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SMA NEGERI 1 MANYAR 2012/2013. XI IPS 1. Leader : Umi Mayzuhroh (06) Member : Cantika Puspa (01) Machfiatul Khasanah (02) Fachmi Syafrizal P (03) M. Zakariyal Ansor (05) Dyah Ayu Nurindra (08) Ayu Natasya Sheril A (27) Firosa Nur’aini (28) Pinka Sallisa Febrilla (29).
XI IPS 1 • Leader : UmiMayzuhroh (06) Member : CantikaPuspa (01) MachfiatulKhasanah (02) FachmiSyafrizal P (03) M. ZakariyalAnsor (05) DyahAyuNurindra (08) AyuNatasyaSheril A (27) FirosaNur’aini (28) PinkaSallisaFebrilla (29) SMA NEGERI 1 MANYAR 2012/2013
Sumber : Geograpgy for Senior High School Year XI /Yudistira
PERTUMBUHAN PENDUDUK • Pertumbuhanpendudukadalahterjadinyaperubahanjumlahpendudukdisuatuwilayah, baikbertambahmaupunberkurang. • Pertumbuhanpendudukdipengaruhioleh 3 faktor, yaitukelahiran(natalitas), kematian(mortalitas), danperpindahanpenduduk(migrasi). • PENGUKURAN PERTUMBUHAN PENDUDUK • Perhitunganpertumbuhanpendudukdapatdilakukandengantigacara : • PertumbuhanPendudukAlami Pertumbuhanpendudukalamiadalahselisihantarajumlahkelahirandanjumlahkematian. Pertumbuhanpendudukalamidapatdihitungmenggunakanrumus : Keterangan T : pertumbuhanpenduduk L : jumlahkelahiran M : jumlahkematian
POPULATION GROWTH • Population growth is the change of population in certain place. The change can decrease or increas. • Population growth is influenced by three factors, namely natality, mortality and migration. • CALCULATION OF POPULATION GROWTH • Calculation of population growth is done using three types : • Natural Population Growth Natural population growth is number of natality minus number of mortality. In this case, imigration factor is avoided. Natural population growth can be calculated using the formula as follow : Explanation T : population growth L : natality M : mortality
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiAsebagaiberikut. Kelahiransebanyak 32.000 jiwadankematian 6.875 jiwa. PertumbuhanpendudukalamiProvinsiA adalah… Artinya, pertumbuhanpendudukalamiProvinsiAadalah 25.125 jiwa.
Exercises • Population cencus in A Province in 2000 shows that the number of natality was 32,000 people, and mortality was 6,875 people. Population growth in A was … It means that population growth in A was 25,125 people.
2) PertumbuhanPenduduk Total Pertumbuhanpenduduk total adalahmenghitungpertambahanpendudukdenganmemperhitungkan factor migrasidenganmenggunakanrumus : Keterangan T : pertumbuhanpenduduk L : jumlahkelahiran M : jumlahkematian I : migrasimasuk E : migrasikeluar
2) Total Population Growth Total population growth is calculating population growth by considering migration factor. Total population growth is calculated using the formula as follow : Keterangan T : population growth L : number of natality M : number of mortality I : in migration E : out migration
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiAsebagaiberikut. Kelahiransebanyak 32.000 jiwa, kematiansebanyak 6.875 jiwa, migrasimasuksebanyak 2.000 jiwa, danmigrasikeluarsebanyak 1.300 jiwa. Pertumbuhanpenduduk total ProvinsiA adalah … Artinya, pertumbuhanpenduduk total ProvinsiA adalah 25.825 jiwa.
Exercises • Cencus of population in A Province in 2000 shows. Number of natality was 32,000 people, while mortality was 6,875 people. In-migration to that province was 2,000 people and out-migration was 1,300 people. Total population growth in A was … It means that the total population growth in A was 25,825 people.
