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Eu ropean S urgical O utcomes S tudy ( EuSOS ). International seven day cohort study of standards of care and clinical outcomes for non-cardiac surgery. EuSOS Objectives of talk. Describe current data on surgical outcome Explain why we need better data for Europe
EuropeanSurgicalOutcomesStudy (EuSOS) International seven day cohort study of standards of care and clinical outcomes for non-cardiac surgery
EuSOSObjectives of talk Describe current data on surgical outcome Explain why we need better data for Europe Describe study design and methods Explain data collection Provide contact details
234 million major surgical procedures worldwide • 4,000 procedures per 100,000 population overall • 11,000 procedures per 100,000 in high income countries
80% of surgical deaths are from the high-risk population Pearse et al. Crit Care 2006; 10: R81.
Poor outcomes from high-risk surgery are hiddenby large numbers of low risk casesPearse et al. Crit Care; 2006; 10 R81.
Estimated annual figures for Europeanhigh-risk surgical population 21 million in-patient general procedures 2.6 million high-risk procedures 1.3 million patients develop complications 315,000 deaths Weiser T. Lancet 2008; 372: 139–44 Ghaferi A. N Engl J Med 2009; 361: 1368-75 Pearse R. Crit Care 2006; 10: R81
Surgical complications decrease long-term survival Khuri et al. Ann Surg 2005; 242: 326–343
Surgical mortality varies widely in USAGhaferi A. N Engl J Med 2009; 361: 1368-75.
Poor quality of surgical outcome data Inaccurate healthcare systems data Specialty society data on limited subsets Mostly retrospective analyses Too much focus on elective surgery No comparative data across Europe
EuSOS: for in-patient non-cardiac surgery, what is the… • Hospital mortality rate • Duration of hospital stay • Standard of peri-operative care • Do standards of care differ across Europe? • Does mortality differ across Europe? • What determines admission to critical care after surgery?
EuSOS: Study design • Observational seven day cohort study • Follow-up to hospital discharge • Basic dataset for all adult non-cardiac surgery • Follow-up for clinical outcomes (inc crit care) • Web-site entry of anonymous patient data
EuSOS:Inclusion criteria All adult patients undergoing in-patient non-cardiac surgery during the seven day study period Start: 09:00 4th April 2011 Finish: 08:59 11th April 2011
EuSOS:Exclusion criteria No planned overnight hospital stay Neurosurgery Obstetrics Cardiac surgery (thoracic surgery is included)
EuSOS:Data collection Data set as small as possible......! Hospital data form: describing size, case mix, etc Operating room form: describing all patients Critical Care form: only for admissions to critical care NB defined as a unit which can routinely ventilate overnight Internet based entry from paper case records
Age Gender ASA grade Co-morbid disease Procedure category Urgency Duration Anaesthetic technique Cardiac output monitoring Seniority of medical staff Recovery stay (hours) Critical care stay Ventilation within 24 hours Data for SAPS III & SOFA Inotrope / vasopressor use Duration of hospital stay In-hospital mortality EuSOS:Data set
Outcome measures Primary: In-hospital mortality Secondary: Duration of hospital stay Duration of critical care stay
EuSOS:Study sites So far, over 300 hospitals in 30 nations Geographical Europe (EU and non-EU nations) National co-ordinators in each nation Local co-ordinators in each hospital
EuSOS: Risks of failure Enough hospitals to represent national practice Poor data capture (completion of data forms) Poor data return (internet data entry)
EuSOS: Opportunities Provide powerful data to improve patient care International benchmark for each hospital Formation of international research group Public recognition for every investigator Data sharing for future research
EuSOS: Steering committee Rupert Pearse (chief investigator) UK Peter Bauer (statistician) Austria Philipp Metnitz Austria Rui Moreno Portugal Paolo Pelosi Italy Andy Rhodes UK Claudia Spies Germany Benoit Vallet France Jean-Louis Vincent Belgium
EuSOS: Information info@eusos.esicm.org http://eusos.esicm.org