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EDUCATION SYSTEM IN TURKEY. Turkish Training System Steps. AGE PERIOD (YEARS) Pre-School 3-5 2
EDUCATION SYSTEM IN TURKEY Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
Turkish Training System Steps AGE PERIOD (YEARS) • Pre-School 3-5 2 • Primary School 6-9 4 • Secondary School 10-13 4 • High School 14-18 4 • University 18 and above 2 - 4 - 6 Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
The size of the educating system with numbers in Turkey According to data from the year 2014-2015 Including public and private schools Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
Turkish Training System Flow Diagram PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
TurkishNationalEducationSystem has twomainparts: (1)FormalEducation: (regulareducationprovided in formalschools) Pre-schooleducation Primaryeducation Secondaryeducation Highereducation (2) Non-formalEducation: (alleducationalandtrainingactivitiesorganizedexceptfromformaltraining) Publictraining Apprenticeshiptraining Distanceeducation CertificatetrainingsprovidedbyNGOs Trainingprovidedbyotherinstitutions / organisationssuch as İSKUR andmunicipalities Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
Primary, secondaryandhighschooleducation is compulsory for all children in Turkeyand free of charge in state schools. Turkish highschool educations aimsaregeneral or specific areas trainings of students between the ages of 14-18. Highschoolpreparesstudentstotheprofessionsandhighereducationaccordingtotheirtrendsandabilities. Higher education is divided into two according to the difficulty.1-Faculty (college)= 4 yearseducation (somefaculties 5-6 years)2-Academy = 2 yearseducation. Ifstudentsgraduatedfromvocationalhighschool, they can passtotheacademy (2 years) directlywith no general exam. Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
Types of high school of Turkey • P.S. • General contentandvocationalhighschoolsclass 9 aremutual. • General contentHighschools • VocationalHighSchools • PolicetrainingHighSchools • MilitaryHighSchools • TeachertrainingHighSchools • FineartsHighSchools • PreachertrainingHighSchools Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
There are 23 Types of vocational high schools (VHS) • P.S. Guiding on VET starts in class 8 • Industrial VHS • Journalism VHS • ConstructionVHS • Chemistry VHS • MeteorologyVHS • EngineVHS • TekstileVHS • AgricultureVHS • Woodand metal technologiesVHS • NavigationsandwaterproductsVHS • ShipbuildingVHS • PrintingpressVHS • OrthopedicallyhandicappedVHS • ClothingandleatherVHS • FashiondesignVHS • CeramicVHS • OrnamentalplantsVHS • TailoringVHS • Office managementandsecretarialVHS • TraditionalturkishartsVHS • İnteriordesignandRestorationVHS • HairdressingVHS Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
There are 53 types of Vocation Education fields Hydraulic Pneumatic Technology *Construction Technology Fire Fighting and Fire Safety Mold Chemical Technology Accommodation and Travel Services Jewelery Technology Laboratory Services *Machine Technology *Printing Field Mechatronics Field *Metal Technology Metallurgical Field Meteorology *Furniture and Decoration Motor Vehicle Technology Accounting and Finance Making Musical Instruments Automatic Control • P.S. Whenstudentspassedtotheclass 10, theychoose a fieldaccordingtothetheirclass 9 pointsaverege. Wood Technologies Footwear and leather goods Gardening Computerized numerical control (CNC) *Information Technologies (IT) Biomedical device Technologies Office management and secretarial Child development and education Navigation Crafts technologies *Electricity electronics technologies Industrial Automation technologies Ship building Food technologies Clothing Production Technology Graphic and photo Beautyand Hair Care Services Mapping of Land Cadastre Animal Health Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
Modular system is used as a method of vocational education in high schools. Whenstudentscometothefourth (last) class at highschool, they work in private or state-owned firmsfor 3 days of theweek (internshiptraining). Theycontinuetheirlessons at theirschoolother 2 days. Every week, a vocational teachervisitstofirmwheresomestudentsworkforandchecksdevelopment of thestudents. Afterwardsteachersreportsituationtotheschooladministrationwith a documenteveryweek. Students prepare an internship filefortheir work. This file is evaluated for each period with a mark. This mark is included in the student's general grade point average. Studentsearn %30 of theformal minimum salaryfromtheirfirms . Studentshealthinsurances is paidbythestate. Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
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