3) PersamaanPendudukBerimbang (Balancing Equation) Persamaanpendudukberimbangadalahmenghitungpertumbuhanpenduduksetiapperiodetertentu. Didalampersamaaniniseluruh factor yang mempengaruhipertumbuhanpendudukdanjumlahpendudukpadaperiodetertentudiperhitungkan. Rumuspersamaanpendudukberimbangadalah : Keterangan Pt : Jumlahpendudukpadaakhirperiode t Po : jumlahpendudukpadaawalperiode t B : jumlahkelahiran yang hiduppadaperiode t D : jumlahkematianpadaperiode t Mi : jumlahmigrasimasukpadaperiode t Mo : jumlahmigrasikeluarpadaperiode t
3) Equation of Population Balance The population balance is calculating the growth of population in every certain period. This equation calculates all factors that influence population growth, including the number of population in that period. The equation is showed below : Keterangan Pt : number of population at the end of t period Po : number of population at the beginning of t period B : number of life birth in t period D : number of death in t period Mi : number of in-migration in t period Mo : number of out-migration in t period
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiAsebagaiberikut. • Jumlahpendudukawaltahun 1995 sebanyak 1.700.000 jiwa. • Jumlahkelahirantahun 1995 sebanyak 3.000 jiwa. • Jumlahkematiantahun 1995 sebanyak 750 jiwa. • Jumlahmigrasimasuktahun 1995 sebanyak 1.300 jiwa. • Jumlahmigrasikeluartahun 1995 sebanyak 750 jiwa. JumlahpendudukProvinsiA padaawaltahunberikutnyaadalah …
Exercises • Population cencus in A Province in 2000 shows as follows. • Number of population in the begining of 1995 was 1,700,000 people. • Number of birth in 1995 was 3,000 people. • Number of death in 1995 was 750 people. • Number of in-migration in 1995 was 1,300 people. • Number of out-migration in 1995 was 750 people. Number of population in A Provincein the first next year was …
B. PENGUKURAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR PERTUMBUHAN PENDUDUK • Kelahiran(Natalitas) • Kelahiranbayidibedakanmenjadi 2, yaitulahirhidupdanlahirmati. • Kelahirandipengaruhioleh factor pendukungkelahiran(pronatalitas) dan factor penghambatkelahiran(antinatalitas). • Faktorpronatalitasantara lain terjadinyapernikahansaatusiamudadanadanyaanggapanbahwabanyakanakbanyakrejeki. • Faktorantinatalitasantara lain adanyapembatasanusiapernikahandanadanya program keluargaberencana. • Tingkat KelahiranKasar (Crude Birth Rate/CBR) Tingkat kelahirankasaradalahbanyaknyakelahiranhidupselamasuatutahuntertentutiap 1000 pendudukpadapertengahantahun. Tingkat kelahirankasardihitungmenggunakanrumus : Keterangan CBR : Tingkat kelahirankasar B : Jumlahkelahiranpadatahuntertentu Pm: Jumlahpendudukpadapertengahantahun k: Konstanta (umumnya 1000)
B. MEASURING OF POPULATION GROWTH FACTOR • Natality • Natality is differed into life baby birth and dead baby birth. • A birth is influenced by natality supported factor (pronatality) and natality obscure factor (antinatality). • Pronatality factors are young marriage, and local culture which said the more children the more blessing. • Antinatality factors such as, limitation a new marriage, and family planning program. • Crude Birth Rate Crude birth rate is a number of life birth in a certain year in every 1,000 population, in the half year. Crude birth rate is calculated using the formula as follow : Keterangan CBR : Crude Birth Rate B : number of birth in certain years Pm: number of population in half year k: Constante (Commonly 1,000)
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiAsebagaiberikut. Jumlahkelahirantahun 1995 sebanyak 45.000 jiwa, sedangkanjumlahpendudukpadapertengahantahun 1995 sebanyak 1.500.000 jiwa. Tingkat kelahirankasarProvinsiAadalah … Artinya, kelahirankasardiProvinsiApadatahun 1995 adalah 30 jiwasetiap 1.000 penduduk.
Exercises • Cencus of population in A Province in 2000 shows as follows. Number of birth in 1995 was 45,000 people, number of population in half year in 1995 was 1,500,000 people. Crude Birth Rate in A Province was … It means crude birth rate in A Province in 1995 was 30 people in every 1,000 people.
