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Civic Engagement : Encouraging Civic Engagement in Our Students. David Morse English Faculty, Long Beach City College Reid Milburn President, Student Senate for CCC Dennis Gervin VP Student Learning, Columbia College. Civic Engagement. Civic Engagement… what does it mean?
Civic Engagement:Encouraging Civic Engagementin Our Students David Morse English Faculty, Long Beach City College Reid Milburn President, Student Senate for CCC Dennis Gervin VP Student Learning, Columbia College
Civic Engagement • Civic Engagement… what does it mean? • How this Breakout Session Evolved • Senate Resolutions
Civic Engagement Defined? “It is the State which educates its citizens in civic virtue, gives them a consciousness of their mission and welds them into unity.” Benito Mussolini
Civic Engagement: Defined? • Coalition for Civic Engagement and Leadership: University of Maryland Civic engagement is acting upon a heightened sense of responsibility to one’s communities. This includes a wide range of activities, including developing civic sensitivity, participation in building civil society, and benefiting the common good. Civic engagement encompasses the notions of global citizenship and interdependence. Through civic engagement, individuals—as citizens of their communities, their nations, and the world—are empowered as agents of positive social change for a more democratic world. Civic engagement involves one or more of the following: * Learning from others, self, and environment to develop informed perspectives on social issues; * Recognizing and appreciating human diversity and commonality; * Behaving, and working through controversy, with civility; * Taking an active role in the political process; * Participating actively in public life, public problem solving, and community service; * Assuming leadership and membership roles in organizations; * Developing empathy, ethics, values, and sense of social responsibility; * Promoting social justice locally and globally.
Civic Engagement Defined? From New York Times: Excerpts from Civic Responsibility and Higher Education, edited by Thomas Ehrlich, published by Oryx Press, 2000. Civic engagement means working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes. • http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/collegespecial2/coll_aascu_defi.html
Civic Engagement 9.02 F 00 Academic Credit for Student Governance ParticipationBarbara Sawyer, Diablo Valley College, Curriculum Committee Whereas, student senate leaders invest many hours representing students in governance structures at all California community colleges; and Whereas, such service is an important educational experience and valuable preparation for citizenship in the wider community; and Whereas, The California Student Association of Community Colleges (CalSACC) supports the establishment of academic credit courses to enhance the student leadership experience; and Whereas, such courses could provide a valuable vehicle to encourage students to participate in a full range of co-curricular activities central to fulfilling a college experience; Resolved, that the Academic Senate work with CalSACC to explore ways to encourage colleges to establish faculty-taught courses that instruct students in principles of effective governance, and Resolved, that the Academic Senate report on the findings with recommendations relevant to the establishment of academic courses to be communicated to all local senates.
Civic Engagement • 9.06 Global EducationMark Snowhite, Crafton Hills College, Spring 2001 Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has endorsed the values of global education adopted by the Global Education Network Task Force (Spring 1999); Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has participated in the Global Education Work Group; and Whereas, The statement of principles and purposes is consistent with the values and interests of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges; Resolved, That the Academic Senate recognize the following purposes and principles of Global Education. · Prepares students to be globally literate and to fully participate in a global environment of great cultural, economic and linguistic diversity. · Increases the number of "globally competent" students completing undergraduate studies or entering the workforce. · Promotes the inclusion of an international and intercultural perspective across the curriculum (academic/vocational and technical education), methods of instructional delivery, and student support structures, and in professional development activities. · Effectively integrates immigrants into the economy and civic life. · Provides a framework for developing cooperative agreements and faculty and student exchanges with foreign educational institutions.
Civic Engagement • 9.04 Incorporating Civic Engagement in CurriculumJon Drinnon, Merritt College, Fall 2009Whereas, Student activism in civic activities can play a major role in the development of students into well-rounded citizens;Resolved, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates to work with their faculty and local student leaders to identify means of incorporating civic engagement in curriculum and assignments.
Civic Engagement • Issues that inhibit student participation • Time and family demands • Courseload demands • Financial Resources • Transportation • Lack of awareness of opportunities • Lack of understanding of the importance of the students’ voice
Civic Engagement • Statewide Involvement • Encourage participation in organizations such as the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) and the state-wide Academic Senate • The guiding vision of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges is to communicate a unified student perspective to relevant constituent groups and elected officials in all matters directly affecting California Community College students.
Civic Engagement • Statewide Involvement • Create opportunities for partnerships of students and faculty • Encourage attendance of events such as the student General Assemblies and the faculty Plenary Sessions • Highlight the benefits of unified advocacy efforts • Participate in activities on and off campus featuring members of the legislature • Share information: provide links and resources to state-wide activities
Civic Engagement Local Examples: Columbia College • From Columbia College Vision Statement: Columbia College will be a center for transformational learning promoted through critical and creative thinking that is open to change and personal growth; civic, environmental, and global awareness and engagement; and individual and collective responsibility. We will promote a culture of support for student learning across the institution that adopts a holistic approach. • From Columbia College Core Values: Civic Awareness: We value civic and global awareness. We promote the understanding and betterment of our planet by engaging our community.
Civic Engagement Local Examples: Modesto Junior College • The purpose of the MJC Civic Engagement Project is to promote responsible social stewardship as a primary value in higher education. The program is a joint venture between the Yosemite Community College District, Associated Students (ASMJC) and the League of Women Voters of Modesto. The project has four areas of interest: • Film and Lecture • Environmental (Project Green) • Multicultural Education • Voter Education
Civic Engagement Local Examples: Long Beach City College Long Beach Community Studies Project http://longbeachstudies.lbcc.edu “To prepare students for the world they will enter as adults, the faculty felt it was essential that students develop an awareness of the communities of which they are a part. Teaching and applying research skills on topics of pressing concern proves to be a promising vehicle for making students into engaged, informed local, national, and global citizens.”
Civic Engagement Local Examples: Long Beach City College “Long Beach City College has moved steadily toward a community studies project focused on the city and community of Long Beach. Beginning in 2002, faculty from the humanities and social sciences has sought to engage students in activist politics. Next, a faculty member from the anthropology department engaged students in quality of life assessments focused on Long Beach, which has been on going. Finally, members of the Department of History linked with a Federal Agency to undertake research into the history of the city. The sum total of these efforts produced a Long Beach Community Studies Project in fall 2006.”
Civic Engagement Local Examples: Long Beach City College The project’s contributors have included professors of history, geography, sociology, anthropology, and economics who have connected the content of their courses to community research and activities outside the classroom. Various external agencies in Long Beach have worked cooperatively with the project, including the Long Beach ACLU, LB Public Health Department, Public Housing Department, LB Unified School District, Port of Long Beach, and LB Police Department Commission.
Civic Engagement • Additional Methods of Encouraging Local Involvement • Disseminating information in class about opportunities • Classroom assignments, such as research projects, to foster awareness • Credit toward grade or extra credit for volunteer or service activities
Civic Engagement: Discussion "Never doubt that a small group of dedicated people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead
Civic Engagement: Contact Information • Dennis Gervin, VP Student Learning, Columbia College • GervinD@Yosemite.edu • President Reid E. Milburn • Reid.Milburn@gmail.com • www.StudentSenateCCC.org • David Morse, ASCCC South Representative • dmorse@lbcc.edu