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A High-Fidelity Temperature Distribution Forecasting System for Data Centers

A High-Fidelity Temperature Distribution Forecasting System for Data Centers. Guoliang Xing Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University. Cyber-Physical Systems.

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A High-Fidelity Temperature Distribution Forecasting System for Data Centers

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  1. A High-Fidelity Temperature Distribution Forecasting System for Data Centers Guoliang Xing Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University

  2. Cyber-Physical Systems • “Cyber-physical systems are engineered systems that are built from and depend upon the synergy of computational and physical components”1 • Many critical application domains • Medical, auto, energy, transportation… • # 1 national priority for Networking and IT Research and Development (NITRD) • NITRD Review report by President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) titled “Leadership Under Challenge: Information Technology R&D in a Competitive World”, 2007 1 NSF Cyber-physical systems solicitation13502

  3. Our CPS Projects • Data center thermal monitoring • Real-time volcano monitoring • Aquatic process profiling  Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador Harmful Algae Bloom in Lake Mendota in Wisconsin, 1999 Data Center Monitoring, HPCC, MSU Volcano Monitoring Sensors Robotic fish, Smart Microsystems Lab, MSU

  4. Outline • Data center thermal monitoring • Background • System design • Testbed evaluation • Real-time volcano monitoring • Barcode streaming for smartphones

  5. Motivation • Data centers are critical computing infrastructure • 509,147 data centers world wide, 285 million sq. ft.1 • 2.8M hours of downtime, 142 billions direct loss/year1 • 23% server outages are heat-induced shutdowns An aerial view of EMC's new data center in Durham, North Carolina2 An EMC data center 2 1Emerson Network Power, State of the Data Centers 2011, 2http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2011/09/15/emc-opens-new-cloud-data-center-in-nc/.

  6. Motivation • Many data centers are overcooled • Low AC set-points, high server fan speeds • Excessive cooling energy • up to 50% or more of total power consumption • Rapid increase of energy use in data centers • From 2005 to 2010, electricity use in data centers grew 36% (US) and 56% (world wide)1 • An estimated 2% of electricity budget of US1 1Jonathan G. Koomey, “Grouth in data center electricity use 2005 to 2010”, Analytics Press, 2011.

  7. Temperature Forecasting • Predict server temperature evolution • Identify potential hot spots • Enable high CRAC set-points for energy saving • Temperature at inlets/outlets indicates hotspots cool air hot air Inlets Outlets

  8. Requirements • High-fidelity Prediction • 1 oC prediction error • Long prediction horizons (e.g., 10 minutes) • Coverage: normal conditions & emergencies (e.g., AC failures) • Timeliness and low overhead • Real-time online prediction • Decouple from infrastructure in data center

  9. Challenges • Complex air and thermal dynamics • Highly dynamic workloads • Physical failures • ACs, servers, fans Row 2 Server exhaust Raised-floor cold air Row 1 12-day CPU utilization data of one rack (64 servers with 512 CPU cores) in High Performance Computer Center at Michigan State University

  10. Related Work • Data-driven prediction approach • Collect in situ sensor data • Construct prediction model (parameter learning) • Regression, neural networks, etc. • Real-time prediction • Limitation • Require extensive training • Rare but critical physical failures in data centers?

  11. Related Work • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling • Spatially discretized geometry model • Iteratively solve partial differential equations • Limitation • Inaccuracy, high compute complexity error

  12. System Architecture • CFD + Wireless Sensing + Data-driven Prediction • Preserve realistic physical characteristics in training data • Capture dynamics by in situ sensing and real-time prediction Data Center Sensing (CPU, fan speed, temperature, airflow) geometric model (server/rack dimension and placement) CFD Modeling Real-time Prediction Calibration

  13. Thermal Sensing Sensing Temperature Air velocity CRAC Temp Airflow velocity CPU utilization Fan speed LAN Inlet / Outlet Temperature

  14. CFD Modeling & Calibration Data Center Sensing (CPU, fan speed, temperature, airflow) CFD Modeling Real-time Prediction Calibration

  15. CFD Modeling & Calibration CFD Modeling Physical Geometry Model t t+6 min t+3 min Steady/Transient CFD Steady Transient Polynomial Calibration Calibration order Sensor Data Training: sensor reading Runtime: calibrated temperature Calibration coefficients Temperature from CFD

  16. Real-time Prediction Data Center Sensing (CPU, fan speed, temperature, airflow) CFD Modeling Real-time Prediction Calibration

  17. Real-time Prediction • Thermal variable vector • t : server inlet/outlet temperature • c : CRAC supply air temperature • v : CRAC airflow • u : CPU utilization • s : Server fan speed • R : The amount of historical data • Prediction with k –step horizon • : Linear regression parameter matrix • Least-squared based training Real-time Prediction Training Linear Prediction Model Prediction

  18. Single-rack Experiment Ceiling vent airflow sensor Insulation • Testbed configuration • 30 temperature sensors • Telosb, Iris • 2 airflow sensors • AccuSense F333 • 15 servers • Dell PowerEdge 850 • Western Scientific • Controlled CPU utilization Temperature sensor Temperature sensor Airflow sensor AC inlet