b) Tingkat KelahiranUmum (General Fertility Rate/GFR) • Tingkat kelahiranumumadalahbanyaknyakelahiranpadasetiap 1000 wanita yang umurnya 15-49 tahun, yaitupendudukperempuan yang beradadalamusiareproduksi. • Tingkat kelahiranumumdihitungmenggunakanrumus : Keterangan GFR : Tingkat kelahiranumum B : Jumlahkelahiranpadatahuntertentu Pf (15-49) : Jumlahpendudukperempuanumur (15-49) k : Konstanta (umumnya 1000)
b)General Fertility Rate • Level of general fertility rate is the number of birth in every 1,000 women in age of 15-49 years old. They belong to reproductive age group. • Level of general fertility is calculated using the formula below : Keterangan GFR : General Fertility Rate B : number of birth in particular year Pf (15-49) : number of women in age of 15-49 k : constante (commonly 1,000)
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiAsebagaiberikut. Jumlahpendudukpadapertengahantahun 1995 sebanyak 1.000.000 jiwa. Jumlahpendudukperempuanusia (15-49) padatahun 1995 sebanyak 875.000 jiwa. Dan jumlahkelahirantahun 1995 sebanyak 30.000 jiwa. Tingkat kelahiranumumpendudukProvinsiAadalah … Artinya, tingkatkelahiranumumdiProvinsiA padatahun 1995 adalah 34 jiwasetiap 1.000 pendudukperempuanusia 15-49.
Exercises • Population cencus in A Province in 2000 shows as follows. Number of population in the middle of the year in 1995 was 1,000,000 people. Number of woman in the age of 15-49 years old was 875,000 people. Number of birth in 1995 was 30,000 people. Level of general f:rtility rate in A Province was … It means that level of general fertility rate in A Province was 34 people in every 1,000 women in the age of 15-49 years old.
c) Tingkat KelahiranMenurutKelompokUmur (Age Specific Fertility Rate/ASFR) • Tingkat kelahiranmenurutkelompokumuradalahbanyaknyakelahiransetiap 1000 wanitapadakelompokumurtertentu. • Tingkat kelahiranmenurutkelompokumurdihitungmenggunakanrumus : Keterangan ASFRi :Tingkat kelahirankelompokumuri Bi: Jumlahkelahiranpadakelompokumuri Pfi: Jumlahpendudukperempuankelompokumuripadapertengahantahun k: Konstanta (umumnya 1000)
c) Level of Age Specific Fertility Rate/ASFR • Level of age specific fertility rate is a number of birth in every 1,000 women in a specific age. • This birth is calculated using the formula below : Keterangan ASFRi: number of age specific fertility in age i Bi: number of birth in the age of i Pfi: number of woman in the middle of the year in the age of i k: constante (commonly 1,000)
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiA sebagaiberikut. Jumlahpendudukpadapertengahantahun 1995 sebanyak 1.000.000 jiwa. Jumlahpendudukperempuan (15-49) padapertengahantahun 1995 sebanyak 6.250 jiwa. Dan jumlahkelahiranpadausia (15-49) sebanyak 350 jiwa. Tingkat kelahirankelompokumurProvinsiAadalah … Artinya, tingkatkelahirankelompokumurdiProvinsiApadatahun 1995 adalah 56 jiwasetiap 1.000 pendudukperempuan yang umurnya 15-49 tahun.
Exercises • Cencus of population in A Province in 2000 shows as follows. Number of population in the middle of the year in 1995 was1,000,000 people. Number of woman in the age 15-49 years old was 6,250 people. and number of birth people in 15-49 age group was 350 people. Level of age specific fertility in A Province was … It means that level of age specific fertility in A Province in 1995 was 56 in every 1,000 women in the age of 15-49.
2) Kematian(Mortalitas) • Kematianadalahhilangnyatanda-tandakehidupanseseorangbaikbayimaupunorangdewasa. • Kematiandipengaruhioleh factor pendukungkematian(promortalitas) dan factor penghambatkematian(antimortalitas). • Faktorpromortalitasantara lain pelayanankesehatan yang burukdankekurangangizi. • Faktorantimortalitasantara lain tingkatkesehatan yang baikdanterpenuhinyagizi yang cukup. a) Tingkat KematianKasar(Crude Death Rate/CDR) • Tingkat kematiankasaradalahbanyaknyakematianpadatahuntertentudibagidenganjumlahpendudukpadapertengahantahuntersebutsetiap 1000 penduduk. • Tingkat kematiankasardihitungmenggunakanrumus : Keterangan CDR : Tingkat kematiankasar D : Jumlahkematianpadatahuntertentu (biasanyaberdasarkandata registrasipenduduk) Pm: Jumlahpendudukpadapertengahantahun k: Konstanta (umumnya 1000)
2) Mortality • Death is a condition where there is no more living in the human body, babies or adults. • The death is influenced by supported factor (promortality) and obscure factor (antimortality). • Samples of promortality factor are bad healthy services and less nutrient for babies. • Antimortality are good health services and babies get enough nutrient. a) Crude Death Rate (CDR) • Crude Death Rate is a number of death in particular year divided into number of population in the middle of that year in every 1,000 population. • Crude death rate is calculated using the formula below : Explanation CDR : crude death rate D : number of death in particular year (usually base on population registration data) Pm: number of population in the middle of the year k: constante (commonly 1,000)
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiAsebagaiberikut. Jumlahpendudukpadapertengahantahun 1995 sebanyak 1.500.000 jiwadanjumlahkematiansepanjangtahunadalah 8.000 jiwa. Tingkat kematiankasarProvinsiAadalah … Artinya, tingkatkematiankasardiProvinsiApadatahun 1995 adalah 5,3 jiwasetiap 1.000 penduduk.
