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LYM. League of Young Masters. Presents. H 5 N 1. 1- Veterinary’s point of view 2- Agriculturist’s Point of view 3- Pharmacist’s Point of View. Chronology of H 5 N 1. Hong Kong 1997 ? Before 1997 Birds only (that was wrong!!!).

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  1. LYM League of Young Masters Presents

  2. H5N1 1- Veterinary’s point of view 2- Agriculturist’s Point of view 3- Pharmacist’s Point of View

  3. Chronology of H5N1 • Hong Kong 1997 ? • Before 1997 Birds only (that was wrong!!!). • Why? Outbreak 18 hospitalized 6 died Subsequently 1.5 millions chickens killed. • In 1878, firstly recorded in Italy [fowl plague]. • USA 1924 – 1925 1929. • 1955 [fowl plague] determined one of influenza virus. • H5N1 avian influenza: Timeline of major events

  4. H5N1 Veterinary’s point of view

  5. Main points :- • Hint about Influenza viruses. • The simplified Structure of Influenza viruses. • What are mechanisms of antigenic variation of H5N1? • What is the problem of detection of the virus? • Transmission. • Clinical features.

  6. Hint about the Influenza viruses. • The Major influenza pandemic antigenic subtypes. • Classification of Influenza viruses • Influenza A Virus. • 1.Human 2.Animal 3.Avian • Equine Swine • (H7N7,H3N8) (H1N1) • Influenza B virus. • Influenza C virus. Only Human

  7. The simplified Structure of the virus. HA - Haemagglutinin • Neuclic acid. • Capsid. • Envelope. • a)Haemagglutinin. • b)Neuraminidase. H5N1 as seen under E.M NA - Neuraminidase Helical neucleocapsid (RNA PLUS NP protein) Lipid bilayer membrane Polymerase (3 proteins) M1 Protein

  8. What are mechanisms of antigenic variation of H5N1? • Antigenic drift. • Antigenic shift. Infection Immune response Point mutation Little change in antigenic structure • Example of genetic reassortment Accumulation of point mutation over (10-20) years Major change in antigenic structure H1N1 + H2N2H1N2 + H2N1 2 Antigenic different I.V infect the same cell Genetic shift Genetic reassortment Evolution of new subtype

  9. What is the problem of detection of the virus ? • The mutation Influenza viruses are inherently unstable. As these viruses lack a genetic proof-reading mechanism, small errors that occur when the virus copies itself go undetected and uncorrected.

  10. Transmission • Infection • The cycle of the virus H.A of human I.V.A Receptor in the body H subtype of A.I.A.V Another receptor Man Combination Infection Intermediate Host Infected droplets may settle on conjunctival, nasopharyngeal or other respiratory mucosal epithelium. The respiratory epithelium of pigs contains the receptors of the human virus and avian virus, so pigs can be infected by both human and avian influenza viruses. Reservoir

  11. Clinical features. • Incubation • Initial symptoms • Clinical course • Mortality

  12. H5N1 Agriculturist’s Point of view

  13. استثمارات الدواجن قبل انتشار الفيروس • كانت استثمارات الدواجن فى مصر حوالى 17 مليار جنيه . • وقلت هذه النسبة بسبب تضرر وإغلاق المزارع الصغيرة . • وكان يعمل فى الدواجن حوالى 2 مليون فرد بطريقة مباشرة ويعمل بها بطريقة غير مباشرة حوالى ربع مليون فرد . • وكان يعتمد معظم سكان مصر على لحوم الدواجن لانها رخيصة الثمن نسبيا بالمقارنة باللحوم الحمراء وايضا لان نسبة صافى لحوم الدواجن حوالى 75% واللحوم الحمراء حوالى 55% .

  14. تورم الوجه اعراض الاصابة على الدجاج • ورم فى الوجه والعرف . • اعراض عصبية على الدجاج . • صعوبة التنفس . • أحتقان و بقع دمويه بالمفاصل . • بينما فى البط والاوز لا يظهر المرض بشكل واضح .

  15. تاثير الفيروس على الدجاج وانتاج البيض • الدجاج المصاب بانفلونزا الطيور لا يضع البيض لان الدجاجة عادة تمتنع عن وضع البيض . • الفيروس لا ينتقل من الدجاجة الى البيضة او الى الكتكوت اذا كانت البيضة مخصبة .

  16. كيف يصاب الانسان بالعدوى ؟ يعتبر التعامل المباشر مع المباشر مع الطيور المصابة او الاسطح الملوثة بذرقها السبب الرئيسى لاصابة الانسان بالعدوى . جهل المناطق الريفية بضرورة النظافة الصحية . تربية قطعان الخنازير مع الدواجن المصابة من الاسباب الرئيسية للاصابة .

