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The Neuronal Replicator Hypothesis. Chrisantha Fernando & Eors Szathmary CUNY, December 2009 1 Collegium Budapest (Institute for Advanced Study), Budapest, Hungary 2 Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics, Sussex University, UK
The Neuronal Replicator Hypothesis • Chrisantha Fernando & Eors Szathmary • CUNY, December 2009 • 1Collegium Budapest (Institute for Advanced Study), Budapest, Hungary • 2Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics, Sussex University, UK • 3MRC National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, UK • 4Parmenides Foundation, Kardinal-Faulhaber-Strase 14a, D-80333 Munich, Germany • 5Institute of Biology, Eötvös University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
Visiting Fellow MRC National Institute for Medical Research London Post-Doc Center for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics Sussex University Marie Curie Fellow Collegium Budapest (Institute for Advanced Study) Hungary
The Hypothesis • Evolution by natural selection takes place in the brain at rapid timescales and contributes to solving cognitive/behavioural search problems. • Our background is in evolutionary biology/the origin of non-enzymatic template replication/evolutionary robotics/computational neuroscience.
Outline • Limitations of some proposed search algorithms, e.g. • Reward biased stochastic search • Reinforcement Learning • How copying/replication of neuronal data structures can alleviate these limitations.
Mechanisms of neuronal replication • Applications and future work
Simple Search Tasks • Behavioural and neuropsychological learning tasks can be solved by stochastic-hill climbing • Stroop Task • Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST) • Instrumental Conditioning in Spiking Neural Networks • Simple inverse kinematics problem
Stochastic Hill-Climbing • Initially P(xi = 1) = 0.5, Initial reward = 0 • Make random change to P • Generate M examples of binary strings • Calculate reward • If r(t) > r(t-1), keep changes of P, else revert to previous P values. • One solution, change solution, keep good changes, loose bad changes.
Stroop Task GreenRedBlue PurpleBluePurple BluePurpleRedGreenPurpleGreen Name the colour of the words.
dW = Reward x pre x post • Decreased reward -> Instability in workspace Dehaene et al, 1998
WCST • Each card has several “features”. Subjects must sort cards according to a feature (color, number, shape, size).
Rougier et al 2005. PFC weights stabilised if expected reward obtained, destabilised if expected reward not obtained, i.e. TD learning
In a spiking neural net • Simple spiking model • Random connections • STDP • Delayed reward • Eligibility traces • Synapse selected Izhikevich 2007
Reinforcement Learning • For large problems a tabular representation of state-action pairs is not possible. • How does compression of state representation occur? Function approximation • Domain-specific knowledge provided by the designer, e.g. TD-Gammon was dependent on Tesauro’s skillful design of a non-linear multilayered neural network, used for value function approximation in the Backgammon domain consisting of approximately 1020 states” p20 [51].
So far… • SHC works on simple problems • RL is a sophisticated kind of SHC • In order for RL/SHC to work, action/value representations must fit the problem domain. • RL doesn’t explain how appropriate data-structures/representations arise.
Large search space so random search or exhaustive search not possible. Representation critical local optima. Requires internal sub-goals, no explicit reward. • What neural mechanisms underlie complex search?
What is natural selection? • multiplication • heredity • variability Some hereditary traits affect survival and/or fertility
Evolutionary Computation • Solving problems by EC also requires decisions about genetic representations • And about fitness functions • For example, we use EC to solve the 10 coins problem
Fitness function • Convolution of desired inverted triangle over grid • Instant fitness = number of coins occupying he inverted triangle template • An important question is how such fitness functions (subgoals/goals) could themselves be bootstrapped in cognition.
Structuring Phenotypic Variation • Natural Selection can act on • genetic representations • variability properties (genetic operators, e.g mutation rates)
Variation in Variability A Improvement of representations for free…
Non-trivial Neutrality g1 ed 1 ed 2 p g2 Adapted from Toussaint 2003
Population Search • Natural selection allows redistribution of search resources between multiple solutions. • We propose that multiple (possibly interacting) solutions to a search problem exist at the same time in the neuronal substrate.
A B C D B D B A D A A A B C D C C Waste A B C D D’ D’’ D A D’’’ D’ D’’ D’’’ D
Can units of selection exist in the brain? • We propose 3 possible mechanisms • Copying of connectivity patterns • Copying of bistable activity patterns • Copying of spatio-temporal spike patterns & explicit rules
How to copy small neuronal circuits DNA neuronal network