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Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 193 October 2012

Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 193 October 2012. Bulletin available online: click the library button of the CAG page. HOT PICKS. for October.

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Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 193 October 2012

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  1. Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 193 October 2012 Bulletin available online: click the library button of the CAG page.

  2. HOT PICKS for October Early Childhood 12 Haunted Rooms of Halloween October / Octubre Elementary No-Dogs-Allowed Rule Cantar Mio Cid Middle School Book of the Three The Foods We Eat High School Age of Miracles Communication and Cyberspace

  3. Early Childhood THE TWELVE HAUNTED ROOMS OF HALLOWEEN BY MACKY PAMINTAUN A small bear journeys through a haunted house as rhyming text encourages readers to find and count holiday inspired items that have been hidden by the silly monsters. OCTOBER / OCTUBRE BY ROBYN BRODE Depicts a variety of activities and holidays that take place in the fall during the month of October. Provides discussion questions, color photos, a glossary, an index, and suggestions for further information.

  4. Elementary THE NO-DOGS-ALLOWED RULE BY KASHMIRA SHETH Third-grader Ishan Mehra is determined to convince his mother to let him have a dog by being extra helpful and nice. His efforts, however, seem to cause more problems and bigger messes. When an elderly neighbor needs Ishan's help, Ishan gets the opportunity to demonstrate his capabilities, and his mother's attitude toward dogs begin to soften. CANTAR MIO CID NOVELA GRAFICA Hace muchos siglos, en la España ocupada por los moros, un héroe legendario escribió su propia historia con fuerza y astucia. Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, el Cid Campeador, exiliado de su pueblo y separado de su familia, logró conquistar su propio reino y recuperar el honor perdido injustamente. Su historia transmitida de generación en generación, ya es leyenda y encarnación del espíritu caballeresco.

  5. Middle School BOOK OF THREE BY LLOYD ALEXANDER Since The Book of Three was first published, young readers have been enthralled by the adventures of Taran the Assistant Pig-Keeper and his quest to become a hero. Taran is joined by an engaging cast of characters that includes Eilonwy, the strong-willed and sharp-tongued princess; Fflewddur Fflam, the hyperbole-prone bard; the ever-faithful Gurgi; and the curmudgeonly Doli--all of whom have become involved in an epic struggle between good and evil that shapes the fate of the legendary land of Prydain.  One of Mr. O’Neill’s favorites! THE FOODS WE EAT BY NICOLAS BRASCH Uses a question-and-answer format to help students understand the science behind the foods they eat, explaining how foods are grown or made, why food impacts behavior, intelligence, and health, the different ways foods are processed, and other related topics.

  6. High School AGE OF MIRACLES BY KAREN THOMPSON WALKER The Age of Miracles is a beautiful novel of catastrophe and survival, growth and change, the story of Julia and her family as they struggle to live in an extraordinary time. On an ordinary Saturday, Julia awakes to discover that something has happened to the rotation of the earth. The days and nights are growing longer and longer, gravity is affected, the birds, the tides, human behavior and cosmic rhythms are thrown into disarray. COMMUNICATION AND CYBERSPACE BY ROBERT PLOTKIN Explores communication and cyberspace, focusing on some of the most recent groundbreaking communication advancements, including email, instant messaging, and social networking websites, and describes how these innovations influence communication in personal and professional areas of everyday life.

