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Computer Science 103. Chapter 1 History of Computing. History of Computing. Initial Generation Computing First Generation Computing Second Generation Computing Third Generation Computing Fourth Generation Computing. Initial Generation Computing.
Computer Science 103 Chapter 1 History of Computing
History of Computing • Initial Generation Computing • First Generation Computing • Second Generation Computing • Third Generation Computing • Fourth Generation Computing
Initial Generation Computing • The Babylonians used the abacus first as an aid to simple arithmetic around 500 B.C. • In 1623 Wilhelm Schickard made a "Calculating Clock". • Capable of adding and subtracting up to 6 digit numbers; warned of overflow with the ringing of a bell • The operations were carried out by wheels
Initial Generation Computing Cont’d • A French mathematician named Blaise Pascal invented the “Pascaline” in 1642 • Was more popular than Calculating Clock and copied up to 8 digits • Joseph-Maire Jacquard developed an automatic loom • Charles Babbage invented the Analytical Engine and the Difference Engine
Initial Generation Computing Cont’d • 1890 U.S. Census • Herman Hollerith found the Tabulating Machine Company, later known as IBM in 1896 • The Electronic Tube was developed by Lee De Forest in America in 1906 • Without this tube it would have been impossible to make digital electronic computers
Initial Generation Computing Cont’d • In 1935, International Business Machines introduces the “IBM 601” • a punch card machine with an arithmetic unit based on relays • capable of doing a multiplication in 1 second • In 1937 Alan M. Turing publishes a paper on "computable numbers" • the mathematical theory of computation
Initial Generation Computing Cont’d • David Hewlett and William Packard formed Hewlett-Packard in a garage in California in 1939 • Also in 1939, WWII begins which sparks many improvements in technology leading to the development of machines such as the Colossus
First Generation Computing • Computers between 1943 and 1959 are considered 'first generation' computers. • Based on valves and wire circuits • Characterized by the use of punched cards and vacuum valves • All programming was done in machine code.
First Generation Computing Cont’d • The Harvard Mark I - Partially financed by IBM - Became the first program controlled calculator. - 51 feet long, weighs 5 tons, and incorporates 750,000 parts. • “Heath Robinson” - Specialized machine for cipher-breaking • Colossus - Earliest programmable electronic computer
First Generation Computing Cont’d • Colossus (cont’d) • Used to crack the German code used by the 'Enigma' machines • It translated an amazing 5000 characters a second, and used punched tape for input • ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) • Invented by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert • Calculated Ballistic trajectories and testing theories behind the Hydrogen bomb • Recognized as first Universal Electronic Computer
First Generation Computing Cont’d • William B. Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter H. Brattain invent the transistor at The Bell Laboratories. • The Floppy Disk is invented by Doctor Yoshiro Nakamats. • UNIVAC I • First general purpose computer • Designed to handle both numeric and textual information
First Generation Computing Cont’d • Estimates say that there are around 100 computers in the world in 1953. • Development of the FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) programming language begins. • The integrated circuit is invented by Jack St Clair Kilby at Texas Instruments.
Second Generation Computing • Computers built between 1959 and 1964 are often regarded as 'Second Generation' computers • Based on transistors and printed circuits (resulting in much smaller computers) • Could handle interpreters such as FORTRAN (for science) or COBOL (for business • Much more flexible in their applications
Second Generation Computing Cont’d • COBOL (COmmon Business-Orientated Language) developed by Grace Murray Hopper. • IBM 7030 ("Stretch") • Data was organized as bytes and utilized magnetic disks. • The machine was slower than anticipated, far more expensive, and completed way past the deadline. • Strech was perceived as a failure but it contributed to the development of other IBM machines later to come.