  17. اجراءات خاطئة فى معاملة لحوم الدواجن فى مصر • عند انتشار العدوى تم اطلاق الكتاكيت الصغيرة باعداد كبيرة فى الشوارع وعلى الطرق الزراعية . • عند ذبح الدواجن يتم وضعها فى اناء التنظيف المملوء بالمياة المغلية .

  18. مدى مأمونية لحوم الدواجن ومشتقاتها • ان لحوم الدواجن ومشتقاتها امنه جدا ويرى انه ينبغى الاخذ ببعض الاحتياطات فى البلاد التى تشهد حاليا اصابات من المرض اما فى المناطق الخالية من المرض فيمكن تحضير لحوم الدواجن ومشتقاتها وطهيها كالعادة .

  19. H5N1 Pharmacist’s Point of View

  20. Symptoms and signs • cold-like symptoms fever, cough, sore throat and myalgia • conjunctivitis • Pneumonia with acute respiratory distress • Gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea

  21. Investigations • direct culture • reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis • Serum antibody analysis

  22. Treating affected individuals • anti-viral agents • amantadine • rimantadine • oseltamavir • Zanamivir • Supportive therapy: oxygen, artificial ventilation , IV fluids& antibiotics

  23. Flu virus with Neuraminidase inhibition Flu Virus Neuraminidase Protein)) Oseltamivir • As the flu multiplies, neuraminidase enables it to move on and infect other host cells (left). When you inhibit neuraminidase (right), the flu can't escape from its host cell, which prevents it from spreading.

  24. Is there a vaccine against bird flu? • Clinical trials are underway to test a vaccine that has been made against the H5N1 strain of influenza A virus. However, if a virus emerges to produce a flu pandemic, it will be a mutation from the H5N1 strain. So, it will be a slightly different strain. • If a new virus does emerge, then as soon as it is identified scientists will try to develop a specific vaccine as soon as possible.

  25. Side effects • Additional adverse events in <1% for treatment included unstable angina, anemia, pseudomembranous colitis& humerus fracture. • Taking oseltamivir with food may reduce the potential for these side effects. Other less common side effects may include bronchitis, sleeplessness and vertigo. • mild-to-moderate nausea or vomiting in one out of 10 people • diarrhea • bronchitis • abdominal pain • dizziness • headache • cough • insomnia & vertigo ( reported in few cases )

  26. What is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announcing? • FDA is announcing the licensure of the first vaccine in the United States for humans against the H5N1 influenza virus, commonly referred to as avian influenza or "bird flu."

  27. FDA Approves First U.S. Vaccine for Humans Against the Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 • Proper Name: Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1. • Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur Inc, License #1725 . • Date: April 17, 2007. • Indication: For active immunization of persons 18 through 64 years of age at increased risk of exposure to the H5N1 influenza virus subtype contained in the vaccine. • Type of Vaccine: Inactivated influenza virus vaccine.

  28. First vaccine in the United States for humans against the H5N1 • Of the various doses tested, the study showed that the 90 microgram dose had the better immune response, meaning that at this particular dose, the vaccine induced the most antibodies in the blood against the H5N1 influenza virus strain. The 90 microgram two-dose regimen produced levels of antibodies expected to reduce the risk of getting H5N1 influenza in 45% of those who received it.

  29. Will the vaccine be available to anyone who wants it? • No,the manufacturer has stated that the vaccine won't be available to the public commercially. It has been purchased by the federal government for inclusion within the country's National Stockpile, for distribution by the Department of Health and Human Services in case it is ever needed.

  30. Bush Outlines Strategy to Combat Bird Flu • White House • 01 November 2005 • President Bush is asking the U.S. Congress to spend more than $7 billion to help prepare for a possible bird flu pandemic.

  31. What can I do to avoid catching bird flu from a bird? • avoid places such as chicken farms and bird markets where live birds are kept (Srtict hyegienic measures to be followed) • regular hand washing. • avoid eating raw eggs. • make sure poultry such as chicken is cooked thoroughly.

  32. Cast • Ahmed Fathy • Ahmed Rabey • Amr Tawfik • Muhamed Shady • Osama Moharakm • Rowan Mohamed • Sami Zaky • Shihab El-Din Magdi ٍٍٍ • References • www.fao.org • www.who.org • Scientific Seminar in the faculty of Agriculture • Stuff members of Poultry diseases • And microbiology in faculty of veterinary medicine • Public health institute • Direct Links • http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/en/index.html • http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/country/cases_table_2006_03_06/en/index.html • Special thanks to • Ass Prof :Ashraf El Sharaby • Ass Prof : Hany El Lakany • Prof Dr : Samy Khalil Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Veterinary medicine Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture We hope you could understand And thank you for listening…

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