  7. NON-FICTION • Computers, Information & General Works • 001.942 KAL Kallen, Stuart A., 1955-. Aliens. San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2011. • Philosophy & Psychology • 133.4 SAN Santamaría, Simonetta. Vampiros : desde Drácula hasta Twilight. Madrid, España : Paraninfo, 2009. • 158.1 MOR Morgenstern, Mindy. The real rules for girls. New York : Pocket Books, 2002. • Religion • 220.3 WHA What does the Bible say about... : the ultimate A to Z resource fully illustrated. Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson, c2001. • 282.7281 BEN Bendaña Perdomo, Ricardo. La Iglesia en la historia de Guatemala : 1500-2000. Guatemala : Librerías Artemis Edinter, 2010. • 285 CAR Carter, Betty Smartt, 1965-. Home is always the place you just left : a memoir of restless longing and persistent grace. Brewster, Mass. : Paraclete Press, c2003. • Social Sciences • 303.48 PLOPlotkin, Robert, 1971-. Communication and cyberspace. New York : Facts on File, c2012. • 320 MONMontesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 1689-1755. The spirit of laws : a compendium of the first English edition. Berkeley : University of California Press, c1977. • 330 SOR Soros, George. Mi filosofía. 1a. ed. en México. Madrid : Taurus, 2011. • 338.04 BRO Brown, Richmond F. (Richmond Forrest), 1961-. Juan Fermín de Aycinena : Central American colonial entrepreneur, 1729-1796. Norman, [Okla.] : University of Oklahoma Press, c1997. • 345.73 JAC Jacobs, Thomas A. Teen cyberbullying investigated : where do your rights end and consequences begin? Minneapolis, MN : Free Spirit Pub., c2010. • 363.12 PAR Parks, Peggy J., 1951-. Drunk driving. San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2010. • 364 JUA Juárez Elías, Erick. Ministerio público versus impunidad. Guatemala : F&G Editores, 2013. • 364.152 LOP López, Julie. Gerardi : muerte en el vecindario de Dios. Guatemala : F & G Editores, 2012. • 378 SCH Schneider, Zola Dincin. Campus visits & college interviews : a complete guide for college-bound students and their families. 3rd ed. New York : College Board, c2012. • Pure Sciences • 598.072 HOOHoose, Phillip M., 1947-. Moonbird : a year on the wind with the great survivor B95. 1st ed. New York : Farrar Straus Giroux, 2012. • Technology (Applied Sciences) • 616.4 YUW Yuwiler, Janice. Diabetes. San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2010. • 641.5 SAN Sanderson, Sheri L. Incredible edible gluten-free food for kids : 150 family-tested recipes. 1st ed. Bethesda, MD : Woodbine House, 2002.

  8. Arts & Recreation • 709.2 CARCarlos Mérida 120 años. Guatemala : Fundación Mario Monteforte Toledo, 2011. • 796.815 UFC UFC : Ultimate Fighting Championship official fan's guide : as real as it gets. London : Carlton Books, 2011. • Literature • 861 GOMGómez Carrillo, Enrique. Raquel Meller. [Madrid] : Reino de Goneril, 2009. • 863 PER Perdomo Orellana, JL. Pájaros feos que cantan : Mario Monteforte Toledo : conversacions inéditas. Guatemala : Magna Terra, 2012. • 863.64 MEN Méndez, Francisco. Cuentos de Joyabaj. 3. ed. Guatemala : Editorial Cultura, 2007. • History & Geography • 952.025 LOULouis, Thomas. Samuráí : el código del guerrero. Madrid : Cengage Learning Paraninfo, c2008. • 972.81 MOB v.1 Móbil, José Antonio. Guatemala, el lado oscuro de la historia (2 Volumes). Guatemala : F&G Editores, c2012. • 972.810 FIG vol. 1Alvarez, Virgilio. Guatemala, historia reciente (1954-1996). Guatemala : FLACSO, 2012. • 972.8105 FAL Falla, Ricardo. Negreaba de zopilotes : masacre y sobrevivencia : finca San Francisco, Nentón, Guatemala (1871 a 2010). Guatemala : Instituto AVANCSO, 2011. • 972.8105 MOB Móbil, José A. La década revolucionaria, 1944-1954. Guatemala : Serviprensa, [2010]. • 980 BUC Buckman, Robert T. Latin America, 2011. 45th ed. Lanham, MD : Stryker-Post Publications, c2011. • 985 SOM Somervill, Barbara A. Empire of the Incas. Rev. ed. New York : Chelsea House, c2009. • Biography • 92 ABBAbbott, Jim, 1967-. Imperfect : an improbable life. 1st ed. New York : Ballantine Books, c2012. • 92 COM Common (Musician). One day it'll all make sense : a memoir. 1st Atria Books hardcover ed. New York : Atria Books, 2011. • 92 LES Savage, Jeff. Brock Lesnar. 1st ed. Greensboro, N.C. : Morgan Reynolds Pub., c2012. • 92 MONMonroe, Marilyn, 1926-1962. My story. 1st Taylor Trade Pub. ed., Illustrated ed. Lanham, Md. : Taylor Trade :, 2007. • 92 SCH Schwarzenegger, Arnold. Total recall : my unbelievably true life story. 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2012. • 920 ATW Atwood, Kathryn J. Women heroes of World War II : 26 stories of espionage, sabotage, resistance, and rescue. 1st ed. Chicago : Chicago Review Press, c2011. • FICTION • F BAR Barnes, Kim. A country called home. 1st Anchor Books ed. New York : Anchor Books, 2009, c2008. • F COL Coll, Susan. Rockville Pike : a suburban comedy of manners. New York : Simon & Schuster, c2005. • F COL Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889. The woman in white. New York : Pocket Books, [2005]. • F COR Cornwell, Patricia Daniels. Black notice. Berkley premium ed. New York : Berkley Books, 2009, 1999.

