Sustainability of the Small Farm Production of Ethanol from Sugarcane
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Sustainability of the Small Farm Production of Ethanol from Sugarcane. Megan Coffelt University of West Florida . Summary . Discuss: The scenario of ethanol production on small farms and their importance
Sustainability of the Small Farm Production of Ethanol from Sugarcane
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Sustainability of the Small Farm Production of Ethanol from Sugarcane
Megan Coffelt University of West Florida
Summary Discuss: The scenario of ethanol production on small farms and their importance Basic review of cachaça production and potential for ethanol production from the head and tail Vinasse-Problem or solution? Positive and negative aspects of vinasse Case study
The Small Farm System For the system to be sustainable, integration of food production and energy is needed Systems and areas required: Land for planting sugarcane Diversified crops Production area for cachaça and ethanol Animals (cattle, dairy cows, chickens, swine) Think where the fuel will be used - Farmer: Personal use Equipment
Ethanol Production Milling Fermentation Distillation - Main differences between cachaça and ethanol are present at this stage Different sized columns are used Important byproducts vinasse bagasse
Example of milling Fermentation tank
Differences in Ethanol and Cachaça Production Alembic Distillation column for ethanol
Bagasse Crushed sugarcane stalks that results from milling Use of bagasse include: - Used as a fuel for distilation - Animal feed - Can used used with manure as fertilizer Primary use is as a fuel
Vinasse Wastewater that results from cachaça and ethanol production Problematic characteristics : 1 L of ethanol produces 10-13 L Characterized as nutrient rich, having a low pH and a high concentration of organic matter may lead to a reduction in the quality of soil and water.
Methods of Treatment Application as a fertilizer The use as an additive to animal feed Production of biogas through anaerobic digestion
Treatment Methods: Animal Feed Additive As an ideal additive due to the availability of organic acids, calcium, and phosphorus Beneficial when used as an additive in poultry, ruminant, and pig feeds
Methods of Treatment: Fertilizer Beneficial due to the concentration of vinasse Rich in potassium, sulfur, nitrogen and organic matter, which improves the soil quality Profitable, since it reduces the demand for traditional fertilizers Information about the environment is necessary - Complete evaluation of soil - Location and distance of water bodies - Climatic characteristics
Methods of Treatment: Anaerobic Digestion Process used to treat vinasse Microbes oxygen to convert organic matter and nutrients to carbon dioxide and methane - Acid-forming bacteria alter the organic material to low molecular weight compounds Methane forming bacteria then convert to the low molecular weight compound, methane In addition to methane and carbon dioxide, a liquid that is produced can be used as fertilizer
Production of Biogas Requires anaerobic digestion Vinasse can produce 14,23 m3CH4m-3 of biogas per 1 m3, which is higher than traditional materials used on farms for biogas production. Can be used as a secondary fuel source on the farm after ethanol
Amount of Biogas Generated from Vinasse Compared to Traditional Feedstock Sources
Calculations: Case Study Were performed to calculate the quantities of products produced on a small farm The calculations were based on the following values: - Capacity of still: 1.000 L - Number of distillations per day: 2 - Percentage of alcohol in fermented juice: 8% - Sugarcane yield per hectare: 80 t/ha - Amount of juice per ton of cane: 600 L/t - Number of production days: 200 porano
Calculations Additional information was required for the head, heart and tail sections of juice: - The head is 15% of the alcohol volume with 65ºGL - The heart is 60% of the alcohol volume with 43ºGL - The tail is 25% of the alchohol volume with 35ºGL
Results: Alcohol Produced
Results: Byproducts produced
Discussion: Case Study The results show that: - Sustainability or at least reduced reliance on external sources can be achieved: Fuel from ethanol, biogas and bagasse Fertilizers from vinasse, composted bagasse, and liquids from anaerobic digestion Feed from bagasse Feed additive from vinasse
Conclusion The process used for ethanol and cachaça production yield byproducts that can be used in small farm (vinasse and bagasse) - All derivatives can be used, reducing waste and improving the sustainability - System that has a reduced environmental impact compared to industries The methods of treatment used to change vinasse are a main concern that will determine the overall effectiveness of the system.
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