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GRAVE. 400 yards above elementary school…. (Mitchell). …2.8 billion gallons of toxic waste. (Mitchell). Class C facility. (Mitchell). http://e360.yale.edu/content/feature.msp?id=2198. “Those mountains are a part of us. When I look at them, I know there is a creator”.
400 yards above elementary school… (Mitchell)
…2.8 billion gallons of toxic waste (Mitchell)
Class C facility (Mitchell)
“Those mountains are a part of us. When I look at them, I know there is a creator” -Janice Nease, Kayford, West Virginia, qtd. in Motavalli
3 million pounds of explosives (Motavalli)
sense of powerlessness and depression • -Kriesky
“People raise millions to save whales and walruses and birds, but the state doesn’t lift a hand to save the most precious thing in the world, a person’s way of life” -Patricia Bragg, resident of small town near MTR site, qtd. in Barry 122
Stream Clean-Up Maple Sugaring Festival
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