaching Science for all • A shift from Science education about what we know to a science education teaching science as a way of knowing. Teaching should not be only on what we know but also how we know it. • From an image of science education that emphasizes content and process goals to a science education that stresses goals and examines the relationship between evidence and explanations. • From individual science lessons that demonstrate concepts to lesson sequences that promote reasoning with and about concepts. • From the study of Science topics that examine current scientific thinking without regard for social context to a study of science in social contexts. • From a view of science that emphasizes observation and experimentation to a view that stresses theory, model building and revision S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Criteria for analyses (EDS, wwf) APPROACH – Holistic contexts and instructional methods: reflection –experience – debate- participation Finding preconceptions and children experiences by letting them write, draw, asking them for their views. Supporting holistic views and systems. Asking children to reflect over energy fluxes, water cycling, natural and technical systems. Taking into consideration etichal and human issues. Discussing and compare different perspectives of phenomena. The student trains a democratic approach by group work, collaboration, value-based workshops. The student is asked for her/his views of an issue, for example a socio scientific issue. The students meet learning environments out-side school. Field trips, study visits, inviting organizations, specialists, parents to school S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Criteria for analyses:Science Writing The following questions are of interest to be answered from the analysis: Is WAC or WID used or both? Is the writing assignment about finding correct answers in a text book? Is the writing assignment about filling in single words? Is the writing assignment about the reporting of facts and the pupils having to write full sentences? Is the writing assignment about finding good arguments supported by facts and reported in full sentences? To what extent does the writing assignment require that the pupils use specific concepts? S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Video-graph and SPSS S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Reporting to the teachers Fältanteckningar Hällbyskolan 2009-10-09 Lektion Energianvändning –elektricitet 8.10-9.35 Lektionen börjar med att eleverna ska erinra sig filmen om SKURT, som de såg dagen tidigare 8.09 L: Blunda och tänk...vad var det ...var det något ni inte förstod? Tänk....tänk så det knakar. Vi börjar med Soli. S: Vattenkraft L: Vad var så speciellt? E: Dom pratade E: xxx L: Vad betyder tillverka el? Tillverka.....hur el blir till. E: xxx L: Vattenkraft, elkraft S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Teaching sequences or part of TS A teaching sequence (TS) or part of TS in Energy grade 5 -6. A teaching sequence (TS) or part of TS in Energy and Electricity grade 5 -6. A teaching sequence (TS) or part of TS in the Water Cycle grade 5 -6. A teaching sequence (TS) or part of TS in Transports and Forces grade 9. If we have the opportunity, by choosing new teachers, we will try to get links from grade 5-6 to grade 7-9 within these areas. S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Finding best practice for a DVD? S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Findings so far...a bit problematic • Hällbyskolan teachers without science education : • Teachers design holistic lessons sequence from energy to elecricity, dependent on textbooks or free teaching materials provided from out-side org. • They are not able to answer the pupils questions • They learn together with the pupils • No practical work what so ever • They are eager to get new lesson materials new ideas • They are very afraid to teach science • Easy to influence • With science education • No context, no links to society – ok making flashlights • Very much procedural instructions • Very much control • Much practical work • Freedom for pupils to make teacher-led investigations • Pupils happy with practical work S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Collaboration with Leeds and Jyväskylä We will also use the teaching sequence developed from Leeds and Jyväskylä, and try to present them for teachers to evaluate. We also hope for our teaching sequences to be evaluated or discussed by English and Finnish teachers. S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Reflections after the first year... • Very interesting and fruitful regional work – but we now are in a situation when we cannot live up to expectations to work with more schools – do have to provide schools with workshops despite our main ideas • How will it be possible to collaborate with each others??? • No information available or contact with others – how do others work? • Finally writing for the book turned out to help us with our research ideas • We need tecnical resources, budget changes? • We can report a lot of interesting spin-off effcts from our work ( invitation to take part in NTA –board, to work in other communities, sharing data with other research projects etc) S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Swedish Science Education Issues • In Summmary: • 50% of the lessons in the compulsory school are taught by teachers that are not qualified officially to teach math and science subjects. • In-service training – 2007 plan for teachers called “lärar-lyft” (1 billion per year). Will continue to 2011. • Good to discuss TPD from 2012 – perhaps with more emphasis on qualification for teachers without proper qualifications. • More accountability in the form of testing – grades 3. Especially interested in science. • National school inspectorate – more money to look at the quality of schooling. • New syllabus in all subjects. Implementation in 2010. S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010
Content of the presentation • Swedish Science Education Issues • Main ideas for the TPD activities • Dissimenation activities – partners to work with • RUC • NTA • Comenius Regio Partnership • Schools involved • Training model to be developed, phase 1 and phase 2 • Teaching sequences or part of TS • Finding best practice and catch it for a DVD • Collaboration with with Leeds and Jyväskylä • Other deliveries – • Reflections after the first year... S-TEAM MDU Nottingham 8-10 Jan 2010