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Berna Bayazit Baran Programme Manager Amman 8 January 2014

Resilience based response for host communities in Turkey. Berna Bayazit Baran Programme Manager Amman 8 January 2014. /undpturkiye /undpturkiye. Context-Challenges and Opportunities. Suggested UNDP Response (under discussion).

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Berna Bayazit Baran Programme Manager Amman 8 January 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Resilience based response for host communities in Turkey Berna Bayazit Baran Programme Manager Amman 8 January 2014 /undpturkiye /undpturkiye

  2. Context-Challenges and Opportunities

  3. SuggestedUNDP Response(under discussion)

  4. Partners and donors(at the consultation/ prepstage)

  5. What is different from what is already happening? No targeting of the host communities yet-UNDP’s work with the socio-economic impact perspective A mix of short term response to host communities (with the existing government capacities) to longer term interventions for increased resilience and reduced impact (building on ongoing UNDP initiatives) Involvement of a wide range of actors for new modalities of assistance to host communities Capacity building for the local government for better and more effective service delivery (e.g. on waste management) Benefits to host communities and non-camp Syrian populations at the same time

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