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Welcome USD 475 Geary County Schools Paraeducators 2013-14 School Year. Katina Brenn Director of the Exceptional Student Services Division. ESS Leadership Team. Katina Brenn- Director of Exceptional Student Services Kathy Beougher - Asst. Director of Exceptional Student Services
Welcome USD 475 Geary County Schools Paraeducators2013-14 School Year Katina Brenn Director of the Exceptional Student Services Division
ESS Leadership Team Katina Brenn- Director of Exceptional Student Services Kathy Beougher- Asst. Director of Exceptional Student Services Karen Truitt- District Autism Coordinator Jennifer Blair- ECSE Coordinator Stephanie McNemar- Inclusion Facilitator- Seitz Elementary Alicia Scofield- Inclusion Facilitator- Ware Elementary Lindsay Jones- Coordinator- Fort Riley Middle School Ursula Popovich- ESS Coordinator- Junction City Middle School Patricia Dozier- CAC Coordinator Jacinda Kinzie- FSA Inclusion Facilitator Sandy Gray- Transition Coordinator
PARAHANDBOOK Geary County Unified School District #475 123 N Eisenhower PO Box 370 Junction City, Kansas 66441 #785-717-4093
Para Handbook Section 1:Para Work Days/Staff Development Requirements • Professional Development Record Form (April 17, 2014) • Paraprofessional Work Days Memo • Professional Development Hours Pyramid • ESEA Assessment Requirements • Provenance Learning Solutions Compliance Assessments • Important Assessment Information • Obtaining Professional Development Hours • Infinitec-http://www.myinfinitec.org • CPI Tidbits /CPI Dates
DUE April 19, 2013 Due no later than April 17th
PARAPROFESSIONAL WORK DAY • To: Building Principals, Coordinators, Teachers, Paraprofessionals and Payroll Dept. • From: Katina Brenn, Director of Exceptional Student Services Department • Re: Paraprofessional Work Days • Date: June 24, 2013 • Instructional Paraprofessionals first full day of work will be August 13. The schedule for the day includes working in their assigned school with their supervising Exceptional Student Services teacher in the AM and attending the required beginning of the year orientation in the PM. The first full day for HI Interpreters and paraprofessionals assigned to the ARC, FLS, and TLC classrooms will be August 12. The schedule for the day includes working in their assigned school with their supervising Exceptional Student Services (ESS) teacher. If Principals have any paraprofessionals not needed because of enrollment, please contact The ESS Director. • Paraprofessionals who have worked for USD 475 as a paraprofessional for 3 full years or less are required to have 20 hours of inservice (or 2 hours for every month of employment). Paraprofessionals who have worked for USD 475 as a paraprofessional for 4 consecutive years or more are required to have 10 hours of staff development (or 1 hour for every month of employment). This is regardless of the number of hours per day that they work). District salary reimbursement is dependant on their ability to complete the required amount of professional development hours required. Two of the hours each year must be Orientation which is:
August 13 - 1:30-3:30 Para Orientation. For all paraprofessionals orientation will be at Junction City Middle School Auditorium (Paraprofessionals who are hired later must watch the video of this orientation or attend a later district level paraprofessional orientation. • Kansas Department of Education is asking that Paraprofessionals participate in staff development with their supervising teachers. Staff development days should be building days if possible, determined by their building level administrator. The paraprofessional handbook offers paraprofessionals multiple opportunities for obtaining staff development hours to include but are not limited to 1 college credit = 20 hours, Provenances module = 1 hour, Infinitec modules = the amount of time of the module, and a book review evaluation process. Please consult the paraprofessional handbook for additional options. The paraprofessional handbook can be found under the paraprofessional resources link on the district’s Exceptional Student Services (ESS) Department’s share point site. • Once paraprofessionals attain their 10 or 20 hours of staff development, theywill not be paid to work any further staff dev. days unlessprincipals request paraprofessionals to work for specific reasons. Requests should be made to the Exceptional Student Services (ESS) department office. • PARAPROFESSIONALS DO NOT WORK: Flexible Professional Development days or Parent/Teacher Conf. Days • ELEMENTARY PARAPROFESSIONALS: Can work the K-5 Plan days as determined by their Principal.
