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ABT Based Boundary Metering

ABT Based Boundary Metering. ABT Based Boundary Metering. ABT. +. Boundary Metering. ABT Based Boundary Metering. ABT. =. Availability Based Tariff. 3. ABT Based Boundary Metering. And Boundary Metering Means ……….? #$#% O0oophs. 4. ABT Based Boundary Metering.

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ABT Based Boundary Metering

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  1. ABT Based Boundary Metering

  2. ABT Based Boundary Metering ABT + Boundary Metering

  3. ABT Based Boundary Metering ABT = Availability Based Tariff 3

  4. ABT Based Boundary Metering And Boundary Metering Means ……….? #$#% O0oophs 4

  5. ABT Based Boundary Metering So what is Boundary Metering? How it is different from ordinary metering? 5

  6. ABT Based Boundary Metering To Understand Boundary Metering…. First understand what is meant by Metering of Electrical Energy? 6

  7. ABT Based Boundary Metering Metering means, measurement of consumption of a consumer And it means measurement of the consumption at a point of supply to that consumer 7

  8. ABT Based Boundary Metering Consumer Supply Line Consumption = Energy Recorded By the Meter A 8

  9. ABT Based Boundary Metering Now Suppose……… 9

  10. ABT Based Boundary Metering Consumer Consumption = Sum of Energy Recorded By Meters A, B, C, D 10

  11. ABT Based Boundary Metering Now let us further Suppose……… There is a Customer instead of Consumer of energy 11

  12. ABT Based Boundary Metering Consumer V/s Customer 12

  13. ABT Based Boundary Metering Consumer only consumes & Customer consumes as well as supply back 13

  14. ABT Based Boundary Metering Customers need Bi-Directional Meters 14

  15. ABT Based Boundary Metering Customer with Single Supply line needs Single Bi-Directional Meter Energy Consumption will be Net with Signs (+ve or –ve) 15

  16. ABT Based Boundary Metering Sign Convention Net Energy Export = +ve & Net Energy Import = -ve 16

  17. ABT Based Boundary Metering So in case of Customer with Multiple Supply Lines……………. Interface Points………. 17

  18. ABT Based Boundary Metering Consumer Consumption = Vector Sum of Energy Recorded By Meters A, B, C, D Energy Transaction = Net Energy Recorded By Meters A, B, C, D 18

  19. ABT Based Boundary Metering Or Energy Transaction with Other Power Utilities So Boundary Metering Means Net Energy Transaction with a Customer 19

  20. ABT Based Boundary Metering Now We Understood What is Boundary Metering Boundary Metering Means Measurement of Energy Transaction Across a Region Region in our case Normally means Another Power Utility or OA Customers 20

  21. ABT Based Boundary Metering Any Questions Please? 21

  22. ABT Based Boundary Metering Now let us come to what is ABT? 22

  23. ABT Based Boundary Metering ABT = Availability Based Tariff 23

  24. ABT Based Boundary Metering Now next obvious question is ………….? 24

  25. ABT Based Boundary Metering What is Availability Based Tariff? 25

  26. ABT Based Boundary Metering Understanding Availability Based Tariff 26

  27. ABT Based Boundary Metering Purpose of ABT is to Bring in Grid Discipline 27

  28. ABT Based Boundary Metering @ 50 Hz => 300 RPM @ 49 Hz => 294 RPM 28

  29. ABT Based Boundary Metering 50.00 Hz 29

  30. ABT Based Boundary Metering Supply Demand 30

  31. ABT Based Boundary Metering Grid Security Grid Reliability 31

  32. ABT Based Boundary Metering Tariff System Prevalent previously Energy Drawl Bill of a Utility Energy Produced Bill of a Generator 32

  33. ABT Based Boundary Metering 50.00 Hz So Grid Frequency Used to………. Swing Wildly 50.30 Hz 51.00 Hz 50.30 Hz 50.00 Hz 49.80 Hz 49.30 Hz 48.50 Hz 49.00 Hz 49.50 Hz 49.80 Hz 50.00 Hz 33

  34. ABT Based Boundary Metering Tariff System Prevalent previously No Incentives No Punishment 34

  35. ABT Based Boundary Metering ABT = Grid Discipline 35

  36. ABT Based Boundary Metering Supply Demand 36

  37. ABT Based Boundary Metering UFRs SCADA/ EMS Free Governor Operation Many other System for the purpose… 37

  38. ABT Based Boundary Metering But Constraints Technical Political 38

  39. ABT Based Boundary Metering Pseudo Balance ABT is an attempt to bring in some sort of balance between Generation & Consumption Using Money Power 39

  40. ABT Based Boundary Metering So UI …….. 40

  41. ABT Based Boundary Metering • Unscheduled Interchange • UI for generating station is equal to its total actual generation minus its scheduled generation. • UI for distribution utility is equal to its total actual drawl minus its total scheduled drawl. 41

  42. ABT Based Boundary Metering If Grid Freq is more than 50Hz then Overdrawing Utility will get energy at less rate and if it is more than 50.2 then it is free. If Grid frequency is less than 49.2 Hz then the overdrawing utility has to pay more & more for UI. Reverse conditions are applicable for Generating Stations. 42

  43. ABT Based Boundary Metering Since the Original ABT Scheme there have been many Variations to bring in strict discipline and to stop profiteering by energy surplus utilities. 43

  44. ABT Based Boundary Metering ABT ≡ Grid Discipline 44

  45. ABT Based Boundary Metering So Friends…. This was a Short Primer On ABT 45

  46. ABT Based Boundary Metering Now Back to …. ABT Based Boundary Metering 46

  47. ABT Based Boundary Metering So ABT Based Boundary Metering means Boundary Metering based upon ABT type meters 47

  48. ABT Based Boundary Metering ABT meters record Net Energy Transaction at a Interface point between the Power Utilities for each of 96 Blocks of 15 Minutes every day 48

  49. ABT Based Boundary Metering ABT Meters are also called SEMs Special Energy Meters 49

  50. ABT Based Boundary Metering In Punjab the Intra State transactions are to be metered based upon ABT Scheme in compliance to Punjab SGC 50

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