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Introduction to the National Learning Management System (NLMS). Trudy Wagstaff NLMS Account Manager Yorkshire and Humber. Agenda. NLMS Background Overview of NLMS Benefits Implementation Status (National/Yorkshire and the Humber) National elearning Content IT Challenges National Updates
Introduction to the National Learning Management System (NLMS) Trudy Wagstaff NLMS Account Manager Yorkshire and Humber
Agenda NLMS Background Overview of NLMS Benefits Implementation Status (National/Yorkshire and the Humber) National elearning Content IT Challenges National Updates Request for your support
What is the NLMS? Utilises extended Electronic Staff Record (ESR) OLM module, using standard Oracle functionality Enables the delivery of national elearning content to employees Enables NHS organisation to deliver local elearning content to employees Employee portable ESR training record updated Provided at no cost to NHS organisations as part of the Electronic Staff Record contract
NLMS Benefits Integrated with ESR ‘ESR is the master workforce and learning management system for the NHS ‘ (DH) Adds e-learning history to the single, transferrable, employee record National content linked to national priorities One platform for management of and access to training/consolidated reporting of all learning ‘Lite’ implementation model possible All national elearning content is automatically maintained in the course catalogue Can be accessed outside N3 via remote access
National Content Nine national providers e-LfH/ CLU / CFH/ SCIE/ NHS Employers/ DH informatics/ NHSBT/ ESR/ DH Over 180 courses including: 18 week patient pathway Choose and Book IC (CAB IC) Electronic Prescription Service NHS Elite Personal Demographics Service SNOMED CT Spine eKnowledge Tool Summary Care Record Information Governance 10
M-0100 Organisation Site IT, Printerand Network Infrastructure Readiness 11
PC and Network Readiness – Top Level 1. Testing for any JRE (Java) or other software conflicts 2. Ensuring that local networks and internet connections are ready 3. Ensure that user PCs are ready IT DEPARTMENTS NEED TO SIGN OFF THE NLMS IT CHECKLIST/ STEPS ABOVE 12
Future Developments • Upgrade to Oracle 12 – Dec/Jan 2010 • Elearning content: • Referral To Treatment - Information Analyst eLearning • Referral To Treatment - Information Consumer eLearning • Mental Health Management Data Service - Information Analyst eLearning • Mental Health Management Data Service - Information Consumer eLearning • Demographic Spine Application e-learning • User Identity Management eLearning • End Point Registration e-learning
Request for your support Engage with your local NLMS Lead Determine how the NLMS can support the informatics agenda: National content (Review NLMS online catalogue) Delivery of local/ regional content Help support the IT challenges Provide a nominated IT lead Sign off the M-0100/ NLMS Checklist Determine local user support processes