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Professional Learning Community (PLC) on Student-Centered Learning in High School

Professional Learning Community (PLC) on Student-Centered Learning in High School September 20, 2013 3:30-5:00 pm. Introductions and Background. Welcome Background: Nellie Mae Education Foundation New Approaches in Urban Districts Grant

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Professional Learning Community (PLC) on Student-Centered Learning in High School

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  1. Professional Learning Community (PLC) on Student-Centered Learning in High School September 20, 2013 3:30-5:00 pm

  2. Introductions and Background • Welcome • Background: • Nellie Mae Education Foundation New Approaches in Urban Districts Grant • $450,000 / 18 months to research , plan and pilot blended learning models at the high school level • Part of a cross-district community of practice with other Connecticut communities: Danbury, Meriden, New Haven, Manchester, Norwalk; Chelsea and Revere in Massachusetts; and Providence in Rhode Island • PLC Introductions

  3. Introductions …. In 30 seconds, tell us about : • Who, what, and where you teach • Something that you know about blended learning OR • Question you have about blended learning OR • Something you like/dislike about blended learning

  4. Planning Goals Goals: • To increase district and community knowledge of student-centered blended learning • To determine ways to use blended learning to increase student achievement and differentiate learning • To engage in action research to pilot and evaluate blended learning approaches in two schools: Pathways Academy of Technology and Design and Bulkeley Teacher Prep and Humanities Academy • To share best practices from the blended learning research for consideration throughout district

  5. Project Scope and Planning Activities  I Where we are today II Explore promising practices III Develop a Shared Vision for Blended Learning IV Engage the Community for Input and Expand Knowledge V Pilot implementation plans in Bulkeley and Pathways VI Project Report

  6. Planning Teams and Key Participants • Bulkeley/Pathways Professional Learning Community (PLC) • Superintendent’s Work Group on Student-Centered Learning in High School

  7. What is…Student Centered Learning? Student Centered Learning: • Emphasizes that education is not “one-size fits all.” • Students develop their academic and career interests and produce authentic, professional work to demonstrate their learning. • Teachers act as coaches, advisors, and facilitators, providing students with the opportunity to take charge of their own learning. (Moeller & Reitzes, 2011)

  8. What is…Blended Learning? Blended Learning –  a formal education program in which a student learns in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace; in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home. (Clayton Christensen Institute, 2012)

  9. The Basics of Blended Learning • educationelements. (2011, September 24). The Basics of Blended Learning [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xMqJmMcME0

  10. Blended Learning Models

  11. Rotation • Within a course or subject, students rotate on a fixed schedule (or as directed by the teacher) between different learning modalities, at least one of which is online learning.

  12. Rotation • Example: The KIPP LA Empower Academy

  13. Flex • Instruction is delivered primarily via the Internet, with students moving on an individually customized sequence; scheduling is fluid among learning modalities, and the teacher of record is on site.

  14. Flex • Example: San Francisco Flex Academy

  15. Self-Blend • Students choose to take one or more courses entirely online to supplement their traditional courses. • Example: Quakertown Community School District

  16. Enriched model • Students divide their time between attending a brick-and-mortar campus and learning remotely using online delivery of content and instruction. • Example: Albuquerque eCADEMY

  17. Hybrid Models

  18. What role does the PLC play? The PLC will be the practitioner core of the planning grant. The group will come together to learn, share experiences, explore new tools, and problem-solve together. The work of the PLC will inform the Superintendent’s Work Group on Student-Centered Learning.

  19. PLC Site Coordinators’ Responsibilities • PLC Site Coordinators fromPathways Academy of Technology and Design and Bulkeley Teacher Prep and Humanities Academy • Serve on the Superintendent’s Work Group • Participates in site visits and CoP sessions • Lead the building PLC work in collaboration with Program Coordinator and Planning Consultant • Complete the assigned responsibilities as specified in the Nellie Mae Grant, MOU, and Project Work Plan

  20. PLC Members’ responsibilities • PLC Members: 10 high school teachers to participate in action research around blended learning. • Conduct action research in their classrooms and document the experience • Develop a theory of action regarding blended learning as a student-centered approach to support Common Core State Standards, College and Career Readiness, build students’ autonomy and motivation, and provide personalized learning opportunities for students anywhere, anytime. • Gather and review information about blended learning approaches • Document existing models within Hartford Public Schools • Visit programs to experience blended learning models and outcomes • Assess findings of the literature and internal and external reviews

  21. PLC 2013-2014 Membership

  22. PLC Blended Learning Implementation Plans • Individual plans for Implementation Phase • Focuses on the integration of blended learning with specific students and classes • Informs the Superintendent’s Work Group and Nellie Mae on the progress of the project • Informs our next steps for resources, site visits, and planning to support further implementation • Plans are due on Thursday, October 17, 2013, emailed by site coordinators to David.Stoloff@hartfordschools.org and Horks001@hartfordschools.org

  23. PLC Supports • PLC meetings – building-based and district-based • Site Coordinators • Devices • Site visits and conferences • Availability of substitute teachers to allow for required attendance at project meetings and out of school professional development • Stipends Site Coordinators – 225 hours ($7,200) PLC members – 170 hours ($5,440) (estimated 4 pay dates – 11/30/13, 2/28/14, 5/31, 9/30)

  24. PLC Meetings • Building-based meetings: PLC meetings that will be planned, coordinated, and documented by building site coordinators during the school day or after school, with invitations to the members of the project leadership group; • District-based meetings: PLC meetings planned and coordinated by David Stoloff and Sarah Horkel, planned to be 4-6 times per academic year

  25. PLC District-Wide Schedule • Friday, September 20, 3:30 – 5 pm, Bulkeley • Wednesday, October 23, 4 – 6 pm, Pathway Academy to Technology and Design • Wednesday, November 20, 4 – 6 pm, CPBN

  26. Project Action Research • Action Research Leader: Dr. David Stoloff • Action Research Plan is grant deliverable for December 2013 • Outlines action research process during Implementation Phase (January 2014-June 2014) • Requires qualitative and quantitative data collection

  27. Next Step: Landscape Scan • School survey: work group feedback on topics, key questions, areas of inquiry – http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MWSLQNL completed by October 4, 2013 • Continuing development of project website – http://blendedlearningct.wordpress.com/

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