  9. F DEW DeWoskin, Rachel. Big girl small. 1st ed. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. • F DIX Dixon, Nell. No quiero decirte la verdad. España : Algaida Editores - Oberon, 2010. • F FOL Follett, Ken. Fall of giants. New York : Signet Book, [2012], c2010. • F GRE Greene, Bette, 1934-. Summer of my German soldier. New York : Puffin Books, 2006, c1973. • F HAR Harrington, Hannah, 1987-. Speechless. Don Mills, Ont. : Harlequin Teen, c2012. • F HES Hesse, Karen. Safekeeping. 1st ed. New York : Feiwel and Friends, 2012. • F ISH Ishiguro, Kazuo, 1954-. Never let me go. 1st Vintage International ed. New York : Vintage International, 2006, c2005. • F RAT Ratner, Vaddey. In the shadow of the banyan. 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2012. • F SIN Sin, Kyŏng-suk. Please look after mom : a novel. 1st ed. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. • F STO Stover, Matthew Woodring. Star wars, Luke Skywalker and the shadows of Mindor. Del Rey mass market ed. New York : Del Rey/Ballantine Books, 2010, c2008. • F WAL Walker, Karen Thompson. The age of miracles : a novel. 1st ed. New York : Random House, c2012. • F WIL Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. The picture of Dorian Gray. 1st Vintage classics ed. New York : Vintage Books, 2011. • AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL • History & Geography • DVD 917.1 CAN Canada. Los Angeles, CA : Escapi Media, 2005. : Escapi Media, 2005., 2005, c1999. • DVD 932 PYR Pyramid. Full screen version. [Alexandria, Va.] : Distributed by PBS Home Video, [2006]. • DVD 973.931 ONE 102 minutes that changed America. U.S.A. : A&E Television Networks, 2008. • SERIAL MATERIAL • Religion • S 210 RITRitos y creencias de Guatemala. Guatemala : Prensa Libre : Empresa Eléctrica de Guatemala, [200-?]. • Social Sciences • S 305.897 GUA Guatemala multicultural. Guatemala : Prensa Libre : Bancafe, [200-?]. • S 398.2 MAG Magia y misterio : Leyendas de Guatemala Colección 2012. Guatemala : Prensa Libre ; IRTRA y Banco Industrial, [200-?]. • S 398.2 MAG Col. I Magia y misterio de Guatemala Colección I. Guatemala : Prensa Libre : Empresa Eléctrica de Guatemala, [200-?]. • S 398.2 MAG Col. II Magia y misterio de Guatemala Colección II. Guatemala : Prensa Libre : Empresa Eléctrica de Guatemala, [200-?]. • History & Geography • S 917.281 FIE Fiestas de Guatemala. Guatemala : Prensa Libre : Empresa Eléctrica de Guatemala, [200-?]. • S 972.8 VOC Voces ancestrales. Guatemala : Prensa Libre : Guatevisión, [200-?]. • S 972.81 GUA Guatemala Geográfica. Guatemala : Prensa Libre : Claro; Z Gas, [200-?].