Exercises • Census of population in A Province in 2000 shows that number of population in the middle of year 1995 was 1,500,000 people and number of death in 1995 was 8,000 people. The crude death rate was … It means that crude death rate in A Province in 1995 was 5.3 people in every 1,000 population.
b) Tingkat KematianMenurutKelompokUmur(Age Specific Death Rate/ASDR) • Tingkat kematianmenurutkelompokumuradalahjumlahkematiansetiap 1000 pendudukpadakelompokumurtertentu. • Tingkat kematiantersebutdihitungmenggunakanrumus : Keterangan ASDRi : Tingkat kematiankelompokumuri Di: Jumlahkematianpadakelompokumuri Pmi: Jumlahpendudukkelompokumuripadapertengahantahun k : Konstanta (umumnya 1000)
b) Age Specific Death Rate (ASDR) • Age specific death rate is a number of death in every 1,000 population in particular age group. • Level of specific death is calculated by the formula below : Explanation ASDRi : level of death in age group i Di: number of death in age group i Pmi: number of population in the age group i in the middle of the year k : constante (commonly 1,000)
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data provinsiAsebagaiberikut. Jumlahpendudukpadapertengahantahun 1995 sebanyak 1.000.000 jiwa. Jumlahpendudukberusia 60-64 sebanyak 3.000 jiwa. Dan jumlahkematianpendudukberusia 60-64 tahunsebanyak 25 jiwa. Tingkat kematianmenurutkelompokumurdiprovinsiAtahun 1995 adalah… Artinya, tingkatkematianmenurutkelompokumurdiProvinsiApadatahun 1995 adalah 8,3 jiwadarisetiap 1.000 penduduk yang berusia 60-64 tahun.
Exercises • Census of population in A Provincein 2000 shows as follows. Number of population in the middle of 1995 was 1,000,000 people. Number of population in 60-64 age group was 3,000 people. Number of dead people in 60-64 age group was 25 people. The age specific death rate in A Province was … It means that age specific death rate in A Province in 1995 was 8.3 in every 1,000 people in the age of 60-64 years old.
c) Tingkat KematianBayi(Infant Mortality Rate/IMR) • Tingkat kematianbayiadalahperbandinganantarajumlahkematianbayi yang usianyakurangdari 1 tahundanjumlahkelahiranhidupselamatahuntertentu. • Angkakematianbayidihitungmenggunakanrumus : Keterangan IMR : Tingkat kematianbayi Do: Jumlahkematianbayipadatahuntertentu B : Jumlahkelahiranhiduppadatahuntertentu k : Konstanta (umumnya 1000)
c) Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) • Infant mortality rate is the ratio between number of baby death and number of birth in certain year, baby in this context means the baby under 1 year old. • Infant mortality rate is calculated using the formula below : Explanation: IMR : Infant mortality rate Do: number of baby death in certain year B : number of life birth in particular year k : constante (commonly 1,000)
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiAsebagaiberikut. Jumlahpendudukpadapertengahantahun 1995 sebanyak 1.000.000 jiwa. Jumlahkelahiranpadatahun 1995 sebanyak 6.500 jiwa. Dan jumlahkematianbayinyasebanyak 37 jiwa. Tingkat kematianbayidiProvinsiAtahun 1995 adalah… Artinya, tingkatkematianbayidiProvinsiA padatahun 1995 adalah 5,69 jiwadarisetiap 1.000 penduduk.
Exercises • Cencus of population in A Province in 2000 shows as follows. Number of population in the middle of the year 1995 was 1,000,000 people. Number of birth in 1995 was 6,500 people. Number of death of baby was 37 people. Infant mortality rate in A Province was … It means that infant mortality rate in A Province is 5.69 in every 1,000 population.