  19. Experiment Results • Multi-horizon prediction • CFD-assisted prediction Error increases with horizon

  20. Production Data Center Experiment Chained Temp. sensor • Testbed configuration • 5 racks, 229 servers, 2016 cores • 4 in-row CRAC units • 35 temperature sensors • 4 airflow sensors • Dynamic CPU utilization In-row CRACs In-row CRACs Airflow sensor Temperature sensor

  21. Experiment Results • Long-term experiment (12 days) Outlet Inlet

  22. Outline • Data center thermal monitoring • Real-time volcano monitoring • Background • Quality-driven earthquake detection • Deployment and evaluation • Barcode streaming for smartphones

  23. Volcano Hazards • 7% world population live near active volcanoes • 20 - 30 explosive eruptions/year Eruptions in Iceland 2010 A week-long airspace closure [Wikipedia] Eruption in Chile, 6/4, 2011 $68 M instant damage, $2.4 B future relief. www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/06/volcano_erupts_in_chile.html

  24. Volcano Monitoring • Traditional seismometer • Expensive (~ $10K), bulky, difficult to install, up to a dozen of nodes for most active volcanoes! • Data collection and retrieval • ~10G data in a month • Processing • Detection, timing, localization • 4D Tomography computation • Real-time, 3D fluid dynamics of a volcano conduit system • Extremely computation-intensive

  25. VolcanoSRI Project • Large-scale, long-term deployment • Up to 500 nodes on an active volcano in Ecuador • Sampling@100Hz, several month lifetime • Collaborative in-network processing • Detection, timing, localization • 4D tomography computation • The tentative deployment map at Ecuador • (Photo credits: Prof. Jonathan Lees)

  26. Challenge 1: Spatial Diversity • Complicated physical process • Highly dynamic magnitude • Dynamic source location Two earthquakes on Mt St Helens

  27. Challenge 2: Frequency Diversity • Responsive to P-wave within [1 Hz, 10 Hz] • Freq. spectrum changes with signal magnitude [5 Hz, 10 Hz] [1 Hz, 5 Hz] X 100 Signal energy: X 10000

  28. Approach Overview system decision FFT • Select sensors with best signal qualities • FFT (computation-intensive) • Local detection • Decision fusion ‘1’ seismic sensor sensor selection ‘0’ decision fusion ‘1’ FFT FFT avoid raw data transmission

  29. Smartphone-based Node IOIO board Amplifier Seismometer Geospace Geophone model GS-11D External GPS LG GT540 Android 1.6 GPS antenna

  30. Field Deployment • First deployment on Tungurahua, Ecuador • Six nodes, one week, 8/2012

  31. Results • Centralized processing • Data collection w/ compression • STA/LTA • Heuristic seismic detection algorithm • Weighted decision fusion • No sensor selection 19 days 5% detect prob. Signal collected by our node 3.9 months Signal collected by permanent seismometer

  32. Outline • Data center thermal monitoring • Real-time volcano monitoring • Barcode streaming for smartphones • Background • Barcode streaming • Implementation and evaluation

  33. Barcode-based Communication • Wireless payment • Preserve security and privacy PayPal inStore App • Advertisement • Broadcastbrochures, coupons and maps (e.g., retail stores, museums) • Data exchange • Transfer small piece of info btw smartphones (e.g., contacts, photos)

  34. Existing 2D Barcodes HCCB [2] (High Capacity Color Barcode) QR code [1] Low capacity (typically 50 chars) High decoding overhead Not suitable for high-rate streaming [1] I. 18004:2006. Automatic identification and data capture techniques - QR code 2005 bar code symbologyspecification. [2] D. Parikh and G. Jancke. Localization and segmentation of a 2d high capacity color barcode. In Applications of Computer Vision, 2008.

  35. COBRA Barcode Design • High capacity & fast decoding rate • Smart frame • Corner Tracker • Timing Reference Blocks • Code area • Blocks with 4 orthogonal colors • Single barcode capacity up to 20 Kbits (4 inch) p

  36. Challenges • Poor image quality • Low quality camera • Small size and low resolution screen • Relative movement Severe blurin captured images Distorted barcode image Original barcode Typical received barcode image • Perspective distortion • Limited computation resource • Need to capture and process up to 30 images per second

  37. Blur-aware Color Ordering Blur usually occurs along the borderof blocks with different colors Typical barcode image captured by smartphone camera

  38. Blur-aware Color Ordering Goal: Group blocks with same color to reduce border length. Color ordering

  39. Implementation & Evaluation • Implementation • Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread • Sender: 56 KB storage, 5MB RAM, Nexus S (4 inch screen, 800x480) • Receiver: 72 KB storage, 3.5~12MB RAM, HTC Inspire (8MP camera) • 200Kbps throughput under various settings • - Block size • - View angle, alignment • Screen refreshing rate, camera resolution • Mobility, distance • Ambient lighting, screen brightness HTC Inspire Nexus S