To: Special Education Paraprofessionals and Administrators From: Katina Brenn, Director of Exceptional Student Services Division Re: The Elementary and Secondary Education Act Requirements Date: August 1, 2013 The Elementary and Secondary Education Act - includes requirements for teaching aides which includes special education paraprofessionals who assist with instruction in reading, math and writing. This law applies to Title I buildings. Our district is choosing to apply this law district wide (EC-12). Paraprofessionals must: 1) Obtain college hours equivalent to an Associate’s degree – (48 hours) OR 2) Obtain an Associate’s or higher degree. The alternative to taking college hours is: Paraprofessionals must pass an assessment in reading, writing and math. The exam through that website- www.provenancesolutions.com/provenance/ksjunctioncity To get set up to complete study modules and/or schedule the assessment contact Nicole Nutter at 717-4093 USD #475 has purchased the Master Teacher site which is accessible from any computer and will assist you in: preparing for the academic assessment (which is mentioned above) AND creating a “transcript” of courses which can be used for in-service hours Information about accessing this network is on the attached page. Completion of one course will equate to one hour of staff development if you choose to do this. You will be asked to print a “transcript” of the modules you have completed by April 17, 2014.
ProVenance Learning Solutions Compliance Assessments About the Website • ProVenance Learning Solutions is an Internet based professional development website. The site provides relevant information to help you learn the various facets of the supportive role you perform in the classroom and our school. This website also maintains a personalized transcript to help you and your supervisor track the courses you have successfully completed. • Instructions: Please contact Nicole Nutter at (785) 717-4093 to be able to access the ProVenance site. This site is only used for paraprofessionals needed to take the ESEA during their first 90 days of employment.
Important Assessment Information • This test consists of two assessments: • Assessment 1: Reading, Writing & Math - Instructional Support • This assessment evaluates the ability to support reading, writing, and mathematics instruction. There are three concept areas with 30 total questions. The recommended courses are 118, 119, and 120. • Assessment 2: Reading, Writing & Math - Knowledge and Application • This assessment evaluates the knowledge and skills to solve problems in reading, writing, and math. The recommended courses are 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138 and 139.
You will need to schedule a time to administer the test so your ESS supervisor or administrative designee can be present in the room at all times while the paracompletes the test. Keep in mind that the Assessment 1 will require up to one hour and Assessment 2 will require up to 3 hours. Most paraeducators will be able to complete both tests consecutively in 3 hours. • Call Nicole Nutter at 717-4093 to “assign” the test for the individual. • As each para completes the assessment you can call Nicole at 717-4093 and she can give you the results of the test instantly. They need 65% to pass the instruction and support assessment and 70% to pass the knowledge and application assessment. • Nicole will then send a copy of the assessment results for the para and supervisor that observed the test to sign and date the sheet. Return these to Nicole at DC and she will get copies to Katina Brenn and Human Resource department.
SUGGESTED RULES AND RELEVANT ASSESSMENT INFORMATION • Accommodations for person with disabilities, visual difficulties, physical handicaps, etc. should be arranged for paraeducators, provided the accommodations do not include assistance in answering the questions or a change in the assessment. • Breaks should be permitted for emergencies only. If a break is necessary, the para must show the supervisor the portion of the test completed and log off. The para will then resume the assessment up on return. • Access to ProVenance Learning Solutions coursework is blocked during the assessment. • Only the internet window with the assessment should be open. The supervisor should monitor each screen to make certain the para follows this rule. • The supervisor will answer only questions about assessing and using the assessment program. • There should be no talking among the paras during the assessment. • Calculators/cell phones/notes are not permitted. Scratch paper should be provided.
Obtaining Staff Development Hours • College Hours – One or more credit hours = 20 hours of in-service • Read a book (education relevant) – 150 pages = 3 hours • Watch a video (education relevant) – In-service time = time of video • My http://www.myinfinitec.org-InfinitecWebsite on line modules • You must have permission from your administrator to work more than the required Staff Development hours.
