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Grade 10 Objective 1

Grade 10 Objective 1. 1 All of these procedures should be followed for lab safety except — A immediately reporting all dangerous activity B wearing gloves when necessary C using eye protection as needed D putting used chemicals back in the original containers.

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Grade 10 Objective 1

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  1. Grade 10 Objective 1

  2. 1 All of these procedures should be followed for lab safety except — A immediately reporting all dangerous activity B wearing gloves when necessary C using eye protection as needed D putting used chemicals back in the original containers

  3. 2 The reason for wafting or fanning a small amount of chemical vapors toward the nose as a means to detect odors in a test tube is to — A avoid experimental error from excessive loss of mass of reactants or products B avoid splashing chemicals into the face of any person C protect the respiratory tract against potentially harmful vapors D determine the relative strength of the odor before smelling directly

  4. 3 Laboratory equipment is cleaned and properly stored after use primarily so that — A chemical products can be measured and recorded as data B time is saved in setting up the next experiment C toxic materials can be kept in the laboratory D the possibility of contamination in the laboratory is minimized

  5. Potential Hazards of Petroleum Naphtha, Hexane, Toluene, and Acetone 4 The ingredients described above are used to make a bonding agent. The most important safety precaution to take when applying this bonding agent is to — F dry it with a small flame G work in a well-ventilated area H cover the work area with newspaper J wear a lab coat

  6. Powerful Plankton The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory has created an experimental marine fuel cell that could produce enough electricity to power ocean-monitoring devices. This fuel cell runs on seawater and sediment, with the help of plankton. Some plankton on the surface of ocean sediments use dissolved oxygen to break down organic matter, releasing energy; this is an aerobic process. The plankton in the deeper sediments break down organic matter without using oxygen; this is an anaerobic process. These two processes create a difference in voltage between the surface of the sediment and the sediment farther down in the seabed. The voltage difference can be used to produce electricity—up to 5.0×10–2 watts of power. Energy supplied by this type of fuel cell can be obtained as long as there is organic matter in the sediment. 5 Which safety precaution should be observed while analyzing sediment from a marine aquarium? A Wear rubber gloves B Use a fume hood C Avoid using glassware D Have a fire extinguisher nearby

  7. 6 A safety checklist for this activity should include the presence of a proper fire extinguisher and all the following items except a — A fire blanket B receptacle for broken glass C laboratory apron D squeeze bottle

  8. 7 In what part of this process should safety precautions be planned? F Q G R H S J T

  9. 8 All of these should be considered when storing acids EXCEPT the — A correct labeling of chemicals B safety of people in the building C shape of the storage containers D separation of incompatible chemicals

  10. 9 The diagram shows a standard technique for dispensing liquid in a laboratory. What is the main reason that liquid should be dispensed from a reagent bottle in this manner? F The liquid is slowly heated by friction. G The liquid’s increased surface area absorbs more oxygen. H The stirring rod keeps the liquid from splashing. J The beaker causes liquids of different densities to form layers.

  11. 10 The chart shows the storage compatibility of a few chemicals. According to this chart, which pair of chemicals can be safely stored together? F Vinyl acetate and amines G Nitric acid and caustics H Sulfuric acid and ammonia J Organic acid and ketones

  12. 11 Which of these was most likely observed during this investigation? A The cool water moved into the warm water. B The water that moved up was less dense. C The warm water had molecules that moved fast. D The water moved because heat rises.

  13. 12 Which set of materials would be the most appropriate to use in testing the effects of stirring on the dissolving rate of a solute? A Flask, petri dish, metal rod, scale, magnifying glass B Beaker, glass rod, balance, graduated cylinder, timer C Test tube, filter paper, funnel, flask, ring stand D Flask, Bunsen burner, ring stand, petri dish, thermometer

  14. 13 Which of these is a hypothesis that can be tested through experimentation? F Bacterial growth increases exponentially as temperature increases. G A fish’s ability to taste food is affected by the clarity of aquarium water. H Tadpoles’ fear of carnivorous insect larvae increases as the tadpoles age. J The number of times a dog wags its tail indicates how content the dog is.

