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How do the IS Recruiting Committee (IRC) and the IS Alumni Advisory Council Recruiting Committee (ISACRC) interact to recruit new students?. How do the IS Recruiting Committee (IRC) and the IS Alumni Advisory Council Recruiting Committee (ISACRC) interact to recruit new students?.
How do the IS Recruiting Committee (IRC) and the IS Alumni Advisory Council Recruiting Committee (ISACRC) interact to recruit new students?
How do the IS Recruiting Committee (IRC) and the IS Alumni Advisory Council Recruiting Committee (ISACRC) interact to recruit new students?
Recruiting Planned for the Academic Year Process Map for FSU IS Recruiting Recruiting Budget Established Conference Events Identified Advertising Opportunities Identified Website Updates Planned Recruiting Plans Implemented Conference Event Participation Communicated Sign up for event Plan booth Plan Travel Market using email, website, social media Share Post Mortem after the event Place advertisements in line with identified opportunities Monitor effectiveness of ads Prepare end of year ROI report on effectiveness of ads Ongoing Maintenance of Recruiting Program Website Intern Identified Website updates completed Ongoing maintenance of website to coincide with all recruiting events Monitor website for student interest Improve SEO of the FSU IS program Re-establish Recruiting Budget Annually Evaluate Previous Year’s Conference Event Post Mortem Reports Identify Conference Events for the next year Evaluate Annual ROI report on Advertising Efforts Identify Next Year’s Advertising Opportunities Website Updates Planned
Competition • san diego state: http://edtec.sdsu.edu/ • wayne state: http://www.coe.wayne.edu/instructionaltechnology/ • UGA: http://www.coe.uga.edu/epit/idd/ • Indiana • Penn State: http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/AboutUs_FacultyContactInformation.shtml • Arizona State
Apply Yourself (AY) Process Part 1: Applicant Identification Mary Kate manually checks for new submissions from Admissions Student applies via FSU Admissions Department Emails prospective student Creates application folder Rates the student Logs in the contact log The Apply Yourself process allows individuals to apply for the program. Once they have applied or expressed interest in the program recruiting efforts begin. MS – Tristan Johnson Provides email address to faculty PhD – Allan Jeong Provides email address to ISACRC Provides email address to ISSA
Part 2: Recruiting Activities of the IRC, faculty, ISACRC, and ISSA after AY contact Part 2: IRC Evaluate contact log , rating