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Sub-regional Workshop on Gender Statistics and Data Collection

Gain insights on gender statistics, data collection experiences, and challenges. Learn how to use data for policy development and monitor progress. Improve statistics publication and gender mainstreaming.

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Sub-regional Workshop on Gender Statistics and Data Collection

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  1. World Bank Institute United Nations Sub-regional workshop on sharing of national experiences on the challenges and lessons learned in engendering the statistical systems SUMMARY Skopje, 15-17 February 2010

  2. Expectations • Learn more about • gender statistics • international experience in data collection (time-use surveys, VAW) • Knowledge sharing and exchange of experience • Meet old friends and get to know new people • Build up the network of future collaboration • Improve publication of statistics, such as ‘men and women’ • Learn how to use data to develop and monitor policies • Harmonisation of gender indicators and gender mainstreaming • How to make it happen

  3. Summary of the day 1 • Arguments for Gender Statistics: • To raise awareness and sensitize the public and policy makers • To develop and monitor policies • To provide the information on the situation of women and men • To improve other fields of statistics • To fulfill the international commitment Slogan: Women and men – are you equal? Look at statistics! Time-use surveys: PRO: To get data on contribution of women and men to economy To advance gender equality EU and other international requirements CONTRA: Lack of technical and human resources, big burden to statistical office, census a priority HOW TO GET IT DONE? Ask donors to fund, build alliances with NGOs and government, do a light version or on a smaller scale (e.g. in a specific region)

  4. Summary of the day 2: VAW • Sources of data on VAW: • Records from police, courts, hospitals, etc. => know what your data tell you! • Population based surveys • Ensure buy in of stake-holders, build partnerships • Survey design - defining the study population, timeframe, types of violence; Have the purpose in mind - to create awareness? Address specific issues (e.g. crime prevention, health)? From where is the demand coming? • Safety and ethics; special training and emotional support for interviewers • Do not reinvent the wheel! Get technical advice, tools, manuals, support from those who have the experience • Women are willing to share experiences with trained and empathetic interviewers • Core set of indicators to be approved in February 2011 • Survey module preparedand to be tested in 2010-11

  5. Summary of the day 3 Lessons learned from workshops: • Identify national/regional needs • Capacity building crucial, training of trainers • Invite users, decision makersandmedia- make them your ally • If sex-disaggregated data are available, publish it! • Improve gender literacy! E.g. by educating public administration and school of statistics Action plans: • Developing gender statistics in specific areas: VAW, GPG, time-use statisitcs, health, education, taxes, ownership of property, gender budgeting • Continue engendering all areas of statistics • Training of data providers • System/set of (priority) gender indicators

  6. Time-use surveys PRO : • No data on contribution of women and men to economy • No way to get these data otherwise • To combat gender stereotypes • Will give an impetus for advancing gender equality • Have to comply with EU and other int. requirements (ILO convention) CONTRA: • Lack of technical and human resources • Big burden to statistical office, TUS not in annual statistical programme • Census a priority, postpone after population and agricultural census • There are other ways to collect the data HOW TO GET IT DONE? • Ask donors to fund • Propose a joint project developed by NSO, NGOs and supported by Parliament • To do a pilot in a region to learn from experience • Add a module to another survey?

  7. Slogans • Women and men – are you equal? Look at statistics! • Gender statistics makes us all visible • Why are so many women decision makers? • Equal mainstreaming with gender statistics for your future! • This is a picture – is it nice? • Gender statistics – much more than numbers • Do you think you are equal? Measure, analyse, improve! Gender data – where we are • Increasing gender data = decreasing disparity • Together we make more • Equal world through gender statistics

  8. Safety and ethics • Professional introduction to explain the survey • Name of the survey • Privacy, one-to-one interaction • Anonymity & confidentiality • Right to refule answer • Female to female, male to male • Different samples for women and men • Offering support during the interview, info about support network • Careful selection of interviewers, emphatetic? • Double questionnaires/leaflets • Detailed scripted text in questionnaire

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