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Chapter Meetings: Effective Leadership Development Guide

Learn the responsibilities of chapter officers, how to create an agenda, and the purpose of chapter meetings for new Arrowmen. Explore job descriptions and roles of Chapter Chief, Vice-Chief, Secretary, and Advisor. Discover tips and guidelines for running successful meetings.

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Chapter Meetings: Effective Leadership Development Guide

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  1. CHAPTER MEETINGS Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  2. CHAPTER MEETINGS LEVEL 1 Session Length: 50 to 60 Minutes Target Audience: This level will be for new Arrowmen, Youth and Adult. Learning objectives: • The job descriptions of chapter officers – Chief, Vice Chief, Secretary, and Advisor. And how they apply to Chapter Meetings. Explain that the Chapter Chief runs the meeting and what the role of the Advisor at these meetings is. • What we can do at Chapter meetings. • How to make an agenda, and things to be covered at a Chapter Meeting if needed. • What we use Chapter meetings for. • Where we could hold Chapter meetings to have fun. • Roundtable discussion to answer questions from attendees. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  3. JOB DESCRIPTIONS… • CHAPTER CHIEF 1. Presides over and runs all meetings of the Chapter. 2. Appoints chairmen to Chapter Committees when needed, and delegates work to his Vice-Chief(s) with the approval of the Chapter and Staff Advisor’s. 3. Responsible for carrying out the Lodge program in the Chapter, Examples – Unit Elections, Camp Promotions, Service Projects, and any other appointed tasks by the Lodge. 4. Works closely with Vice-chief(s), Secretary, Committee Chairmen, and Chapter and Staff Advisor’s. 5. Is the Chapter’s representative to the Lodge Executive Committee. 6. Promotes correct wearing of the Boy Scout Uniform. 7. Responsible for adherence to the program and policies of the Lodge, the Order of the Arrow, the Council, and the Boy Scouts of America. 8. Attends all meetings of the Chapter, Lodge and Lodge Executive Committee. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  4. JOB DESCRIPTIONS… • CHAPTER VICE-CHIEF 1. Serves as the Chapter Chief when needed. 2. He is the Lodge’s contact for the OA Troop/Team Representatives in their Chapter. 3. Performs any and all other duties as assigned by the Chapter chief. 4. Promotes correct wearing of the Boy Scout Uniform. 5. Responsible for adherence to the program and policies of the Lodge, the Order of the Arrow, the Council, and the Boy Scouts of America. 6. Attends all Chapter meetings. 7. May attend Lodge executive committee meetings through this position but only has a vote in the absence of the Chapter Chief. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  5. JOB DESCRIPTIONS… • CHAPTER SECRETARY 1. Keeps minutes of all chapter meetings and submits a copy to the Lodge Recording Secretary. 2. Assists the Lodge Recording Secretary with registration at Lodge events and other record keeping duties, such as Membership and Dues. 3. Responsible for adherence to the program and policies of the Lodge, the Order of the Arrow, the Council, and the Boy Scouts of America. 4. Attends all meetings of the Chapter. 5. May attend Lodge executive committee meetings through this position but only has a vote in the absence of the Chapter Chief and Chapter Vice-Chief(s). Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  6. JOB DESCRIPTIONS… • CHAPTER ADVISOR 1. The District Committee with the approval of the Lodge Advisor and the Scout Executive appoints the Chapter Advisor. 2. Each Chapter and Chapter committee has an Advisor. 3. The Chapter Advisor appoints Chapter Committee Advisor’s with the approval of the Chapter Chief and the Staff Advisor. 4. It is inappropriate for the advisor to run the program, although they should always be involved. 5. It is the Advisor’s task to make sure that the young men succeed, this includes training, transportation, and staying constantly involved and informed. 6. An Advisor should work almost completely behind the scenes! 7. He provides all youth and adults with sound guidance and enthusiastic support. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  7. HOW THESE APPLY TO CHAPTER MEETINGS 1. During a chapter meeting the Advisor should set close enough behind the Chief that if he needs to ask a question of his Advisor he can do without disturbing the meeting. 2. The Vice-Chief(s) should set to either side of the Chief with the Secretary to the outside of the Vice-Chief. 3. The Secretary should start taking minutes as soon as the Chief calls the meeting to order. 4. Any members in attendance should set facing the Chapter officers in an orderly manner. 5. Any Advisor to a Chapter committee chairman should set behind his chairman so that if the chairman needs to ask him a question he can do so with out disturbing the meeting. 6. The Chief should run the meeting in an orderly manner! 7. Adults do not run the meeting! Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  8. WHAT CAN WE DO AT CHAPTER MEETINGS? 1. Conduct the business of the meeting. 2. Make an agenda for the next meeting or come up with a standard agenda for all Chapter meetings. 