Obtaining Professional Development Hours Note: Taking the ESEA test does not accrue professional Development hours
Para Handbook Section 2: Roles and Responsibilities • Information from KSDE Concerning Paraprofessionals Kansas Regulations • Paraprofessional Competencies • Appreciating Diversity • Confidentiality • Importance of teamwork • A Law to Protect the Privacy of Student records • Ethical Guidelines for Paraprofessionals • Teacher and Para Roles in Managing Behavior • The ABC’s of Behavior • Principals of Motivation/Reinforcements • How to manage behavior when it occurs • Ethical Considerations in Behavior Management • Supporting Teachers’ Instruction • Assessing Student Performance • Supporting Instruction in Content Area Classes • Accommodations and Modifications • Characteristics of Effective Paraprofessionals
Kansas Regulations Regarding ParaprofessionalsThe following statements are from the Kansas Special Education Regulations. They say that at paraprofessional…… • Cannot be solely responsible for special education instruction or related services. • Cannot select or give formal, standardized tests or interpret any results • Cannot select, program, or prescribe educational activities or materials without supervision* and guidance of a teacher. Teachers do all initial planning and introduction of new material. • Cannot be solely responsible for preparing lesson plans or initiating original instruction. • Must have direct supervision* & involvement from a professional to implement a student’s IEP.
Cannot be employed in place of a certified special education professional. • Cannot be a substitute teacher unless the paraprofessional has the appropriate certification. • Cannot be enrolled as an elementary or secondary student. • Cannot perform nursing procedures or give medications without appropriate supervision* from an approved health care professional. *Supervision- The professional the paraprofessional is assigned to must meet Kansas’s certification requirements. When the assigned teacher is not present, a designated principal or teacher may supervise the paraprofessional. Supervision time for instructional paraprofessionals shall be determined by the supervising teacher and paraprofessional and based on the students’ needs.
Emergency Safety Interventions (ESI) Emergency Safety Interventions = Seclusion and Restraint ESI= All Staff & All Students Guidelines for seclusion and restraint are now Kansas Regulations Resources, regulations, and more information can be found at this website http://ksdetasn.org/cms/index.php/esi-resources
Definitions • K.A.R. 91-42-1(c) defines an emergency safety intervention (ESI) as “the use of seclusion or physical restraint when a student presents an immediate danger to self or others.” • Physical Restraint-Bodily force used to substantially limit a student’s movement. The term does not include physical escort. • Physical Escort-The temporary touching or holding of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, or back of a student who is acting out for the purpose of inducing the student to walk to a safe location.
Emergency Safety Interventions (ESI) A school employee should use physical restraint on a child with a disability only if the child's behavior presents an imminent risk of harm or the child is involved in an altercation. Except to intercede in an altercation, each school employee applying physical restraint should use a method of physical restraint in which the employee has received training and should apply the physical restraint in a manner that is proportionate to the circumstances and to the child's size and age and the severity of the child's behavior. "Physical restraint" means bodily force used to substantially limit a person's movement, except that consensual, solicited, or unintentional contact and contact to provide comfort, assistance, or instruction shall not be deemed to be physical restraint. "Imminent risk of harm" means an immediate and impending threat of a person causing substantial physical injury to self or others. Violent action that is destructive of property may involve a substantial risk of injury to a person.
Reporting to Kansas • Administrators report to the state on a quarterly basis the details of any seclusion and/or restraint • Each building is responsible for keeping a log of details including: student ID, date, time, duration, description of ESI, and parent contact that was made Reporting to Parents • Parents must be contacted verbally by the end of the school day whenever physical restraint or seclusion are used (just like with a head injury) • After the verbal contact, parents must be contacted in writing within 48 hours
What Does this mean in practice? Immediate danger to self or others means: • You would need to be able to prove that you were • in fear of physical danger • in fear that others where in physical danger or • in fear that the student physically endangering themselves
Do notplace your hands on a student unless they are going to harm themselves or others.
Training • USD 475 supports and provides training for verbal de-escalation and restraint using the CPI program (Crisis Prevention Intervention). The philosophy of CPI and the state of Kansas support the Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security of staff and students as a primary concern.
