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enforced vocational orientation

enforced vocational orientation. Verstärkte Berufsorientation Profesionálna orientácia žiakov. Základná škola Nižná brána- Kežmarok- Slovensko. Základná škola Nižná brána- Kežmarok- Slovensko. Basic school Zakladna skola Nizna brana Kezmarok Slovakia

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enforced vocational orientation

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  1. enforced vocational orientation Verstärkte Berufsorientation Profesionálna orientácia žiakov

  2. Základná škola Nižná brána- Kežmarok- Slovensko Základná škola Nižná brána- Kežmarok- Slovensko • Basic school Zakladna skola Nizna brana Kezmarok Slovakia • Grundschule Zakladna skola Nizna brana Kezmarok Slovakei

  3. teacher

  4. 1. You are teacher at- Ste učiteľ • Dr.-Jaufmann-Volksschule St.-Georg-Volksschule I.E.S. Francisco Nieva Základná Skola Nizna Brána Pohjois-Karjalan Ammattiopisto Outokumpu Polytechnische Schule Perg

  5. 2. You are- Ste • Male-muž • Female-žena

  6. 3. You are teaching as- Ste učiteľ a class teacher - students from 11 / 12 triedny učiteľ 11-12 roč. a subject teacher - students from 11 / 12 učiteľ predmetov 11-12 ročných a class teacher - students from 13 - 16 and up triedny učiteľ13-16 ročných a subject teacher - students from 13 - 16 and up-učiteľ predmetov 13-16 ročných

  7. 4.Do you find the vocational education and training at your school sufficient? Myslíte si ,že odborné vzdelávania a príprava na vašej škole je dostatočná? Yes-áno I'm not sure-nie som si istý No-nie

  8. 5. Which vocational preparational initiatives do you thhink are the most useful ones for the pupils?Ktoré iniciatívy odbornej prípravy si myslíte, sú najužitočnejšie  pre žiakov? multiple answers possible- viac správnych odpovedí možných careers guidance at school výchovné poradenstva pre voľbu povolania na škole job fairs trh práce careers guidance at the job centre výchovné poradenstva pre voľbu povolania na Úrade práce opportunities for discussion with social worker možnosti pre diskusiu so sociálnym pracovníkom careers information events at school Získanie informácií  o povolaniach organizovaných v škole

  9. 6. Do parents use your office hours at school to exchange and to get information about career opportunities and vocational education and training? Používajú rodičia úradné hodiny v škole na výmenu a získanie informácií o pracovných príležitostiach, odbornom vzdelávaní a príprave • Never-nikdy • Sometimes-niekedy • Seldom-málokedy • Often-často • Never 0 • Seldom 6 • Sometimes 9 • Often 0

  10. 7. Is it compulsory for your pupils to use vocational preparation initiatives outside school?(such as visiting the careers centre..?) je to povinné pre vašich žiakov využívať pri odbornej príprave iniciatívy mimo školy(  ako je návšteva poradenskéhocentra ) • Yes 2 No 13

  11. 8. Which initiatives are compulsory for your pupils? Ktoré iniciatívy sú povinné pre vašich žiakov? • careers guidance at schol profesijné poradenstvo v škole • job fairs ,trh práce • careers guidance at the job centre poradenstva pre voľbu povolania na Úrade práce • opportunities for discussion with the school social worker, možnosti pre diskusiu so sociálnym pracovníkom • careers information events at school Získanie informácií o povolaniach organizované školou

  12. 9. What do you think should be done for sthe students at your school to improve their possibilities for getting an apprenticeship. Čo si myslíte, že by sa malo urobiť pre  študentov na vašej škole s cieľom zlepšiť ich možnosti na získanie odbornosti (vyučenia sa v danom odbore )

  13. Parents Eltern- Rodičia

  14. 1. Your child is student at (Dr.-Jaufmann-Hauptschule)

  15. 2. You are • Female 23 • Male 7

  16. 3.You are • biological parents 25 biological father or mother 3 • stepfather or stepmother 2 • grandparents 0 • legal guardian 0

  17. 4.Do you know your child’s choice of career? yes 28 no 2

  18. 5.Do you agree with your child’s choice of career? • yes 29 • no 1

  19. 6.Do you discuss your child’s choice of career, regarding the marks in his/her report? • yes 30 • no 0

  20. 7.Do you know vocational possibilities for your child after school? • yes 28 • no 2

  21. 9.If your child has problems within the vocational orientation, where do you think your child should go first? • class teacher 0 careers officer 14 • job centre 0 • others 0 • social worker 1

  22. 10.Do or did you accompany your child to careers guidance sessions at the job centre? • yes 4 • no 26

  23. 11.How often do or did you accompany your child to careers guidance sessions at the job centre? • once 3 • 2 times 1 • 3times 0 • more often 0

  24. 12.Have you visited – or do you intend to visit companies with your child? • yes 3 • no 27

