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Sharing Ideas, Concepts, and Events from the Transportation Association of Canada’s Chief Engineers’ Council

Sharing Ideas, Concepts, and Events from the Transportation Association of Canada’s Chief Engineers’ Council. Gregory C. Johnson, P.E. Chief Operations Officer/AASHTO Liaison Michigan Department of Transportation 2013 Fall AASHTO Conference.

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Sharing Ideas, Concepts, and Events from the Transportation Association of Canada’s Chief Engineers’ Council

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  1. Sharing Ideas, Concepts, and Events from the Transportation Association of Canada’s Chief Engineers’ Council Gregory C. Johnson, P.E. Chief Operations Officer/AASHTO Liaison Michigan Department of Transportation 2013 Fall AASHTO Conference

  2. CentrePort Canada is North America’s Newest 20,000-Acre Inland Port and Foreign Trade Zone, Offering Unique Access to Tri-modal Transportation (Road, Rail and Air).

  3. $142M CONTRACT CentrePort Canada $120M IN CLAIMS (84.5% of Contract) $22M DIFFERENTIAL

  4. 2013 Spring Flooding in Alberta • Causes: • Snow Pack • Storm System Stalled Over the Area • 120 Millimeters (4.7”) of Rain in 12 Hours

  5. 2013 Spring Flooding in Alberta • Impacts: • $5 - $6B in Estimated Damages to Province (Over $2B in Calgary Alone) • 29 Communities Declared Emergency • 100,000 People Evacuated • 985 Kilometers (612 mi) of Highway Closed • 30 Bridges Closed

  6. 2013 Spring Flooding in Alberta

  7. 2013 Spring Flooding in Alberta

  8. 2013 Spring Flooding in Alberta

  9. 2013 Spring Flooding in Alberta

  10. 2013 Spring Flooding in Alberta • Accomplishments/Lessons Learned: • TransCanada Highway Re-opened in 6 Days • Future Bridge Design Impacted - Modeling to Show how Much Water to Design for Using Channel Capacity and Historic High Water Considerations, Basin Runoff Potential

  11. Canadian Research Program • Accomplishes Research Through a Pooled-fund Model • Averages 6.3 Projects Funded per Year at About $120k per Project • Funding is Provided by a Combination of the 29 TAC Private Sector Members Which Includes Association Members

  12. Current Research Topics • Winter Severity Index • Work Zone Effective Practices • Low Volume Roads Load Management Practices • Asset Management Practices Synthesis • Canadian Model Rules of the Road Update • Traffic Monitoring Best Practices • Centerline Pavement Markings for Passing and Climbing Lanes

  13. Chief Engineers’ Council Issues • Skilled Labor Shortage is a Concern Tied to Potential Temporary Foreign Workers, Apprenticeships, Outreach to Potential Workers • Initiative for Growing Youth Participation • ITE to Create Leadership Skills in the Transportation Industry for Younger Professionals

  14. Standing Committee Issues • Soils and Materials: • Risk Assessment Model/Plan for Geotechnical Issues Being Created • SHRP 2 Presentation www.GeotechTools.org • Adopting Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design • 5 Focus Areas: Pavement Materials, Structural Materials, Geotechnical, Soils and Recycled Materials, Innovations

  15. Standing Committee Issues • Geometric Design: • Updating the Geometric Design Guidelines -How Will Autonomous Vehicles Change Roadway Design Parameters • Implications of Super Loads on Geometric Design • Will Publish a Roundabout Design Guide in 2015 • How Will Roundabouts Accommodate Active Transportation (Non-motorized)

  16. Standing Committee Issues • Construction and Maintenance: • Pavement Runoff Study Looking at Water Quality of Runoff from Pavements Entering Ditches and Downstream • Looking at Salinity and Other Pollutants Entering Water Courses • Looking at the Creation of Corporate Knowledge Data Bank to Perpetuate Lessons Learned to the Next Generation of Practitioners

  17. Standing Committee Issues • Construction and Maintenance (Cont’d): • Public Utility Management • Summer/Winter Maintenance Best Practices • Work Zone Management • Climate Change • Snow Plow Configuration and Lighting

  18. Standing Committee Issues • Road Safety: • Developing a Road Safety Professional Designation (Similar to PTOE) • 2015 is the Mid-year of the Decade of Action on Traffic Safety • Safety Criterion in Scoping Process • Work Zone Consideration for Active Transportation Users (Non-motorized) • Active Transportation and Vulnerable Road Users (Where Does the Stewardship Reside?) • Concerned About the Pooled Fund Model for Research Funding

  19. Standing Committee Issues • Structures: • Bridge Sustainability Precast Elements • Bridge Barrier Guide • Climate Change Impacts on Structure Design • MSE Walls Design Construction and Maintenance • Welding of Reinforcing Steel in Precast Girders

  20. Standing Committee Issues • Traffic Operations and Management: • 30 to 80 Percent of Vehicle Crashes due to Distracted Driving • Push in Some Provinces to Raise Speed Limit to 120 km/hour (75 mph) • YouTube Video “Speed Kills Your Pocketbook“ • Harmonizing Electric Vehicle Signing

  21. Task Force Issues Asset Management: Should Asset Management go from a Task Force to a Standing Committee Status? (Standing Committees Report to Councils) • Climate Change: • Malaysian Professor to Speak on Cleaner HMA at TAC Meeting this Fall • Evaluation of the Future of the Task Force: Renew Mandate, Create a New Standing Committee Entity, Dissolve to Nothing, Distribute the Charge to Other Existing Committees

  22. Chief Engineer’s Role in Canada Canadian Officials want to Enhance the Role of the Chief Engineer Beyond that of Ad-hoc Definitions that Occur in Various Job Descriptions. Define, Formalize, and Codify the Chief Engineer’s Role. Possible Creation of an Office of the Chief Engineer Outside of the DOT.

  23. Announcements • Transportation Association of Canada’s • 100-Year Celebration (Montreal, Quebec) • 2014 Spring Meeting /April 12-13 • (Ottawa, Ontario) • ITS World Congress/September 7-11, 2014 • (Detroit, Michigan)

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