CPI training sessions are available to all staff Contact Nicole Nutter to sign-up 717-4093
2013-14 CPI Classes: To determine availability or register for classes by contacting Nicole Nutter at (785)717-4093. Class size is limited.
CPI Tidbits The CPI Supportive Stance: • Standing outside the personal space bubble • Turned at a 90º angle • Stay a leg length away from the person you are working with. Keys to setting limits • Be clear and Concise • Give 2 choices and 2 consequences • Be reasonable and fair • Make sure your consequences are enforceable Rational Detachment: • The ability to stay in control of ones own behavior and not take the acting out behavior personally
Behavior is learned and serves a purpose. Physical acting-out situations can be prevented with verbal de-escalation and physical restraint and/or seclusion is to be used as a LAST RESORT and only when the student is in IMMEDIATEDANGER of hurting themselves or others.
Maintaining Safe and Supportive Instructional Environments • Follow and use prescribed district or agency policies and procedures to ensure the safety, health, and general well being of learners and school personnel, including school emergency procedures. • Implement strategies and procedures developed by teachers to maintain safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments. • Establish and maintain rapport with all learners. • Model and encourage interactions among children, youth, and adults that respect and value individual differences. • Implement strategies that promote the learner's independence across all relevant educational settings. • Provide opportunities for individuals to make choices across settings and activities. • Based on program and learner needs, assist teachers and related service professional in carrying out feeding and other health related procedures required by learners who have special health care needs, and maintain appropriate records of these activities.
Managing Behaviors and Enhancing Social Interactions of Student • Use age-appropriate language, tone of voice, and reinforcement procedures. • Implement teacher-developed behavior plans and techniques that adhere to the laws, regulations, and procedural safeguards concerning the management of student behaviors. • Demonstrate effective strategies for the management of student behaviors. • Implement teacher-developed strategies and techniques that enhance social skill development in children and youth. • Assist teachers and other professionals in modifying the learning environment to manage behavior. • Facilitate the development of peer interactions and friendships for students with disabilities in classroom, school, and community settings. • Monitor and assist children and youth in non-academic learning environments (i.e., lunchrooms, study halls, playgrounds, and buses).
The ABC’s of Behavior Reasons for Misbehavior • Students don’t know teacher expectations. • Students are unaware of when/how often they’re behaving inappropriately. • They don’t know what appropriate behavior is. • Student may need attention. • Students may feel powerless, so they create their own power
The ABC’s of Behavior A = Antecedent—What preceded or triggered the behavior? (Develop an understanding of why the behavior occurs.) B = Behavior—What happened? C = Consequences—What does the student get out of the behavior? Examples: • A = Student leans back in chair. • B = Student falls over backward. • C = Peers laugh and student gains attention, or student is injured. • A = Student is having difficulty reading fluently. • B = Student refuses to read and gets angry and throws book. • C = Staff assist and encourage student, provide alternative reading strategies, or student is sent to the office for discipline.
How To Manage Behavior When It Occurs Ignore behaviors Criteria for ignoring behaviors: Ask yourself • Can you teach? • Can the student learn? • Can his/her classmates learn? • Is the behavior not likely to escalate? Use nonverbal communication • Proximity (standing near a student) • Eye contact • Gestures (i.e., fingers to lips, nods • Move your attention away from student Use verbal communication • Tell the entire class/group what you expect. • Give private, quiet redirective to student • talk to the student privately or create an “illusion of privacy” • quietly tell student what you expect • say, “thank you” • If necessary, give a choice involving a consequence-Consequences must be discussed and sanctioned by the supervising teacher ahead of time.
Ethical Considerations in Behavior Management • Behavior management should be viewed as an opportunity for teaching and not an opportunity for punishment. • Avoid embarrassing students and offer suggestions in private in the form of constructive criticism. • Never engage in a power struggle. Strive for win/win. • Don’t touch students who are upset, and don’t hesitate to get help from another teacher if you need it. Do notplace your hands on a student unless they are going to harm themselves or others. • Keep your supervising teacher informed.
