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Experiment 1 medical microbiology experiment. 医学微生物学实验要求: 做实验前要预习,试验后要认真完成实验 报告 ( 英文 ) ,所得结果必须真实记录。. 1 .进入实验室要穿隔离衣(离开时反折),必要时要戴帽子和口罩,按规定位置就座。实验课进行时,不准随意出进。 2 .保持实验室安静。实验室内禁止饮食、吸烟等。 3 .实验材料和动物等均需按规定处理,不要乱动乱放,未经许可不可将实验室的物 品携出室外。 4 . 实验室用的玻璃器材,如玻片、培基、试管等,应根据试验要求,在使用前用标
医学微生物学实验要求: 做实验前要预习,试验后要认真完成实验 报告(英文),所得结果必须真实记录。
1.进入实验室要穿隔离衣(离开时反折),必要时要戴帽子和口罩,按规定位置就座。实验课进行时,不准随意出进。 2.保持实验室安静。实验室内禁止饮食、吸烟等。 3.实验材料和动物等均需按规定处理,不要乱动乱放,未经许可不可将实验室的物 品携出室外。 4.实验室用的玻璃器材,如玻片、培基、试管等,应根据试验要求,在使用前用标 记笔写上标记,如细菌名称、实验日期、组别、姓名等,以免混淆。 5.沾染过传染材料的或试验结束后的吸管、滴管、玻片、盖片立即轻轻地放入规定 的消毒缸内。需要培养的实验材料集中起来,然后放入温箱中培养。 6.看示教时,未经许可,不得移动显微镜推动尺。 7.爱护显微镜、标本、药品及其他器材。不得乱拧室内仪器的控制钮。不慎发生损 坏时应立即报告老师,照章赔偿。 8.如因不慎发生割破皮肤或传染性材料污染台面、器物等意外,要立即报告老师, 进行妥善处理。皮肤破伤,先除去异物,用无菌生理盐水冲洗干净,涂以2%碘酒和75%乙醇;菌液污染台面或地面,立即以3%来苏或5%石炭酸喷洒消毒,至少作用1小时以上,若手上沾有活菌.应立即用消毒液浸泡10~20分钟后,再以肥皂洗刷并用清水冲净。 9.注意防火,火源不要接近易燃物品(如棉塞、酒精、二甲苯等)。 10.实验完毕,整理试验台;离开实验室前用消毒液泡手或用肥皂洗手。 ―――认真做清洁,桌面、地面 打扫干净,凳椅排列整齐;检查门、窗、水、电、火。离开实验室前用消毒液泡手或用肥皂洗手。 实验室规则:
MicrobicMorphology Medical microbiology experiment (1)
Content: 1.MicrobicMorphology ☻Bacteria ☻Virus ☻Fungus 2. Use oil-immersion lensof microscope 3.Bacterial gram stain
1. MicrobicMorphology ☻Bacteria Demonstration ground form coccus(Staphylococcus aureus) bacillus(Escherichia coli) spirobacteria vibrio(Vibrio cholerae) special structure flagellum(Salmonella typhi) capsule(Streptococcus pneumoniae) spore(Clostridium tetani) pilus
Bacillus Bacillus anthracis Escherichia coli Brucella
Corynebacterium Bifidobacterium Mycobacterium Clostridium
Spirobacteria Vibrio Spirillum Helicobacterium
Special structure • Flagellum
Capsule • Spore
☻ Virus poxvirus poliovirus rhinovirus
tobacco mosaic virus rabies virus phage
☻ Fungus Unicellular fungus:yeast,yeast like fungus,pseudohypha multicellular fungus:filamentous fungus,mold,hypha and spore。 S. albicans Aspergillus
3.Bacterial gram stain (Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli) Gram Stain - developed Christian Gram in 1884 The gram stain is the most widely used staining procedure in bacteriology. It is called a differential stain since it differentiates between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Bacteria which stain purple with the gram staining procedure are termed gram-positive; those which stain pink are said to be gram-negative. Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria stain differently because of fundamental differences in the structure of their cell walls.
Principle Structure of a Gram-Negative Cell Wall Structure of a Gram-Positive Cell Wall
Aseptic technique Aseptic area 10-20cm 外焰 内焰 焰芯
Smear preparation Smear Dry Fix procedure aseptic technique
Stain procedure Initialstain Mordanting DecolorizeAfter stain (crystal violet1’) (iodine solution1’) (95% alcohol30”) (diluted carbol fuchsin30”) Rinse BlotMicroscopic examination rinse rinse rinse
1. Aseptic technique 2. Not too much NS and bacteria 3. Time of decolorization Notice
Material 1.金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希菌斜面各1支/小组(4人) 2.染液1套/小组 3.玻片1个/人
▲Content of report: 1.Bacterial gram stain (Principle, Procedure, result) 2.Bacterial morphology (result examined under microscope)