  10. JUVENILE • NON-FICTION • Computers, Information & General Works • J 001.94 GRE Greathouse, Lisa E. Unsolved! : mysterious places. Huntington Beach, CA : Teacher Created Materials, c2013. • J 001.94 STE Stewart, Gail B. (Gail Barbara), 1949-. The Bermuda Triangle. San Diego, CA : Reference Point Press, c2009. • J 001.944 ROB Roberts, Steven, 1955-. Chupacabras! 1st ed. New York : PowerKids Press, 2013. • J 031.02 WEI Weird but true! 4 : 300 outrageous facts. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic, c2012. • Philosophy & Psychology • J 133.1 KAL Kallen, Stuart A., 1955-. Haunted houses. San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, c2008. • J 133.4 CHE Cheatham, Mark. Witches! 1st ed. New York : PowerKids Press, 2012. • Religion • J 202 KAL Kallen, Stuart A., 1955-. Angels. San Diego, CA : Referencepoint Press, c2009. • J 299.7 PAV Pavez, Ana María. Popol Vuh : basado en el mito de creación maya quiché. 2a. ed. Santiago de Chile : Editorial Amanuta, 2007. • Social Sciences • J 306.85 LYN Lynette, Rachel. What makes us a family? : living in a nontraditional family. Edina, Minn. : ABDO, c2010. • J 362.29 FRI Friedman, Mark. Legalization of drugs. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2012. • J 363.325 FRI Friedman, Mark, 1963-. America's struggle with terrorism. New York : Children's Press, c2012. • J 371 RIC Rice, Dona. School around the world. Huntington Beach, CA : Teacher Created Materials, c2012. • J 392.3 LAR Laroche, Giles. If you lived here : houses of the world. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2011. • J 398.2 TAM Tarnowska, Wafa'. The Arabian nights. Pbk. ed. Cambridge, MA : Barefoot Books, 2011, c2010. • J 398.24 DUD Dudley, William, 1964-. Unicorns. San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, 2008. • Pure Sciences • J 508 SCH Schwartz, David M. What in the wild? : mysteries of nature concealed-- and revealed : ear-tickling poems. 1st ed. Berkeley [Calif.] : Tricycle Press, c2010. • J 523.8 SPA Sparrow, Giles, 1970-. Night sky. 1st ed. New York : ScholasticDK, 2012. • J 546 GRE Green, Dan. The elements. 1st ed. New York : Scholastic, 2012. • J 551.48 GAR Gardner, Robert, 1929-. Water : green science projects for a sustainable planet. Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers, c2011. • J 567.9 ARL Arlon, Penelope. Dinosaurs. 1st ed. New York : Scholastic, 2012. • J 571.6 RAI Rainis, Kenneth G. Cell and microbe science fair projects, revised and expanded using the scientific method. Rev. ed. Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers, c2010. • J 591.56 CAR Carney, Elizabeth, 1981-. Great migrations : whales, wildebeests, butterflies, elephants, and other amazing animals on the move. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic, c2010.

  11. Technology (Applied Sciences) • J 600 GIF Gifford, Clive. Technology. 1st ed. New York : Scholastic, 2012. • J 617.9 MAR Marcovitz, Hal. Organ & body donation. Edina, Minn. : ABDO Pub., c2011. • J 629.225 PAR Parker, Steve, 1952-. Emergency vehicles. Broomall, Pa. : Mason Crest Publishers, c2011. • J 636.1 FRA Frazel, Ellen. The American quarter horse. Minneapolis, MN : Bellwether Media, 2012. • J 636.1 FRA Frazel, Ellen. The Appaloosa horse. Minneapolis, MN : Bellwether Media, 2012. • J 641.5 GIL Gillies, Judi. The Kids Can Press jumbo cookbook. Toronto ; : Kids Can Press, c2000. • J 664 BRA Brasch, Nicolas. The foods we eat. Mankato, MN : Smart Apple Media, 2011. • Arts & Recreation • J 741.5 CAM Cammuso, Frank. The dragon players. 1st ed. New York : Graphix, 2009. • J 741.5 GUL Gulledge, Laura Lee. Page by Paige. New York : Amulet Books, 2011. • J 741.5 MID Middaugh, Dallas. The city of Ember : the graphic novel. 1st ed. New York : Random House, 2012. • J 741.5 PEY vol. 3 Peyo. The Smurf king. New York : Papercutz :, c2010. • J 741.5 SMI Smith, Jeff, 1960 Feb. 27-. Rose. 1st Scholastic ed. New York : Graphix, 2009. • J 790 PET Petersen, Casey Null. Games around the world. Huntington Beach, CA : Teacher Created Materials, c2012. • J 796.04 COU Coupe, Robert. Extreme sports. Sidney, Australia : Weldon Owen Group, 2008. • J 796.2 MAT Mattern, Joanne, 1963-. Paintball. Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2009. • J 796.332 HOW Howell, Brian, 1974-. Football. Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Pub., c2012. • J 796.334 KEN Kennedy, Mike, 1965-. Soccer in Central America. Chicago : Norwood House Press, c2011. • J 796.46 HIC Hicks, Kelli Shay. Zip lines. Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2010. • Literature • J 811.54 SIL c.2 Silverstein, Shel. Every thing on it : poems and drawings. 1st ed. New York : Harper, c2011. • J 821 GRI Griffiths, Andy, 1961-. Killer koalas from outer space : and lots of other very bad stuff that will make your brain explode! New York : Feiwel and Friends, 2011. • J 861 CAN Cantar de Mio Cid : Novela gráfica. 1a. ed. Buenos Aires : Cypres ; Latinbooks Internacional, 2012. • History & Geography • J 945 AND Anderson, Robert, 1966-. Italy. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic, c2006. • J 953.8 HAR Harper, Robert Alexander. Saudi Arabia. 2nd ed. New York : Chelsea House, c2007. • J 966.3 BER Berg, Elizabeth, 1953-. Senegal. New York : Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, c2010. • J 972 KEN Kent, Deborah. Mexico. New York : Children's Press, c2012. • Biography • J 92 DEP Doeden, Matt. Johnny Depp : Hollywood rebel. Minneapolis : Twenty-First Century Books, 2011. • J 92 ROO Haugen, Brenda. Franklin Delano Roosevelt : the New Deal president. Minneapolis, Minn. : Compass Point Books, c2006. • J 92 SAC Gunderson, Jessica Sarah, 1976-. Sacagawea : journey into the west. Mankato, Minn. : Capstone Press, c2007.