3. Always have a reason to have a meeting, don’t meet just to have a meeting you will lose people, have a purpose. 4. Discuss where the next meeting will be held and why. 5. Have refreshments (Did you ever see a boy that wouldn’t eat.) 6. Get everyone involved. 8. If space is provided you can practice, elections, callouts, ceremonies, beadwork, Indian dancing, plan chapter service project (make sure anytime work is involved you have fun involved also), etc. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  9. WHAT CAN WE DO AT CHAPTER MEETINGS?CONTINUED 9. Make the actual business part of the meeting as short as necessary to conduct the business and have fun and fellowship the rest of the time. If everyone enjoys the time spent they will come back and if they come back you have gotten them involved, give them something to do. 10. Remember the old Cub Scout saying KIS MIF (keep it simple make it fun). Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  10. You must know what you want to cover before creating your agenda. What are items that possibly should be including in a Chapter Meeting agenda? Opening/Welcome Check to make sure that those in attendance are current members Meeting policies Introductions Review last meetings minutes and vote on their approval Collection of committee articles for a Chapter newsletter Committee reports Old Business New Business Closing HOW TO MAKE AN AGENDA, AND THINGS TO BE COVERED Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  11. SAMPLE AGENDA Date, Location & Time Time 1:00 I. Welcome: 1.Obligation 2.Introductions 3.Meeting Policy 1:05 II. Secretary’s Report: 1.Roll Call of voters 2.Review minutes of last meeting 3.Collection of committee articles for newsletter (if you have one) 1:10 III. Committee Reports: IV. Old Business V. New Business VI. Housekeeping Items VII. Chief and Advisor’s Minutes IX. Adjourn Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  12. SAMPLE EXPANDED AGENDA Date, Location & Time Time 1:00 I. Welcome 1. Obligation 2. Introductions 3. Meeting Policies: a. Youth members sit in front of room with their advisor behind them. b. Adult comments on any subject are limited to 1 minute. The Chapter Advisor will be the timekeeper. c. Everyone please keep side conservations to a minimum. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  13. SAMPLE EXPANDED AGENDAContinued d. If we get into a major discussion on an issue. and reach impasse, I will call a break so the youth will have time to speak with their Advisor. e. Remember that the following people may vote on issues at this meeting. 1:05 II. Secretary’s Report. 1. Roll Call of Voters. a. Make sure that there is a Quorum present. b. Make sure that all in attendance are members or invited guests. 2. Review minutes of last meeting and approval. a. Ask if there are any amendments or clarifications to the minutes of the last meeting. b. Then ask if you here a motion that the minutes be approved. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  14. SAMPLE EXPANDED AGENDAContinued 3. Collect Committee articles for newsletter (if there is one). a. Remind everyone of Deadline for minutes. b. If missing any articles, ask individuals of status or report that articles are actually still outstanding. c. Set final deadline for articles (end of meeting). 1:10 III. Committee Reports: 1. List committees that should have a report. 2. After reports complete, ask if any other committees need to make a report. IV. Old Business: V. New Business: VI. Housekeeping Items: VII. Chief & Advisor’s minutes: VII. Adjourn: Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  15. HOW CAN WE USE CHAPTER MEETINGS? • Chapter gathering. Have a lock-in and invite all members of the Chapter and hold your meeting sometime during the gathering so that the people that normally don’t attend Chapter meetings can see what a Chapter meeting consists of and ask them for their help on chapter committees. • Conduct your business but have fun activities for all that attend. • Hold Training Sessions. Invite all the Scoutmasters in your Chapter to a meeting and train them to understand what the Order of the Arrow is about and how they can ask for your help to make their units function and run better. Invite all the OA Troop Representatives to a meeting and train them so that they can help you get your message across to their units and do their job. Invite your District Committee members to a meeting and show them how you (the OA) can help them to serve the District. Invite members to be on Chapter Unit Election and Camp Promotions teams and train them at a meeting. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  16. HOW CAN WE USE CHAPTER MEETINGS?CONTINUED • Have one committee that looks for nothing but places to hold meetings and you can have fun activities at the same time. • Make Costumes. • Do Beadwork. • Ceremonies Practice. • Do fun Scouting Stuff. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  17. WHERE CAN WE HOLD CHAPTER MEETINGS? • Your local YMCA • Your local 4-H Fairgrounds. • State Campgrounds. • Churches. • Boy Scout Camps. • Theme Parks. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  18. QUESTIONS??? THANK YOU FOR COMING! Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

  19. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Chapter Meetings

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