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3671: Multi-wavelength Astronomy

3671: Multi-wavelength Astronomy. Dr. Matthew Burleigh. www.star.le.ac.uk/~mbu. The Electro-magnetic Spectrum. 100MeV 100keV 0.1keV 1000A 5000A 1micron 1cm 100m. Gamma Ray Xray EUV UV Optical IR Micro-wave Radio.

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3671: Multi-wavelength Astronomy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 3671: Multi-wavelength Astronomy Dr. Matthew Burleigh www.star.le.ac.uk/~mbu

  2. The Electro-magnetic Spectrum 100MeV 100keV 0.1keV 1000A 5000A 1micron 1cm 100m Gamma Ray Xray EUV UV Optical IR Micro-wave Radio http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l1/emspectrum.html

  3. Multi-wavelength Astronomy

  4. Wavelength scales • Rather annoyingly, astronomers use a variety of wavelength scales depending on the waveband involved (see diagram on last slide) • Radio astronomers use m and cm • Infra-red astronomers use microns • Optical and UV astronomers use Angstroms or nano-meters • X-ray and gamma ray observers switch to an energy scale, i.e. in electron-Volts

  5. Conversion factors • E = hn = hc/l in Joules • 1eV = 1.6x10-19J • Wavelength l in Angstroms -> Energy in keV • keV = 12.4/l • 1Angstrom = 10-10m • 1 nm = 10-9m • 1mm (micron) = 10-6m = 10,000A • Point at which optical becomes infra-red!

  6. What is multi-wavelength astronomy? • Astronomers used to think of themselves as either ‘optical’, ‘radio’, ‘IR’ or ‘Xray’ • But modern astrophysics requires studying an object across the whole EM spectrum • Different physical processes can be studied at different wavelengths • Xray, gamma ray and radio astronomers need to identify their sources with optical counterparts http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l1/multiwavelength.html

  7. The Milky Way: Optical Stars, Dust lanes

  8. The Milky Way: IR See through dust

  9. The Milky Way: Xray Hot gas

  10. Andromeda (M31): Optical

  11. Andromeda (M31): IR Star forming regions in spiral arms

  12. Andromeda (M31): UV Young, hot stars in spiral arms

  13. Andromeda (M31): Xray Xray binaries, supernova remnants, hot gas

  14. Orion in the optical and xrays Optical Xrays

  15. Multi-wavelength study of Xray sources

  16. Binary stars: Sirius A & B Chandra: Xrays Optical photograph

  17. Binary white dwarfs revealed in the ultra-violet HST Optical UV: white dwarf companion (star Ab)

  18. Brown dwarfs & extra-solar planets in the infra-red HST IR image Gl 229: Red dwarf + brown dwarf companion

  19. Brown dwarfs & extra-solar planets in the infra-red J band (IR) image from Gemini North of a nearby white dwarf Estimate a 10Mjup planet would have a magnitude of J~20.5

  20. Effect of atmosphere

  21. Effect of atmosphere

  22. Types of observation • Photometry – the brightness of an object in a certain waveband • Time-resolved photometry -

  23. Types of observation • Spectroscopy - http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/how_l1/analysis.html

  24. Course Outline • Overview: Today • The electro-magnetic spectrum • What is multi-wavelength astronomy? • Observing at different wavelengths

  25. Course Outline • Basic physical processes: Tomorrow • Attenuation of radiation by matter • (important to IR, UV and X-ray) • BB radiation • (how to decide which waveband to observe in) • Emission processes

  26. Optical astronomy • Telescopes • Modern telescope design • Diffraction limit, resolution • Seeing • Adaptive optics • Detectors • CCDs

  27. Optical astronomy • Techniques • Spectroscopy: grating equation, resolution • Imaging: magnitude system, filters, colour

  28. Infra-red Astronomy • Infra-red • Absorption by and emission from dust • Interstellar reddening • Detectors, telescopes and satellite missions

  29. Ultraviolet Astronomy • Ultraviolet • Satellite Missions • Interstellar absorption • Curve of growth

  30. Radio Astronomy • Radio astronomy • Differences between optical and radio • The radio telescope • Interferometers • Examples: Pulsars, radio galaxies, neutral H

  31. The High-Energy Universe • X-ray astronomy • History • X-ray detectors • Absorption processes • X-ray emitting objects • Accretion onto compact objects • Black holes and the Eddington luminosity

  32. Complimentary courses • 4326 Interaction radiation/matter – Wynn • 3611.2 Galaxies – O’Brien • 3611.1 Active Galaxies – Stewart • 3631.2 Interstellar Medium - Jameson • 3631.1 Binary stars – Wynn • 3677 Life in the Universe – Raine/Sims/Burleigh • 4424 High Energy Astrophysics – Ward/Watson

  33. Thursdays 10.30am LRB Fridays 1.30pm LRB Lecture timetable 3rd Yr Support course TBD

  34. Books • Modern Astrophysics – Carroll & Ostlie • High Energy Astrophysics – Longair (Cambridge University Press) ISBN 0-521-38873-6 • Active Galactic Nuclei – Robson (Wiley)ISBN 0-471-96050-0 • Active Galactic Nuclei – Peterson (Cambridge University Press) ISBN 0-521-47911-8 • Observational Astronomy - Kitchin

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