  12. FICTION • J ALE Alexander, Lloyd. The book of three. 1st Henry Holt pbk. ed. New York : H. Holt, 2006. • J ALE Alexander, Lloyd. Taran Wanderer. 1st Square Fish pbk. ed. New York : Square Fish, Henry Holt and Co., 2011. • J BAR Barshaw, Ruth McNally. Ellie McDoodle : have pen, will travel. New York : Bloomsbury, 2011. • J BEN Benton, Jim. School, hasn't this gone on long enough? : by Jamie Kelly. New York : Scholastic, c2012. • J BRO Broad, Michael. Un dragón en el colegio. Barcelona : Pirueta, 2010. • J BRO Broad, Michael. La maldición del pirata. Barcelona : Pirueta, 2010. • J BRO Broad, Michael. La visita del vampiro. Barcelona : Pirueta, 2010. • J CHI Child, Lauren. Clarice Bean spells trouble. 1st U.S. pbk. ed. Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 2006. • J CLE Clements, Andrew, 1949-. Extra credit. 1st Atheneun Books for Young Readers pbk. ed. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2011. • J COL Collodi, Carlo, 1826-1890. The adventures of Pinocchio. Mankato, Minn. : Creative Editions, 2005. • J CRA Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900. The red badge of courage. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New York : Aladdin Paperbacks, 2005. • J DAN Daneshvari, Gitty. Ghoulfriends forever. 1st ed. New York : Little, Brown and Co., 2012. • J DEL DeLaCroix, Alice. The best horse ever. 1st ed. New York : Holiday House, c2010. • J DIT DiTerlizzi, Tony. Notebook for fantastical observations. 1st ed. New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2005. • J GEM Gemert, Gerard van. Peligro extremo. Madrid, España : Grupo Editorial Bruño, 2010. • J GIP Gipson, Fred, 1908-. Old Yeller. Rev. Harper Trophy ed. New York : HarperTrophy, 2004. • J GRE Greene, Stephanie. Princess Posey and the first grade parade. New York : Puffin Books, 2011, c2010. • J KOW Kowitt, Holly. The loser list. New York : Scholastic Press, c2011. • J KRA Krailing, Tessa, 1935-. Trixie and the cyber pet. 1st ed. for the U.S., Canada, and the Philippines. Hauppauge, N.Y. : Barron's, 1998, c1997. • J KRU Krulik, Nancy E. Katie Kazoo, switcheroo. : a collection of Katie. New York : Grosset & Dunlap, c2008. • J LEG Le Guin, Ursula K. 1929-. Catwings. New York : Orchard Books, 2003. • J LEG Le Guin, Ursula K., 1929-. Catwings return. New York : Orchard Books, 2003, c1989. • J LIP Lipsyte, Robert. The twinning project. Boston : Clarion Books, 2012. • J LUP Lupica, Mike. Safe at home : a Comeback Kids novel. New York : Puffin Books ;, 2009. • J MAR Marsh, Carole. The mystery at Fort Thunderbolt. 1st ed. Peachtree City, Ga. : Gallopade International/Carol Marsh Books, c2007. • J MCK McKain, Kelly. Makeover magic. • J MOL Molina, Silvia, 1946-. En estado de gol. México : Ediciones SM, 2008. • J MON Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud), 1874-1942. Anne of Green Gables. New York : Bantam, 2008, c1935. • J MON Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud), 1874-1942. Anne of Windy Poplars. Special collector's ed. New York : Bantam Books, 1998. • J NIM Nimmo, Jenny. The secret kingdom. New York : Scholastic Inc., [2012]. • J NOS Nöstlinger, Christine. Ojo! Vranek parece totalmente inofensivo! 1a. ed. Barcelona : Bambú Editorial, 2010.