  15. 14 Which of the following pieces of equipment would be most appropriate for measuring the volume of a marble? A C B D

  16. 15 Objects of the same mass but of different sizes and shapes were dropped from a given height. Their rates of free fall were measured and recorded. Which of the following is most likely the question this experiment was designed to answer? F How does height affect the force of gravity? G How does gravity affect objects of different densities? H How do mass and weight affect falling objects? J How do size and shape affect an object’s rate of free fall?

  17. 16 Which lab setup would be appropriate to use in heating 100 mL of water to the boiling point? A A 10 mL test tube held above a Bunsen burner B A 200 mL beaker placed on a hot plate C A thermal coil inside a 100 mL cylinder D A sealed 300 mL flask in a warm-water bath

  18. 17 In experiments, a benefit of larger sample sizes would be more — A variables B representative data C time per group D control groups

  19. 18 The following boxes represent a field. Which pattern for collecting 10 samples would provide the best data for identifying the types of plants in a field? A C B D

  20. 19 An engineer has created a new engine for race cars. It is necessary to know which fuel mixture will allow the engine to run at its peak performance. Which experimental design is best for this investigation? F Use one fuel mixture on the engine and measure its performance G Use one fuel mixture on many types of engines and measure their performance H Use various fuel mixtures on the engine and measure its performance J Use various fuel mixtures on many types of engines and measure their performance

  21. Hypothesis: At the end of each summer, Texas red oak (Quercus buckleyi) leaves turn red and fall off the trees. This is most likely caused by changes in air temperature and sunlight intensity. 20 Which equipment is most useful when measuring the two environmental changes mentioned above? F Barometer and voltmeter G Light meter and barometer H Voltmeter and thermometer J Thermometer and light meter

  22. 21 Which of the following is most useful in determining the kinetic energy of a 50 g battery-powered car traveling a distance of 10 m? A Beaker B Voltmeter C Thermometer D Stopwatch

  23. 22 An experiment was designed to determine the effects of cool temperatures on the germination of piñon pine seeds. Which of these variables was LEAST important to control in this experiment? F The brand name of the refrigerator used to produce the cool temperatures G The number of seeds used in each group H The amount of time that the seeds were exposed to cool temperatures J The temperature range used to define cool temperatures

  24. 23 Which is the best estimate of the volume of solution released from the burette? A 47.3 mL B 47.7 mL C 48.3 mL D 48.7 mL

  25. 24 Which of the following shows the length of a rubber strip measured precisely to 2.22 centimeters?

  26. 25 Which of the following will allow measurement of a liquid’s volume with the greatest precision? A 50 mL cylinder graduated in 1 mL increments B 100 mL cylinder graduated in 0.5 mL increments C 100 mL cylinder graduated in 1 mL increments D 200 mL cylinder graduated in 5 mL increments

  27. 26 Which of the following procedures should be used in finding the mass of crystals? A Pour the excess crystals back into the original container B Put the crystals on the outer part of the balance pan for massing C Pour wastes down the sink with plenty of water D Use weighing paper on the balance pan

  28. 27 The cloud conditions above are typical of locations near a warm front. According to these data, what are the most likely sky conditions for Waco? A Cirrus clouds B Altostratus clouds C Stratus clouds D Clear skies

  29. 28 A cold front moves from Abilene to College Station in 6.0 hours. What is its average speed in km/h? F 0.018 km/h G 16 km/h H 58 km/h J 67 km/h

  30. 29 What volume should be reported for the solution in this graduated cylinder? F 64.0 mL G 56.2 mL H 56.0 mL J 50.6 mL

  31. Density of Seawater from the Gulf of Mexico 30 The chart shows the density of seawater samples collected from the Gulf of Mexico by four different groups. Which group’s data are most precise? A Group 1 B Group 2 C Group 3 D Group 4

  32. 31 Which of these axes would be best to use to analyze these data? A C B D

  33. 32 The picture shows how a solution can be dispensed by a pipette. How much solution was released by this pipette? A 0.01 mL B 0.12 mL C 0.14 mL D 0.23 mL