Confidentiality is extremely important when working with students • Keep student information private. • Don’t speak about students to friends, family, or to or in front of other students. • Don’t speak about students to other teachers except on a need-to-know basis. • If anyone in the school or community asks you for specific information about a student’s disability, refer them to the supervising teacher. • Don’t point our or label children in public. • Be careful not to distort, exaggerate or confuse information. • Never use student information as gossip or a joke. • Focus comments on student strengths and be positive.
Confidentiality Video http://www.myinfinitec.org/online-classroom#videoTop
A Law To Protect the Privacy of Student RecordsThe Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) (FERPA): • Protects the privacy of parents & students • Requires that every school district have a written policy, explaining standards for keeping educational records confidential • A school district receiving federal funds may lose those funds if it discloses personally identifiable information in a student’s education records without the proper consent Those who may access records without explicit written consent of parents: • Teachers or other personnel responsible for the design, preparation, and delivery of education and related services • Personnel who are responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of a student • Paraprofessionals may access educational records through the classroom teacher and administration, as the local school district permit.
Paraprofessional Competencies: General Knowledge and Values • Awareness of the legal rights of children and youth with exceptional learning needs and their parents in educational settings. • Understanding of individual learning styles and environmental factors that impact teaching and learning processes. • Understanding of the differences among the roles and responsibilities of professionals, paraprofessionals, and other support personnel. • Basic knowledge of special education processes, procedures, and regulations. • Awareness of and respect for social, cultural, linguistic, religious, economic, and ability differences in students and their families. • Understanding of the similarities and differences among the cognitive, communicative, physical, social, emotional, and behavioral needs of children and youth with and without exceptional needs.
Communicating and Collaborating with Teachers and Other Professionals • Follow teacher instructions and implement team decisions. • Interact effectively with and demonstrate respect for the views, rights, and contributions of parents, teachers, and other school personnel. • Contribute relevant, objective information to teachers and other school professionals to facilitate planning, problem solving, and decision-making processes across all relevant settings. • Participate as a member of an instructional team to plan and organize learning experiences for students. • Participate in team meetings to assist in the development of Individual Education (IEPs) for students.
Participating in Professional and Ethical Practices • Maintain confidentiality of individual students and their families. • Perform assigned responsibilities under the supervision of teachers in a manner consistent with professional and ethical guidelines established by the district, agency, state, or professional organization. • Assist teachers and other professionals in protecting the civil, legal, and human rights of children, youth, and their parents. • Perform tasks that are within an appropriate range of responsibilities for paraprofessionals. • Do Not communicate with parents about programming or issues that may occur. Be sure to direct them your supervisor or administrator. • Participate in on-going staff development and self-evaluation activities, and apply constructive feedback to practices within the educational setting. • Participate with administrators, consultants, and/or other professionals in designing and implementing comprehensive professional development activities for paraprofessionals.
Appreciating Diversity • Today’s public schools are made up of a diverse group of people. Students and staff are different from each other in many ways: age, gender, ethnicity, economic background, religion, lifestyle, values, etc. • School personnel are expected to have an attitude of acceptance and appreciation of diversity. • Staff who take an active interest in understanding the ways their students are different will be better able to understand those students’ behavior and, thus, interact with them in ways that will help them learn. • Having a positive attitude toward diversity means not ignoring differences and not holding negative attitudes about differences. • Negative attitudes can be expressed in many ways, two of which are stereotyping and labeling. Stereotyping is assuming that all people within a group are the same in some way. • Another way prejudices are perpetuated is through labeling, which means referring to an individual by some characteristic, instead of referring to the person first, then to the disability (i.e., “Person First Language” – for example, “person with a disability
Importance of Teamwork Paraprofessional knowledge & skills + Supportive working environment =satisfied, effective paraprofessional & improved student learning • Paraprofessionals’ teamwork responsibilities • Take an active role in your success • Show a positive, cooperative attitude about assigned tasks • Seek out training and supervision in conducting new tasks • Participate in frequent meetings with the supervising teacher • Seek information about students and instruction • Provide the teacher with information about students
Ethical Guidelines for Paraprofessionals“Ethics” – showing a high regard for the right of others Important Ethical Principles for the Paraprofessional Role: • Maintain a respectful demeanor • Behave professionally by remaining calm, using appropriate language, not acting sarcastic, etc. • Do this even if the other person (parent, student, teacher) is not! • Maintain confidentiality -Keep student information private! Don’t speak about it to other professionals (except on a need-to-know basis), to your friends or family, or to (or in front of) students. This principle is easy to violate – be careful! • Contribute to positive school-community relations –Convey to community members a positive attitude about your school by focusing on its strengths and positive characteristics. • Show a good work ethic, that will reflect positively on you and your school.