  13. J OSB Osborne, Mary Pope. Dogs in the dead of night. New York : Random House, c2011. • J OSB Osborne, Mary Pope. A perfect time for pandas. 1st ed. New York : Random House, c2012. • J PAT Patterson, James, 1947-. Middle school : get me out of here! 1st U.S. ed. New York : Little, Brown and Co., 2012. • J PEC Peck, Richard, 1934-. Secrets at sea : a novel. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, c2011. • J PHI Philbrick, W. R. (W. Rodman). The young man and the sea. New York : Scholastic, Inc., c2004. • J PIL Pilkey, Dav, 1966-. Captain Underpants and the big, bad battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, part 2 : the revenge of the ridiculous Robo-Boogers : the seventh epic novel. New York : Scholastic, c2003. • J REI Reinhardt, Dana. The summer I learned to fly. 1st Ember ed. New York : Ember, 2012. • J RIO Riordan, Rick. The heroes of Olympus : the demigod diaries. 1st ed. New York : Disney/Hyperion Books, c2012. • J RIV Rivers, Phoebe. Ghost town. 1st ed. New York : Simon Spotlight, c2012. • J SCH Schröder, Patricia, 1960-. Dote apunta alto. Zaragoza, España : Edelvives, c2011. • J SCH Schröder, Patricia, 1960-. La transformación de Fanny. Zaragoza, España : Edelvives, c2011. • J SHE Sheth, Kashmira. The no-dogs-allowed rule. Chicago, Ill. : Albert Whitman & Co., c2012. • J SIN Singer, Zuzu. The first pearl. London : Usborne Publishing, 2011. • J SNI Snicket, Lemony. "Who could that be at this hour?" 1st ed. New York : Little, Brown and Co., 2012. • J STI Stine, R. L. The headless ghost. New York : Scholastic Inc., c1995. • J SUR Surget, Alain. Asalto a Veracruz. 2a. ed. Zaragoza, España : Edelvives, 2007. • J SUR Surget, Alain. El cofre de las islas Caimán. 2a. ed. Zaragoza, España : Edelvives, 2008. • J SUR Surget, Alain. Prisioneros en El Pulpo Negro/. Zaragoza, España : Edelvives, 2007. • J TRA Travers, P. L. (Pamela Lyndon), 1899-1996. Mary Poppins comes back. 1st Harcourt Young classic ed., 1st Odyssey classic ed. Orlando : Harcourt, 1997. • J TUR Turnage, Sheila. Three times lucky. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, c2012. • J WIN Winkler, Henry, 1945-. Mind if I read your mind? New York : Scholastic Inc., c2012. • J WOO Wooding, Chris, 1977-. Havoc. New York : Scholastic Inc., [2012], c2010. • J YUE Yue, Guo, 1958-. Little Leap Forward : a boy in Beijing. Pbk. ed. Cambridge, MA : Barefoot Books, 2011, c2008. • AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL • AUDIOBOOKS • FICTION • CD (AB) J DIT DiTerlizzi, Tony. The Spiderwick chronicles. New York : Listening Library, p2004. • CD (AB) J HAH Hahn, Mary Downing. The old Willis place : a ghost story. Library ed. Grand Haven, Mich. : Brilliance Audio, p2008. • CD (AB) J JUS Juster, Norton, 1929-. The phantom tollbooth. [New York] : HarperCollins Publishers, p2008. • CD (AB) J MCD McDonald, Megan. The mad, mad, mad, mad treasure hunt. Grand Haven, Mich. : Brilliance Audio, p2010. • CD (AB) J RIO Riordan, Rick. The throne of fire. Grand Haven, Mich. : Brilliance Audio, p2011. • CD (AB) J RUS Russell, Rachel Renee. Tales from a not-so-popular party girl. New York : Simon & Schuster Audio, p2010.