Third Generation Computing • Computers built between 1964 and 1972 are often regarded as 'Third Generation' computers • Based upon first integrated circuits, which allowed for smaller machines • In 1965 BASIC (Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was developed at Dartmouth College by Thomas E. Kurtz and John Kemeny
Third Generation Computing Cont’d • Also in 1965, the first mouse was invented by Douglas Englebart, but did not become popular until the mid 80’s by Apple • Intel was was founded by Robert Noyce and company in 1968
Third Generation Computing Cont’d • In 1969 ARPANET was started by the US Dept. of Defense for research into networking • It was the original basis for what we now call the internet • It was open to all non-military users in the 70’s; primarily used by universities and large businesses • Al Gore was the first to call it the information superhighway
Third Generation Computing Cont’d • Intel produced the first RAM chip in 1970 • capacity of 1 K-bit, 1024 bits. • Also in 1970, the UNIX operating system was started • In 1971 the first microprocessor, the 4004, was developed by Marcian E. Hoff for Intel
Third Generation Computing Cont’d • Microprocessors cont’d • is a single chip (integrated circuit) that contains the entire central processing unit of a computer • It contains the equivalent of 2300 transistors and was a 4 bit processor • In 1972 Nolan Bushnell founded Atari and Pong • Pong is widely recognized as the first popular arcade video game
Fourth Generation Computing • Computers built after 1972 considered fourth generation computers. • based on LSI (Large Scale Integration) of circuits. • typically with 500 or more components on a chip. • C programming language developed • C++, which allowed for Object-Orientated Programming, was introduced in early 1980s.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • First scientific calculator developed by Hewlett-Packard • Original connections to ARPANET established. • Microsoft is founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen (1975).
Fourth Generation Cont’d • The Cray 1 is the first commercially developed Supercomputer. • It contained 200,000 integrated circuits. • Could perform 150 Million FLOPs. • It is now the basis of an informal measurement of the power of Supercomputers. • Supercomputers are used for weather forecasting, complex math and physics problems, and animation in modern films.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • Introduction of the 8086 by Intel (1978). • the first commercially successful 16 bit processor. • The compact disk (CD) was invented (1979). • IBM started to develop their own PC. • Microsoft commissioned to write the Operating System • Released August 12, 1981.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • TCP/IP Protocol established. • Domain Name Server (DNS) introduced to the Internet. • Consisted of about 1000 hosts. • CD-ROM, invented by Phillips, produced in collaboration with Sony.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • Microsoft Windows is launched (1985). • Not complete Operating System. It required DOS to run. • Just had a Graphical User Interface (G.U.I) • Similar to Macintosh’s version. • So similar in fact that Apple tried to sue Microsoft for copying the 'look and feel' of their operating system. • Court case finally dropped in 1997.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • World Wide Web (WWW) (1989). • The Web was a result of the integration of hypertext and the Internet. • The explosion of Internet usage started in 1993, a year in which web traffic increased by 300,000%.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • Windows 3.0 Released (1990). • Allowed for true multitasking. • Linux born (1991). • It now runs on many different types of computer, including the Sun SPARC.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • Intel's Pentium is released (1993). • Achieved up to 100 MIPs. • Over 3.1 million transistors. • Netscape 1.0 written (1994). • Windows '95 was launched by Microsoft. • This is an entire operating system and does not rely on MS-DOS.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • CompuServe blocked access to over 200 sexually explicit sites (1995). • JavaScript development is announced by Netscape. • IBM's Deep Blue is the first computer to beat a reigning World Chess Champion, Gary Kasparov, in a full chess match (1997).
Fourth Generation Cont’d • Intel released their Pentium II processor. • It featured a much larger on-chip cache, as well as an increased instruction set. • Microsoft invests in Apple. • U.S. court bans buying of domain names.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • Windows 98 released. • U.S. attorneys attempted to block release due to the Operating System interlacing with Microsoft Internet Explorer. • Attorneys claimed this blocked competition. • Microsoft claimed that delaying the release would damage the economy.
Fourth Generation Cont’d • Microsoft releases Windows XP • latest version of their Windows operating systems. • Microsoft releases its gaming console the `X' Box.