  40. Future Work • Data center monitoring • Workload scheduling, power optimization • Volcano monitoring • Signal processing: timing and localization • System building: power management and programming interfaces • Barcode streaming for smartphones • Security of light channel and user authentication

  41. Acknowledgement • Group members • TianHao (Ph.D, 2010-), Yu Wang (Ph.D, 2010-), Jun Huang (Ph.D, 2009-), Ruogu Zhou (Ph.D, 2009-), Dennis Philips (Ph.D, 2009-), Jinzhu Chen (Ph.D, 2010-), Mohammad-MahdiMoazzami (Ph.D, 2011-), Fatme El-Moukaddem (Ph.D, co-supervised with Dr. Eric Torng), Rui Tan (Postdoc) • National Science Foundation • CDI, VolcanoSRI, 2011-2015 (in collaboration with WenZhan Song @ Georgia State University, Jonathan Lees@University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) • CAREER, performance-critical sensor networks, PI, 2010-2015. • ECCS, aquatic sensor networks, PI, 2010-2013 (in collaboration with Xiaobo Tan @ MSU) • CNS, real-time and performance control of networked sensor system, MSU PI, 2012-2015 (in collaboration with Xiaorui Wang @ Ohio State) • CNS, Interference in crowded spectrum, MSU PI, 2009-2012 (in collaboration with Gang Zhou @ William & Mary)

  42. Representative Publications • J. Chen, R. Tan, Y. Wang, G. Xing, X. Wang, X. Wang, B. Punch, D. Colbry, A High-Fidelity Temperature Distribution Forecasting System for Data Centers, The 33st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2012, acceptance ratio: 35/157=22% • R. Tan, G. Xing, J. Chen, W. Song, R. Huang, Quality-driven Volcanic Earthquake Detection using Wireless Sensor Networks, 31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2010. • T. Hao, R. Zhou, G. Xing, COBRA: Color Barcode Streaming for Smartphone Systems, The 10th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), 2011, acceptance ratio: 32 / 182 = 17.5% • J. Huang, G. Xing, G. Zhou, R. Zhou, Beyond Co-existence: Exploiting WiFi White Space for ZigBee Performance Assurance, The 18th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2010, acceptance ratio: 31/170 = 18.2%, Best Paper Award (1 out of 170 submissions). • R. Zhou, Y. Xiong, G. Xing, L. Sun, J. Ma, ZiFi: Wireless LAN Discovery via ZigBee Interference Signatures, The 16th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), acceptance ratio: 33/233=14.2%. • S. Liu, G. Xing, H. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Huang, M. Sha, L. Huang, Passive Interference Measurement in Wireless Sensor Networks, The 18th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), acceptance ratio: 31/170 = 18.2%, Best Paper Candidate (6 out of 170 submissions). • X. Xu, L. Gu, J. Wang, G. Xing, Negotiate Power and Performance in the Reality of RFID Systems, The 8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), acceptance ratio: 27/227=12%, Best Paper Candidate (3 out of 227 submissions) .

  43. COBRA • Real-time visible light communication (VLC) system for off-the-shelfsmartphones • Encode info into color barcodes • Stream barcodes from screen to camera • High communication throughput (70~200 kbps for 4 inch, 800x640 screen) or Streaming barcodes btw screen and camera sender receiver

  44. Quality-driven Earthquake Detection • Assured false alarm rate & detection probability • Real-time detection • Temporal resolution: 1s • Long network lifetime • Avoid raw data transmission

  45. System Overview CODE GENERATION PRE-PROCESSING CODE EXTRACTION Motion-aware coding Color enhancement Code Scan Blur-aware color ordering Smart Frame detection Blur assessment Sender Receiver Encode data into barcodes and display on the screen

  46. System Overview CODE GENERATION PRE-PROCESSING CODE EXTRACTION Motion-aware coding Color enhancement Code Scan Smart Frame detection Blur assessment Blur-aware color ordering Sender Receiver Select and enhance the received images

  47. System Overview CODE GENERATION PRE-PROCESSING CODE EXTRACTION Motion-aware coding Color enhancement Code Scan Smart Frame detection Blur assessment Blur-aware color ordering Sender Receiver Extract data from enhanced images

  48. Decision Fusion at BS • Extended majority rule • Closed-form detection performance # of positive local decisions > threshold, decide 1 total # of sensors PF = f ( PF1, PF2, …, PFN ) PD = f ( PD1, PD2, …, PDN ) PFi / PDi : false alarm rate / detection prob. of sensor i

  49. Block Size Measured on 800x480 resolution screen Small block size can achieve higher throughput (>200 kbps) at the cost of lower decoding rate (<80%). Big block size can achieve higher decoding rate (>99.5%) at the cost of lower throughput (<150kbps)

  50. Putting It All Together Historical Sensor Data Prediction Prediction Models Training CFD Transient Modeling Real-time Data Collection 18/24

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