  14. EASY • NON-FICTION • Philosophy & Psychology • E 152.14 BRO Brocket, Jane. Spotty, stripy, swirly : what are patterns? Minneapolis : Millbrook Press, c2012. • Social Sciences • E 394.261 BRO Brode, Robyn. December. Pleasantville, NY : Weekly Reader, 2010. • E 394.261 BRO Brode, Robyn. November. Pleasantville, NY : Weekly Reader, 2010. • E 394.264 BRO Brode, Robyn. October. Pleasantville, NY : Weekly Reader Pub., 2010. • E 398.24 FON Fontes, Justine. How the turtle got its shell : tales from around the world. 1st Random House ed. New York : Golden Books, 2003, c2001. • Pure Sciences • E 573.5 SCH Schwartz, David M. Animal skin & scales. North American ed. Cypress, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1998. • E 573.8 SCH Schwartz, David M. Animal ears. North American ed. Cypress, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1998. • E 573.8 SCH Schwartz, David M. Animal noses. North American ed. Cypress, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1998. • E 575.5 SCH Schwartz, David M. Plant leaves. North American ed. Cypress, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1998. • E 577.5 SCH Schwartz, David M. In the garden. North American ed. Cypress, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1997. • E 582.13 SCH Schwartz, David M. Among the flowers. North American ed. Cypress, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1997. • E 582.13 SCH Schwartz, David M. Plant blossoms. North American ed. Cypress, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1998.. • E 583 SCH Schwartz, David M. Bean. North American ed. Huntington Beach, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1999. • E 583 SCH Schwartz, David M. Sunflower. North American ed. Huntington Beach, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1999. • E 591.7 SCH Schwartz, David M. In the park. North American ed. Cypress, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1997. • Technology (Applied Sciences) • E 611 PIN Pinnington, Andrea. My body. 1st ed. New York : Scholastic, 2012. • E 612.8 BRO Brocket, Jane. Spiky, slimy, smooth : what is texture? Minneapolis : Millbrook Press, c2011. • E 621.48 BEN Benduhn, Tea. Energía nuclear. Pleasantville, NY : Weekly Reader, 2009. • E 624.1 BRI Bridges, Sarah. Yo manejo una niveladora. Mankato, Minn. : Picture Window Books, c2011. • E 630 ARL Arlon, Penelope. Farm. 1st ed. New York : Scholastic, 2012. • E 636 SCH Schwartz, David M. At the farm. Cypress, CA : Creative Teaching Press, 1997. • E 643 RIC Rice, Dona. Homes around the world. Hungtington Beach, CA : Teacher Created Materials, c2012. • Arts & Recreation • E 741.5 SCH Schweizer, Chris. Tricky Coyote tales. Minneapolis : Graphic Universe, c2011. • E 782.4 KOO Koontz, Robin Michal. El viejo McPerro tenía un zoológico. Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E 791.3 WOR Worth, Bonnie. Jumbo : the most famous elephant in the world! New York : Random House, c2001.

  15. Biography • E 92 MAR Schubert, Leda. Monsieur Marceau. 1st ed. New York : Roaring Brook Press, 2012. • E 92 ROC Orr, Tamra. Day by day with-- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Hockessin, Del. : Mitchell Lane Publishers, c2012. • FICTION • E BAK Baker, Keith, 1953-. 1-2-3 peas. 1st ed. New York : Beach Lane Books, c2012. • E BEA Beaumont, Karen. Move over, Rover! Orlando : Harcourt, 2006. • E BLA Blackaby, Susan. Brownie Groundhog and the February fox. New York : Sterling, c2011. • E BOE Boelts, Maribeth, 1964-. Those shoes. 1st pbk. ed. Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 2009, c2007. • E BRO Broach, Elise. Gumption. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, c2010. • E BUR Burbujas : basado en La Sirenita. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Pirueta, 2011. • E COM Compestine, Ying Chang. Crouching tiger. 1st ed. Somerville, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2011. • E COY Coyle, Carmela LaVigna. Do super heroes have teddy bears? Lanham, Md. : Taylor Trade Pub. :, c2012. • E CUM Cumming, Hannah. The lost stars. Swindon, UK : Child's Play (International), 2011. • E DAM D'Amico, Carmelo. Ella, the elegant elephant. 1st ed. New York : Arthur A. Levine Books, 2004. • E DEL Delahaye, Gilbert. Martina y el regalo de cumpleaños. España : Casterman, 2002. • E DOL Dolan, Hannah. Brickbeard's treasure. London ; : DK, 2011. • E DRA El dragón invencible : basado en la leyenda de San Jorge y el dragón. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Pirueta, 2010. • E EAS Eastman, P. D. (Philip D.). Go, dog, go! New York : Beginner Books, c1989. • E EVA Evans, Nate. Bang! Boom! Roar! : a busy crew of dinosaurs. 1st ed. New York : HarperCollins, c2012. • E FLE Fleming, Candace. Oh, no! 1st ed. New York : Schwartz & Wade Books, c2012. • E FRE Freedman, Deborah (Deborah Jane), 1960-. Blue chicken. New York : Viking, 2011. • E FRU Frutas del bosque : basado en Caperucita Roja. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Pirueta, 2010. • E FUJ Fujimoto, Michi. Meet Spider-man & friends. China : Paradise Press, 2002. • E GAT El gato proscrito : basado en el Gato con botas. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Pirueta, 2010. • E GOT Gots, Jason. Generator Rex : leader of the pack. New York : Random House, c2011. • E GRA Grandits, John. Ten rules you absolutely must not break if you want to survive the school bus. Boston : Clarion Books, 2011. • E GRI Griffin, Kitty. The ride : the legend of Betsy Dowdy. 1st ed. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, c2010. • E HIL Hills, Tad. Rocket writes a story. New York : Schwartz & Wade, c2012. • E HOR Horowitz, Dave, 1970-. Humpty Dumpty climbs again. New York : Putnams, c2008. • E JON Jonas, Ann. Reflections. 1st ed. New York : Greenwillow Books, c1987. • E JOY Joyce, William, 1957-. The fantastic flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. 1st ed. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, c2012. • E KAR Karapetkova, Holly. Está Ulula en primera? Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E KAR Karapetkova, Holly. Golosinas en el cine. Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E KAR Karapetkova, Holly. ¡Pero yo lo quiero! Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013.

