Year Listed refers to the first year an address and phone number were listed in the Haines Criss+Cross Directory, our source for first year listed data. For example, John Smith was first listed at 1515 Main Street with the phone number 555-1212 in 1993. If his address or phone number has not changed since then, his year listed would be 1993.
Year/Mo Listed refers to the actual year and month (2004/01, for example) in which the listing started phone service. Compiled from the phone directory and other sources, the Year/Mo first listed records represent a more exact indicator of length of residency. These records are useful for marketing to new movers and homeowners in your markets. NOTE: "Month" records are not available for all years. The Year/Mo Listed search enables you to direct your searches to properties based on how long people have continuously maintained listed phone service at those properties. You can use this feature to target new homeowners and established homeowners.
To perform a Year/Month Listed Search: Click on the Year/Mo Listed button on the General Criteria column.
To enter a RANGE of years listed, click on the oldest year. While holding down the left mouse button, scroll down to the most recent year you want included in your search. This will highlight the lowest and highest years and all years in between. Your selection will appear in the FROM and TO boxes. The example below shows a selection of March 2001 to February 2002. NOTE: To enter a RANGE, you may also click on the oldest year, position your pointer to the most recent year, hold down the SHIFT key and click on the most recent year.
Once you have made your selection, click OK. Your year/mo listed selection will appear on the Criteria Select screen. All results from your search will include only records first listed between your selected years. Click OK (Begin Search) to retrieve your results. NOTE: The less-than symbol next to a year (e.g., <1993) indicates records that were first listed prior to that year.
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