Migrasi • Migrasiadalahperpindahanpendudukdarisatuwilayahkewilayah lain. • Migrasiterjadikarenaadanyafaktorpendorongdaritempatasalmigrasidanfaktorpenarikdaritempattujuanmigrasi. • Migrasidibedakanmenjadi 3: • Tingkat MigrasiMasuk (In-Migration/Mi) Tingkat MigrasiMasukadalahangka yang menunjukkanjumlahpendatang (imigran) darisetiap 1000 pendudukdaerahtujuandalamwaktusatutahun. Tingkat migrasimasukdihitungmenggunakanrumus : Keterangan Mi : tingkatmigrasimasuk I : jumlahmigrasimasuk P : jumlahpendudukdaerahtujuan k : Konstanta (umumnya 1000)
Migration • Migration is a movement of population from one region to another region. • Migration happens because there is push factor from previous place (rural) and pull factor from destination place (urban). • Migration is differed into : • Level of In-Migration In-migration is a number of population who comes in a certain place in every 1,000 population in a year. In-migration is calculated using the formula below : Explanation: Mi : level of in-migration I : number of in-migration P : number of population in destination place k : constante (commonly 1,000)
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiAsebagaiberikut. Jumlahpendudukpadatahun 1995 sebnyak 2.250.000 jiwa. Dan jumlahmigrasimasuksebanyak 8.000 jiwa. Tingkat migrasimasukdiProvinsiA padatahun 1995 adalah … Artinya, tingkatmigrasimasukdiProvinsiApadatahun 1995 adalah 3,56 jiwadarisetiap 1000 penduduk.
Exercises • Cencus of population in A Provincein 2000 is shows as follows. Number of population in 1995 was 2,250,000 people, and number of in-migration was 8,000. Level in-migration in A Province in 1995 was … It means that level of in-migration in A Province in 1995 was 3.56 people in every 1,000 population.
Tingkat MigrasiKeluar (Out-Migration/Mo) Tingkat migrasikeluaradalahangka yang menunjukkanjumlahpenduduk yang meninggalkandaerahtempattinggalnya(emigran) darisetiap 1000 pendudukdalamwaktusatutahun. Keterangan Mo : tingkatmigrasikeluar O : jumlahmigrasikeluar P : jumlahpendudukdaerahasal k : Konstanta (umumnya 1000)
Level of Out-Migration Level of out-migration is the number that shows how many people go out from their place (emigran) in every 1,000 people in one year. Explanation: Mo : level of out-migration O : number of out-migration P : number of population k : constante (commonly 1,000)
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiA sebagaiberikut. Jumlahpendudukpadatahun 1995 sebanyak 2.250.000 jiwa, jumlahmigrasikeluarsebanyak 4.500 jiwa. Tingkat migrasikeluardiProvinsiAtahun 1995 adalah … Artinya, tingkatmigrasikeluarProvinsiApadatahun 1995 adalah 2 jiwadarisetiap 1.000 penduduk.
Exercises • Cencus of population in A Provincein 2000 is shows as follows. Number of population in 1995 was 2,250,000 people, and number of out-migration was 4,500. Level out-migration in A Provincein 1995 was … It means that level of out-migration in A Province in 1995 was 2 people in every 1,000 population.
Tingkat MigrasiNetto (Net-Migration/Mn) MigrasiNettoadalahselisihantarajumlahmigrasimasukdanmigrasikeluarpadasuatudaerahdalamwaktusatutahun. Keterangan Mn : tingkatmigrasinetto Mi : jumlahmigrasimasuk Mo : jumlahmigrasikeluar P : jumlahpenduduk k : Konstanta (umumnya 1000)
Level of Net-Migration Net migration is the difference account between in-migration and out-migration in certain place for a year. Explanation: Mn : level of net migration Mi : number of in-migration Mo : number of out-migration P : number of people k : constante (commonly 1,000)
LatihanSoal • Hasilsensuspenduduktahun 2000 menunjukkan data-data ProvinsiA sebagaiberikut. Jumlahpendudukpadatahun 1995 sebanyak 2.250.000 jiwa, jumlahmigrasimasuksebanyak 8.000 jiwadanjumlahmigrasikeluarsebanyak 4.500. Tingkat migrasinettodiProvinsiAtahun 1995 adalah … Artinya, tingkatmigrasinettoProvinsiApadatahun 1995 adalah 1,56 jiwadarisetiap 1.000 penduduk.