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ICU CIS / ARK Technical Considerations. Program established standard terminology Requires all competing vendors to use the same terms Program also focused on using Rosetta Code for transmission from monitors to CIS to Analytics
ICU CIS / ARK Technical Considerations • Program established standard terminology • Requires all competing vendors to use the same terms • Program also focused on using Rosetta Code for transmission from monitors to CIS to Analytics • Contract requires CIS vendors to transfer data in Rosetta Code standards
ICU CIS / ARK RFP Background Extract • Data standardization is very important to the VHA and this contract requires the implementation and use of standardized data and terminology. The vendor shall include a VA supplied identification number for every term concept in the database. In addition, data standardization is essential to interface with the Medical Analytics software program, which is also being procured separately. The medical analytics system requires extracts containing all administrative and clinical data from the CIS / ARK using the standardized data and terminology in order to function properly. • In addition, The VHA Health Care Technology Program is aligning VHA medical device interface protocol standards with the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). The intent is to support the use of existing patient care medical device interface standards and to work with medical device Manufactures to develop protocols using Rosetta Terminology Mapping (RTM). The purpose of the RTM protocol is to match medical device standardized terminology with other systems terminology such as CIS and analytics. The RTM defines correct data permitted for each physiological parameter. The purpose is to deliver safe and integrated communication between medical devices, through their interfaces, to the CIS, analytics and other systems. RTM serves as a repository that can define new standardized terminology.
ICU CIS / ARK RFP Requirements Extract Requirements for Data Standardization. • The contractor shall be responsible for representing the clinical data of the CIS in compliance with VA standards for data. The standards are maintained by the VA and include sets of standard terminology, as well as a system of alpha-numeric data identifiers for representing the terminology. The contractor shall ensure that its CIS represents data in compliance with VA data standards and the use of the data standards in data that it exchanges over interfaces with other systems—specifically, the contractor must include both the displayed terminology and its associated vendor serial number in the Analytics Extracts (A.2.3). The most current listing of this standardized terminology is posted in an Excel Spreadsheet on the VHA CIS/ARK Sharepoint site, http://www.xxxxx.xxx.gov. The VA updates these standards periodically and the vendor shall ensure that the CIS uses the most current version throughout the period of performance for this contract and all option years. The VHA will notify the vendor when updates are available. Notification of VA standards updates will be part of the configuration management described below. The current version of the standardized terminology is at Attachment H. Once the contractor loads the database onto the VISN servers, the contractor will lock the database to preclude any change to the database by VISN personnel. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the currency of the database from this point forward, The VHA anticipates updating its standardized data and terminology quarterly. Rosetta Terminology Mapping. • The VHA Health Care Technology Program is aligning VHA medical device interface protocol standards with the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). The intent is to support the use of existing patient care medical device interface standards and to work with medical device Manufactures to develop protocols using Rosetta Terminology Mapping (RTM). The Contractor shall coordinate with medical device manufacturers in the development and implementation of the ARK using RTM. All medical device data shall be transmitted consistent with Rosetta code format.
ICU CIS / ARK Business Considerations • Ensure that all required specifications and interface documents are available at the time the RFP is released • Use phased implementation across the VISNs (waves) • Hold an industry day to communicate with industry • More than just an vendor fair • Issue a draft RFP to obtain industry input before releasing the actual RFP • Consider industry comments on clarity of reuiqrements, holes in the RFP, etc.