  34. 33 According to the graph, what partial pressure of oxygen would saturate 67% of hemoglobin in the blood? A 2.8 kPa B 5.2 kPa C 8.7 kPa D 12.4 kPa

  35. 34 During a severe drought a dry lake was explored for fossils. The diagram represents the fossils uncovered and the layers they were in. According to this information, this area was once a — A forest that was replaced by a freshwater lake B freshwater lake that was replaced by a desert C saltwater sea that was replaced by a forest D freshwater lake that was replaced by a forest

  36. 35 According to the graph, about how much hemoglobin would be saturated at an O2 pressure of 7.3 kPa? A 32% B 67% C 89% D 92%

  37. 36 Observing an approaching thunderstorm and using a stopwatch, a student finds that it takes 8.40 seconds for thunder to be heard after a lightning bolt strikes. The student has learned that it takes 3.0 seconds for sound to travel 1000 m. How far away is the storm? F 119 m G 185 m H 2800 m J 8400 m

  38. 37 From 1942 to 1945, U.S. nickels were made of an alloy that contained 35% silver, 9.0% manganese, and the rest copper, by mass. If one of these nickels has a mass of 5.0 grams, what is the mass of the copper? A 0.5 g B 1.8 g C 2.2 g D 2.8 g

  39. 38 The graph shows the distance traveled by a vehicle over a certain period of time. Which segment of the graph shows the vehicle moving with the greatest speed? A L B M C N D O

  40. 39 The table shows the atomic radii of some elements in Periods 1 through 4 of the periodic table. Which inference can be made from this information? F Atomic radii decrease from left to right. G Atomic radii increase from bottom to top. H Atomic radii decrease from right to left. J Atomic radii double from top to bottom.

  41. 40 The graph shows the percentage of hemoglobin that combines with carbon monoxide (CO) at various concentrations. Exposure to 400 parts per million of CO in air can cause people to experience nausea and a throbbing headache. According to the graph, about what percentage of hemoglobin is bound to CO at a CO concentration of 400 parts per million? A 25% B 35% C 40% D 55%

  42. 41 In which general direction do rivers flow in this watershed? F North G West H Northwest J Southeast

  43. 42 The data table shows how the thickness of tree trunks in a certain forest is related to tree age. Use these data to plot points on the graph above. Draw a straight line to show a linear relationship for the data. According to these data, what is the most likely average radius of 4-year-old trees in this forest? A 3.0 cm B 3.3 cm C 3.6 cm D 3.9 cm

  44. 43 The graph shows mercury levels found in sediments, prey animals, and adult shorebirds in a bay along the Gulf Coast. Which inference can best be drawn from these data? F Mercury levels are elevated by the presence of shorebirds. G Mercury concentrations are highest in shorebirds. H Mercury is produced by sediments. J Mercury assures the survival of prey animals.

  45. 44 The chart shows the types of organisms found in 100 mL of pond water. Which graph is the best representation of these data? A C B D

  46. 45 There are many different ways that plant epidermal cells can be arranged around the stomata on plant leaves. Which of these has a development pattern most similar to the pattern pictured above? F H G J

  47. 46 The graph shows the growth curves of a healthy plant and a plant infected with a fungus. If this trend continues, what will be the mass of the plant infected with the fungus at 12 months? F 10 kg G 11 kg H 12 kg J 13 kg

  48. 47 The chart shows the average change in mass of some frogs during a period of estivation. If this trend continues, what will be the average mass of the frogs by the twelfth week of estivation? F 424 g G 422 g H 420 g J 418 g

  49. 48 Which conclusion is best supported by these data? F Earth’s surface is composed mostly of silicon and calcium. G Oxygen is closer to Earth’s surface than aluminum. H There is more aluminum than calcium at Earth’s surface. J Silicon is much heavier than iron at Earth’s surface.

  50. 39 Ten different types of culture media were inoculated with the same strain of bacteria and incubated at the same temperature. Nine of the cultures grew. Which of these conclusions can be drawn from this information? F The media used in the experiment are all capable of sustaining bacterial growth. G The temperature varied greatly during the experiment. H Only the culture that failed to grow bacteria was inoculated properly. J One of the media lacked the nutrients needed for the bacteria to grow.

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