  16. E KOO Koontz, Robin Michal. Juanita y los frijoles mágicos. Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E KOO Koontz, Robin Michal. Lagartija Liza : ¡El cielo se esta cayendo! Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E KOO Koontz, Robin Michal. La patita Dorada y los tres castores. Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E LLA La llave dorada : basado en Hansel y Gretel. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Pirueta, 2011. • E LOB Lobo malo : basado en Los tres cerditos. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Pirueta, 2011. • E MAR Martin, Bill, 1916-2004. A beasty story. 1st Voyager Books ed. San Diego : Harcourt Brace, 2002. • E MCH McHeffey, Adam James. Asiago. 1st ed. Tarrytown, NY : Marshall Cavendish Children, c2012. • E MET Metzger, Steve. Detective Blue. 1st ed. New York : Orchard Books, 2011. • E MIG Miglis, Jenny. Return of the Pumpkin Head. New York : Simon Spotlight/Nickelodeon, c2003. • E MOR Moreta, Gladys. ¡Demasiada televisión! Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E NAR Una nariz prodigiosa : basado en Pinocho. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Pirueta, 2010. • E NOB Noble, Trinka Hakes. The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash. New York : Puffin Books, [1984]. • E OLD Oldland, Nicholas. The busy beaver. Toronto ; : Kids Can Press, c2011. • E PAM Pamintuan, Macky. Twelve haunted rooms of Halloween. New York : Sterling Children's Books, c2011. • E PIC Picou, Lin. Un perrito problemático. Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E PIC Picou, Lin. ¿Tengo que hacerlo? Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2012. • E POL Polvo de hadas : basado en La Bella Durmiente. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Pirueta, 2010. • E REY Rey, Margret. A treasury of Curious George = Colección de oro Jorge el curioso. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c2011. • E ROB Robins, Maureen Picard. Los problemas del intercambio. Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E SAN Santos, Care, 1970-. Ada, la genia. Madrid : Macmillan Infantil y Juvenil, c2010. • E SCH Schulz, Charles M. (Charles Monroe), 1922-2000. El amor es-- regalar algo especial. Buenos Aires, Argentina : V & R Editoras, c2007. • E SCH Schwartz, David M. Superabuelo (Incluye CD). 1st Spanish ed. Santa Rosa, CA : Tortuga Press, c2005. • E STE Steinkraus, Kyla. Vamos a acampar. Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Pub., c2013. • E TAL Talbott, Hudson. It's all about me-ow : a young cat's guide to the good life. New York : Nancy Paulsen Books, c2012. • E TRA El tractor confiable. Hackensack, NJ : Playmore, 2007. • E VAL Valverde, Mikel. Antología de cuentos con música (Incluye 2 CDs). Madrid : Macmillan Infantil y Juvenil, [2011]. • E ZAP El zapato desaparecido : basado en La Cenicienta. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Pirueta, 2010. • AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL • AUDIOBOOKS • FICTION • CD (AB) E SCI Scieszka, Jon. The true story of the 3 little pigs. [Norwalk, Conn.] : Weston Woods ;, c2008.

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