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Weathers, Rice, & Tofts, Kinnane, and Haig: I Owe the Discovery of This Image to a student and a photocopier: ( http://researchbank.swinburne.edu.au/vital/access/manager/Repository/swin:6523 )
Weathers, Rice, & Tofts, Kinnane, and Haig: I Owe the Discovery of This Image to a student and a photocopier: (http://researchbank.swinburne.edu.au/vital/access/manager/Repository/swin:6523) Listing Fragments Cookbook Hypertext English A English <A> Sign post TerrainStraight-lineTechnique Grammar A motif Repetitions/Repetends/Refrains DISPARATE Repetitions/Repetends/Refrains Literary Forms Stuart SelbercoherenceGrammar B Jeffery Rice synchronicity juxtaposition Paratactic Text WinstonWeathers Tofts, Kinnane & Haig Double VoiceParallel Passages D I M E N S I O N IndividualistAlternateSocially Collage-Montage Traditional Multi-genre Multi-modalMulti-style That’s aCrot Block Writing & Aphorisms White SpaceInstitutional Space Keywords rhetoric & CompositionT e x t u r e L a b y r i n t h i n e S e n t e n c e s EMU EngL 516 Blogging Discussion Lead Presentations Learning Inventory Digital Writing Technology Public Rice’s >English A and Weather’s Grammar B
Even Better the second day • Practice
Leftovers meets recycling • Builder’s rule