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Quality, Accountability & Analytics. 2013-2014 PFT Training. Wednesday, January 8, 2014 2 – 3:30 P.M. Tilden Campus Friday, January 31, 2014 10am – Noon Foster Campus. Office of the District PFT Coordinator 4551 Steele Street Oakland, CA 94619 510-336-7551(direct) 510-531-6539(fax)
Quality, Accountability & Analytics 2013-2014 PFT Training Wednesday, January 8, 2014 2 – 3:30 P.M.Tilden CampusFriday, January 31, 201410am – Noon Foster Campus Office of the District PFT Coordinator 4551 Steele Street Oakland, CA 94619 510-336-7551(direct) 510-531-6539(fax) testing@ousd.k12.ca.us
PFT Training Agenda • Sign-in • Introduction and Housekeeping • Overview of 2013-2014 PFT Packets • 2010-2013 PFT Data • Logistics • Video • FITNESSGRAM Demo • Q&A • Closure
Desired Outcomes • I can articulate and explain the purpose of the Physical Fitness Test. • I have the materials and resources needed to administer the PFT accurately and reliably. • I can train others at my school site to administer the PFT accurately and reliably. • I know who to reach out to for support.
What is the PFT? • A statewide Physical Fitness Test (PFT) program. • Authorized in 1976 and reestablished in 1995 as part of the California Assessment of Academic Achievement Act (Assembly Bill [AB] 265 which added EC Section 60800). • In February 1996, the State Board of Education designated FITNESSGRAM® as the required physical fitness test that school districts shall administer to California students in grade 5, 7, and 9.
Valid Age Range • Gr. 5…8-12 • Gr.7…10-14 • Gr. 9…12-16
PFT: FITNESSGRAM® • The FITNESSGRAM® is a comprehensive, health-related physical fitness battery developed by The Cooper Institute. • The primary goal of the FITNESSGRAM® is to assist students in establishing lifetime habits of regular physical activity.
Why PFT? • To assist students in establishing lifetime habits of regular physical activity • For students to assess and plan personal fitness programs • For teachers to design the curriculum for physical education programs • For parents and guardians to understand their children’s fitness levels • Useful for monitoring changes in the physical fitness of California students • By law (Education Code Section 60800), all school districts in California are required to administer the PFT annually to all students in grades……..
4 Major Components of PFT 1. Aerobic Capacity 2. Muscle Strength and Endurance • 3. Flexibility • 4. Body Composition • (Body Mass Index (BMI) from Height and Weight)
4 Major Components of PFT: Aerobic Capacity • 1.Aerobic Capacity • (Select only one of the following test options): • One Mile Run in minutes and seconds) • 20mPACER in #of laps • One Mile Walk Test in minutes and seconds AND1 Minute Hear Rate
Major Component of PFT: Muscle Strength & Endurance • 2. Muscle Strength& Endurance • Abdominal Strength • Test Option • Curl Up • Trunk strength • Test Option • Trunk Lift • Upper body strength and endurance • Test Options • Push Up • Modified Push Up • Flexed Arm Hang
Major Component of PFT: Flexibility • 3. Flexibility • Test Options • Back Saver Sit and Reach • Shoulder Reach
4 Major Components of PFT: Body Composition • 4. Body Composition (OUSD does not do this test) • Test Options: • Skinfold Measurements • Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer • Body Mass Index (We do • Height and Weight in lieu of Body Composition)
Changes for 2013 -14 • No change to the test administration of the PFT for 2013-14. • Test items and data to enter are the same.
PFT Participation 2009-10 and 2012-13
Activities Aerobic Capacity and Body Composition (15 Minutes) (Please use the Aerobic Capacity and Body Composition chart/slide #____; work in groups of 3) • My site is strong in the________________component(s) of the PFT. • My site needs improvement in the______________________area(s) of the PFT. • My site aims to ________________to sustain our PFT strength(s). • My site aims to ________________to enhance our PFT results. Tested Items and Demonstration (15 Minutes) • Form a group of 3. • Each participant selects two components of the PFT to demonstrate to all participants. • Explore ways to answer to following questions about the PFT: A. How can my site ensure that all of our 5th, 7th, or 9th graders are tested when we have no gymnasium? B. How can my site ensure that all of our 5th, 7th, or 9th graders are tested when we have no outdoor track or field? C. How can my site ensure that all of our 5th, 7th, or 9th graders are tested when we have no gym nor outdoor track or field?
Aerobic Capacity and Body Composition How do you think your school performed in the 2012-2013 PFT?
Logistics • PFT Window–February 3rd–March 21th • Pre-printed data sheets: • Will be delivered to schools or to be picked up by sites at • QAA Tilden, 4551 Steele St. • Rm. 10, Assessment Office • 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. • Check-In Dates (Please see schedule) • Thursday, March 27th and Friday, March 28th
Checklist for 2013-14 PFT Check-in • Fully complete a StudentData Collection Form for each student enrolled in grades 5, 7, and 9 with all the demographic information as well as the testing areas —whether completely tested, partially tested or not tested at all. • Accurately record a score, ensuring that the score is right justified, for example, in a 3 digit field a score of 2 would be written as “002” while a score of 20 would be written as “020”. • Only use a #2 pencil to write the scores in the boxes provided and darken the corresponding ovals. All numbers must be bubbled in, including zeros. • Make sure Height and Weight section is completed for each answer sheet. • Arrange the Student Data Collection Forms by grade with the name facing up. • Complete one School Data Collection Form for each school, completely bubble all information and place it on top of all the Student Data Collection Forms. • Pack documents in box or envelope with the highest grade level at the bottom. Bring to district warehouse, 900 High Street, rear of parking lot. Warehouse phone number is (510) 434-2213.
Web Resources • For general resources: https://pftdata.org/resources.aspx • For modules, videos and other training info: https://pftdata.org/training.aspx • For PFT page in the OUSD public portal: http://www.ousd.k12.ca.us/Page/1025
Where do I go for PFT help? Tom Schao District PFT Coordinator tom.schao@ousd.k12.ca.us 510.336.7551 Ramona Stokes-Burton State and Local Assessment Coordinator Ramona.Burton@ousd.k12.ca.us 510.336.7544 www.fitnessgram.net The PFT Testing Window is February 3rd to March 28th