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This presentation highlights the results of the 2006 Educator Needs Survey, focusing on teachers' responses regarding online learning, use of video and multimedia in the classroom, awareness of WQLN programs, and professional development needs.
2006 Educator Needs Survey – Results for TeacherLine April, 2007
Note to TeacherLine • WQLN’s survey not only measured teacher’s responses regarding online learning, it also measured: • Use of video and multimedia in the classroom • Teacher’s awareness of WQLN programs and services • Teacher’s needs regarding professional development We have included the results of the entire survey in this presentation.
Survey Information • 321 responses to the survey • Survey conducted from September 1 – December 15, 2006 • Participants were Pre-K – Grade 12 educators in the Northwestern Pennsylvania Region • Participants were recruited via email and printed promotional flyers • Each participant received $10 WQLN Education gift certificate for participation and chance to win Borders $50 gift certificate
Educational video plays a critical role in my classroom curriculum
My school district supports the use of educational video in my classroom
Using a variety of instructional strategies keeps my students actively involved in lessons
Educational video can be incorporated into lessons that meet state academic standards
Local community organizations provide resources to help supplement my lessons
Do you incorporate educational television programming into your classroom curriculum?
Do you design lessons in which students utilize video to gather information?
Do you use local community resources to supplement your curriculum?
Does your school district offer opportunities to earn Act 48 hours?
Are you able to earn all of your Act 48 hours through your school or district?
Do you need to earn Act 48 hours outside of the school or district setting?
In order to meet Act 48 requirements, do you prefer: A: To enroll in classroom-based college course(s); B: To enroll in online college course(s): C: To enroll in a variety of workshops or seminars offered by a PA Act 48 provider; D: To enroll in a variety of online courses offered by a PA Act 48 provider; E: Other
Are you interested in taking courses online to obtain Act 48 hours and/or graduate credit?
Do you prefer an online course that includes collaborative learning and instructor-led discussions?
Would you prefer an online course that isn't dependent on an instructor's schedule?
Would you prefer to take an online course that operates asynchronously -- allowing you to work at your own pace?
Have you ever received a copy of WQLN's printed Professional Development Guide?
Are you familiar with the WQLN F.A.M.I.L.I.E.S.: Turn on to Literacy program?
Has a WQLN F.A.M.I.L.I.E.S. program been offered at your school in the past year? A: Yes; B: No; C: I Don’t Know
Would you be willing to participate in an evening FAMILIES series at your school to obtain Act 48 hours?
Are you familiar with WQLN's "GED for Me!" distance learning program?
Have you ever referred a student to WQLN's "GED for Me!" program?