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Delve into the world of microscopic organisms like bacteria, viruses, and protists. Learn about their characteristics, diversity, and roles in the ecosystem. Understand bacterial morphology, movement, nutrition, and reproduction methods. Discover helpful and harmful bacteria, their impact on human health, and their use in food production. Explore microbiology principles and practices to broaden your knowledge of these fascinating organisms.
Bacteria Chapter 19-1
Microscopic organisms • Viruses = not living, but studied as micro- • Bacteria = divided into 2 kingdoms; most are helpful, harmful tracked by CDC & WHO • Protists = most diverse; show fungal, plant or animal characteristics • Fungus = decomposers; most are helpful, some are disease-causing
Prokaryote characteristics • Single-cell organisms • Anucleated (no nucleus) • Small (1-5 m) • Lacks organelles • Variety of shapes • Variety of growth patterns • Two kingdoms: Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
Bacterial characteristics: • Prokaryotic (no nuclear membrane) • Ribosomes only • Pili = for attachment • Capsule = outermost layer for extra protection • Unicellular (some colonial) • Varied metabolism & nutritional types • Often flagellated • May contain endospores… to survive harsh conditions • Binary fission to reproduce
Archaebacteria • Extremophiles: organisms that prefer extreme environments • Ex: salt marshes, deep sea ocean vents, swamps, etc. aerobic halophil
Archaebacteria • Lack the peptidoglycan of Eubacteria • Have different membrane lipids • DNA sequences are more like those of eukaryotes
Chemosynthetic bacteria in deep sea vents Photosynthetic Cyanobacteria in fresh-water ponds or streams
Eubacteria cell structure Cell wall Cell membrane Ribosome Peptidoglycan Pili DNA Flagella
Bacterial shapes • Bacillus = rod-shaped (ex: Lactobacillus) • Coccus = sphere (ex: Streptococcus) • Spirillum = coiled (ex: Spirochete) • Strepto- (chains) • Staphylo- (clusters) (like grapes) • Diplo- (pairs)
Bacterial morphology CoccusBacillus Spirillum
Blue = causes Lyme disease Black = causes syphilis
A Bacilli with and without flagella B Streptococci C Staphylococci D Diplococci E Spirochete F Club rod G Filamentous H Streptobacilli
Movement • Depending upon how the cells is flagellated, movements such as gliding or tumbling may occur. flagellated E. coli
Gram stain • a technique that determines the differences in the composition of bacterial cell walls (thick or thin) which helps to determine which antibiotics to use. Gram-positive bacteria thick peptidoglycan cell walls. Gram-negative bacteria thinner cell walls with a outer lipid layer.
How bacteria obtain nutrition • Heterotrophs: consume carbon matter to make ATP • Chemoheterotroph: consumes only • Photoheterotroph: consumes and photosynthesizes Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic
How bacteria obtain nutrition • Autotrophs: produces carbon matter to make ATP • Photoautotroph: produces with light energy (photosynthesis) • Chemoautotroph: produces carbon matter without light source Chemoautotroph: Purple sulfur bacteria
Nutritional diversity(Recap) • Autotrophs: (producers) • Photosynthetic = Cyanobacteria • Chemosynthetic= bacteria in deep ocean vents use sulfur instead of light for energy • Heterotrophs: (consumers) • Saprobes = decomposers feed on dead organic matter (nitrogen-fixing bacteria) • Parasitic = feed on living host (pathogenic)
Oxygen requirements • Obligate aerobe: requires constant oxygen supply in environment • Facultative aerobes: prefers oxygen, but not necessary • Facultative anaerobe: can survive with or without oxygen • Obligate anaerobe: requires constant lack of oxygen in environment
Binary fission • asexual method of reproduction • parent cell splits into two daughter cells • Daughter cells are identical to parent cell
Binary fission • Cell Replication • (cloning) for prokaryotic cell • Much simpler than mitosis (like cytokinesis without the 4 other stages)
Conjugation • Genetic material exchange • Increases genetic variation within bacterial population
Spore formation • In unfavorable growth conditions, structures (endospores) form to protect the bacterium. • Thick wall encloses the DNA and a small amount of cytoplasm. • The rest of the cell dies off. • The spore can survive in tough conditions for years. • Ex: Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) causes black necrotic lesions, sudden massive chest oedema followed by cardiovascular shock then death
Methods of Microbe Transmission 3) Fomites: (inanimate objects) 1) Direct Contact: 2) Air:
Early microbiologists • Louis Pasteur • Concluded that microorganisms cannot spontaneously generate • Showed world how heat kills microorganisms (pasteurization)
Microorganisms & You • Food for heterotrophs typically are carbon-based macromolecules: • Carbohydrates, lipids, & proteins • Bacteria & fungus are responsible for food spoilage because many are saprobes
Helpful bacteria • Decomposers • Nitrogen fixers: Rhizobium • Symbiosis with humans in large intestines • Food production Rhizobium
Food & Microorganisms:Making cheese • Bacteria placed in an anaerobic environment, and the milk breaks down to form cheese • Milk (sugar source) + little oxygen → lactic acid + protein solids + curds “Little Miss Muffet, sat on her tuffet, eating her… cottage cheese”
Yogurt: • Yogurt is produced by a mixed culture of 2 types of bacteria. Imbedded in particles of the protein casein, you will see chains of cocci or diplococci (Streptococcus thermophilus) and big rod-shaped bacilli (either Lactobacillus acidophilus or L. bulgaricus). Buttermilk: • Buttermilk is the fermentation of milk by a culture of lactctic-acid producing Streptococcus lactis plus Leuconostoc citrovorum which converts lactic acid to aldehydes and ketones which gives buttermilk its flavor and aroma.
Making cured meats • Some bacteria are able to ferment meat products • The final products are sausages, bologna, salami, country cured hams, etc
Making pickled vegetables • Sauerkraut is a product of lactic acid fermentation of Lactobacillus genus bacteria. • Bacteria ferments the cabbage, but salt is added to prevent other bacteria from spoiling the product.
Bacon and Pancetta Elenski but Sausage Salami Pepperoni Chorizo Linguiça Fish Anchovy Salt cod Lox (salmon) Pickled herring Cured vegetable products: Tofu Sauerkraut Kimchi Pickled cucumbers Olive (fruit) Some cured food products • Cured animal products: • Beef • Corned beef • Bresaola • Tapa • Pork • Ham • Prosciutto • Jambon de Bayonne • Jamón serrano • Jinhua ham • Coppa • Lomo • Capicola • Lardon
How else are bacteria helpful? • Nitrogen-fixation • decomposing bacteria convert atmospheric N2 for use by autotrophs
Symbiotic bacteria allow a host to live a different lifestyle than would normally be possible
Cyanobacteria (& unicellular algae) produce most of the world’s oxygen by photosynthesis
Microorganisms & your health Antibiotics that kill pathogenic microorganisms are made from microorganisms