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Unit 6 Lesson 5. McBroom and the big wind. deny. v. to say that something is not true. He will deny that he was the cause of the accident. I can’t deny it – it does get a mite windy out here on the prairie. For Granite School District Use Only. Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5.
Unit 6 Lesson 5 McBroom and the big wind For Granite School District Use Only
deny v. to say that something is not true He will deny that he was the cause of the accident. I can’t deny it – it does get a mite windy out here on the prairie. For Granite School District Use Only Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5
The little boy will deny that he took the pencil from his sister. • I cannot deny that I like Diet Coke. • What is something you have denied? Share with your partner. • Say the word: deny For Granite School District Use Only
common adj. happening often; familiar It is common to have snow in Utah during the winter months. It is common for the sun to rise and set each day! That was just a common little prairie breeze. Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5 For Granite School District Use Only
It is common to see people walk their dogs at a park. • They have a love of reading in common. • Think about something that is commonly found at home or school. Share with your partner. • Say the word: common For Granite School District Use Only
shingle v. to cover with shingles The morning I’m talking about our oldest boys were helping me to shingle the roof. Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5 For Granite School District Use Only
The shingles blew off of the roof during the wind storm. • He had to put new shingles on his roof so it would not leak any more. • Have you ever seen someone shingle their house? What do they have to do? Share with your partner. • Say the word: shingle For Granite School District Use Only
battered v. to hit over and over again with heavy blows It rammed and battered at the door while all of us pushed and shoved to hold the door shut. For Granite School District Use Only Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5
Bruised, battered, and still a bit shaken she got out of the wrecked car. • She battered on the door until it woke us up from a sound sleep. • Think about how rain battering on the door and windows would sound. Share with your partner. • Say the word: battered For Granite School District Use Only
gust n. a sudden strong rush of wind or air To hear a gust of wind, click here. A gust of wind blew the dandelion. Still, that prairie gust was an education to me. Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5 For Granite School District Use Only
The gust of wind blew the window open carrying dried leaves into the bedroom. • The gust of wind was refreshing on the hot summer day. • Have you ever felt a gust of wind? What happened? Share with your partner. • Say the word: gust For Granite School District Use Only
huddled v. to crowd together The mere sight of him scared the young’uns and they huddled together, holding hands, near the fireplace. Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5 For Granite School District Use Only
We huddled around the fireplace to get warm. • They huddled under the umbrella to keep dry. • Have you ever been in a huddle? Why? Share with your partner. • Say the word: huddled For Granite School District Use Only
haste n. quickness in moving or in acting; speed The bear was coming on and in my haste I forgot to calculate the direction of the wind. For Granite School District Use Only Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5
She was walking to the school bus in haste. • After school I tried to complete my homework with haste. • Think about a time you did something in haste. Share with your partner. • Say the word: haste For Granite School District Use Only
calculate v. to figure out The bear was coming on and in my haste I forgot to calculate the direction of the wind. For Granite School District Use Only Grade 3 Unit 6 Lesson 5
I like to calculate equations during math. • I used the calculator to calculate 39 times 56. • How would you calculate 3 x 8? Share with your partner. • Say the word: calculate For Granite School District Use Only
Part 1: Deepening Activities- Word Association shingles battered gust calculate • What word goes with hitting something over and over again? • What word means to figure something out? • What word means a strong rush of wind? • What word is used to cover a roof? For Granite School District Use Only
Part 1: Deepening Activities- Word Associations haste deny common battered • What word goes with doing something • quickly? • What word goes with something that • happens all the time? • What word goes with saying that • something is not true? For Granite School District Use Only
Part 1: Deepening Activities- Discussion Prompts Discuss your answer to the questions with your table. Make sure everyone gets a chance to share. Listen carefully to one another’s answers. • What is something that people might do and would deny later? • If you saw someone huddled against a wall, what would you do and why? • What would you do if someone was battering on your front door? For Granite School District Use Only
Part 2: Deepening Activities- True or False • T or F: Battering on a window might break it. • T or F: You should shingle the floor of your bedroom. • T or F: You can calculate how many times your heart beats each day. For Granite School District Use Only
Part 2: Deepening Activities- Juxtapositions Thumbs up: could happen Thumbs down: couldn’t happen • Can you shingle a gust? • Can haste be common? • Can deny calculate? For Granite School District Use Only
Part 2: Deepening Activities- Example or Non-example Example: say vocabulary word Non-example: say “not” vocabulary word • Which is an example of haste? • 1. I took my time getting to class because I forgot my homework. • 2. I hurried to the store before they closed. • Which is an example of gust? • 1. The wind blew my front door open. • 2. The gentle breeze fluttered the leaves of the Aspen trees. • Which is an example of common? • 1. We have tacos for dinner every Thursday night. • 2. My mom made a new Brazilian dish for Saturday. For Granite School District Use Only
Part 2: Deepening Activities- Finish the Idea I have a sentence that needs an ending. I’ll give you an example, and then you can make your own. • I hate calculating…. because….. • Ex. I hate calculating how much money is left in my checking account because I never have as much money as I want. • I will always deny…..because….. • When I am scared, I huddle together with….because….. For Granite School District Use Only