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Mast cell sarcoma

This case study describes a 38-year-old male with a history of leukemia/lymphoma, presenting with vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue. Diagnostic findings, including cytospin analysis, immunophenotype, and cytogenetic studies, led to the diagnosis of Mast Cell Sarcoma. Unfortunately, the patient had a rapid downhill course and passed away a month after presentation.

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Mast cell sarcoma

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mast cell sarcoma Yi-Hua Chen1, Amy Chadburn2, LoAnn Peterson1 1. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago. 2. Weil Cornell Medical College, New York

  2. Clinical History and Physical Exam (1) • 38 y/o male with history of gamma delta T lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma, status post chemotherapy and HSCT. • Presented with intractable vomiting, diarrhea and fatigue. • CT showed significant bowel thickening, ascites and peritoneal nodularity.

  3. Ascitic Fluid - Cytospin

  4. Ascitic Fluid - Cytospin

  5. Omental Nodule

  6. OmentalNodule

  7. Liver Nodule

  8. Ascitic Fluid – Cell block

  9. Flow Cytometry – Ascitic Fluid Forward Scatter CD13 CD33 Side Scatter CD117 CD117 CD25 CD2 MPO CD117 CD117 CD117

  10. Immunophenotype summary (Flow & IHC): CD117+, CD34-, CD33+, dim CD13+, MPO-, TdT-, CD123+, CD2+, CD25+, tryptase+, CD68 (KP-1)+ Cytogenetic studies: 78-89,XXXX,del(3)(p12p26),add(9)(p23),del(9) (p12-24), add(21)(p11.2)inc[cp 18] Molecular analysis: Negative for KIT mutation

  11. Diagnosis Mast Cell Sarcoma

  12. Follow up of patient • Rapidly progressive downhill course • Expired one month after presentation

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