  25. 14.Do you attend your child’s teacher’ office hours at school? • yes 22 • no 8

  26. 15.Do you consult teachers office hours and discuss the different possibilities of your child? • yes 3 • no 27

  27. 16. How often do you consult teachers office hours and discuss the different careers possibilities of your child? • once a school year 4 twice a school year 6 more often 6 nikdy 14

  28. 17. Have you ever seen your child’s “Portfolio”? • yes 9 • no 17

  29. Pupils-žiaci

  30. 1) You are student of-Du bist Schüler der – Ty si žiak tejto školy... • St.-Georg-Volksschule 0 • I.E.S. Francisco Nieva 0 Základná Skola Nizna Brána 24 • Pohjois-Karjalan Ammattiopisto Outokumpu 0 • Polytechnische Schule Perg 0

  31. 2) You are Du bist- Ty si • Female 22 • Male 2

  32. 3) AgeYou are-AlterDu bist- Koľko máš rokov • younger than 15 8 • 15 16 • 16 0 • 16 0 • 17 older 0

  33. 4) Which nationality are you?Deine Nationalität- Tvoja národnosť • German - Deutsch 0 Austrian - Österreicher 0 Finnish - Finne 0 Spanish- Spanier 0 Turkish - Türke/in 0 Slowakisch - Slowake/in 24 other - andere/r 0

  34. 5) You are living with-Du lebst mit- Ty žiješ s • biological parents - deinen Eltern 19 • biological father or mother - deinem Vater oder deiner M 3 • stepfather or stepmother - Stiefvater oder Stiefmutter 2 • grandparents - Großeltern 0 • other legal guardians - anderen Erziehungsberechtigten 0

  35. 6) Have you already decided what to do next year? - Hast du schon entschieden, was du nächstes Jahr machen wirst • yes 18 • no 6

  36. 7) When are you going to decide what to do next year?Wann wirst du entscheiden, was du nächstes Jahr tun wirst? next month - nächsten Monat 2 after next school report - nach dem nächsten Zeugnis 4 I don't know - ich weiß noch nicht 0

  37. 8) Do your parents accompany you to careers guidance sessions at the job centre?Begleiten dich deine Eltern zur Berufsberatung bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit? • yes 0 • no 24

  38. 9) Have you ever visited, or do you visit companies with your parents?Hast du schon Betriebe mit deinen Eltern besichtigt - oder wirst du noch Betriebsbesichtigungen mit deinen Eltern machen • yes 2 • no 22

  39. 10) If yes to number 9 - Falls du Nummer 9 mit ja beantwortet hast:Which companies / factories did you visit?Welche Betriebe / Fabriken hast du schon besichtigt?

  40. 11) Do you talk to your parents about your career and different types of jobs?Besprichst du mit deinen Eltern deine Berufswünsche und die verschiedenen Arten von Berufsmöglichkeiten? • never - niemals 0 seldom - selten 13 often - oft 9 • daily - täglich 2

  41. 12) What companies have you visited with your parents? - Welche Firmen hast du mit deinen Eltern besichtigt?mutiple answers possible - Mehrfachantworten möglich • your fathers' or mothers' company - Betrieb deines Vater 2 • your family's workplaces - Betriebe von Familienmitglied 5 • companies in the vicinity - Betriebe in der Nähe 4 • others - andere 0 • none of those - keine der genannten 13

  42. 13) Do you talk to your parents about your choice of career?Besprichst du mit deinen Eltern deine Berufswahl? • never - nie 1 • seldom - selten 5 • sometimes - manchmal 4 often - oft 12 • regularly - regelmäßig 2

  43. 14) Do you use the vocational preparation initiatives available to you at your school for choosing a career?multiple answers possibleNutzt du die Angebote der Berufsvorbereitung an der Schule zur Information für deine Berufswahl?Mehrfachantworten möglich careers guidance at school - Berufsberatung an der Schul 16 careers guidance at the job centre - Berufsberatung an djob fairs - Jobmesses 0 assessment centre possibilities - Assessment center others - andere 7 none of those - keine von diesen 1

  44. 15) Which methods of finding out about jobs and careers do you use?Welche Methoden nutzt du, um dich über Berufe, Karriere und Zukunftsmöglichkeiten zu informieren? • internet 23 • regional newspapers - regionale Zeitungen 2 • national newspapers - nationale Zeitungen 0 • personal inquiries - persönliche Erkundigungen 13 • work placements - Praktika 1 • networking - Beziehungen (Nutzen von Geschäftskontakten) 11 • specialized magazines - Fachzeitschriften 0 • others - andere 5

  45. 16) Have you already been registered at the employment centre?Hast du dich bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit schon gemeldet (dich registriert)? • yes 24 • no 0

  46. 17) How many work placements have you already done?A) as a compulsory partWieviele Betriebspraktika hast du schon gemachtA) verpflichtende • 0 23 • 1 1 • 2 0 • 3 0 • more 0

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