Assessing Student Performance “Assessing student performance” means gathering information about a student and making a determination about him or her. The main types of assessment that parasmay be involved in. Standardized Tests Standardized tests are always given in the same way, using the same instructions, and materials, and the same scoring methods. Formal standardized tests, are done by someone who is highly trained and experienced with the test. For less formal testing situations, for example teacher-developed standardized tests they give repeatedly, paraprofessionals can be primarily responsible for the activity. Behavioral Checklists Behavioral checklists categorize and list specific behaviors. The person completing the checklist simply checks off whether or not the student is able to perform that specific behavior. Direct Observation Another way to gather information about students is to observe them and record information about your observations in a systematic fashion. The written information that reflects what you observed is called “data,” and it can be used to assist with instructional decisions about the student.
Supporting Teachers’ Instruction There are probably many times when the teacher will need to be the primary person providing the direct instruction to students. During these times, there is much that the paraprofessional can do to assist or facilitate the teacher’s instruction. Paraprofessionals can support teacher’s instruction by: • Reviewing the lesson plan • Preparing materials • Modeling appropriate behavior. Model the behaviors that will help make it easier for the student to learn: a) Stand at the side of the class, facing the teacher b) Show attentiveness to the teacher and the lesson c) Assist the teacher by modeling appropriate responses, if asked. • Assist with behavior management
Supporting Instruction in Content-Area Classes • Paraprofessionals can help carry out and support interventions the teacher designs. Examples include: • highlighting textbooks • being or training a class note taker • maintaining a class notebook with assignments, handouts, materials, etc. • preparing adapted materials for students • prompting students to make correct responses • training a peer partner to assist the student • providing follow-up instruction
During follow-up instruction, the paraprofessionals can: • Provide additional instruction • Follow the basic format of effective instruction: 1) I Do It. 2) We Do It. 3) You Do It. During small group instruction, the paraprofessionals can: • Use effective instruction. • Gain students’ attention • Review necessary pre-skills • State goal of the lesson • “I Do It. We Do It. You Do It.” • Review the critical lesson content • State the content of the next lesson
Accommodations and Modifications Accommodations do not alter the curriculum. They are supports or services provided to help a student access the curriculum and validly demonstrate learning. What are accommodations? An accommodation is an adaptation that results in the student with a disability accomplishing the same goals and objectives as the non-disabled students, and does not fundamentally alter the general education program. An accommodation… changes the conditions by which a student with a disability accomplishes the same task as the non-disabled student. Accommodations… are used to minimize the impact of a disability and circumvent deficiencies in specific academic areas.
Modifications alter the curriculum. Modifications change the content and performance expectations for what a student should learn. What are modifications? A modification is an adaptation that results in the student with a disability accomplishing different goals and objectives as non-disabled students and fundamentally alters the general education program. A modification… alters the task in a way that the student is able to accomplish a different, perhaps related task assigned to the non-disabled peers. Modifications… are used to remediate deficiencies in specific academic areas by bringing the goals and objectives of the curriculum in closer alignment with a student’s present levels of educational performance.
Para’s role with modifications and accommodations: • Participate in on-going communication with teacher before making any changes in student’s instruction • Clarify modifications with teacher before class, not in front of students or peers • Communicate modifications or accommodations to the student in private • Establish on-going modifications or accommodations with the teacher. • Paraprofessionals should check with the supervising teacher to discuss ideas before making any changes in student’s instruction.