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“No one who has something original or important to say will willingly run the risk

Part II: Challenges in Research Communication. “No one who has something original or important to say will willingly run the risk of being misunderstood.”. Peter Medawar. Geilo Research Seminar for Dentistry PhD Students, 25 Nov, 2003. tell ‘em what you’ll tell ‘em tell ‘em

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“No one who has something original or important to say will willingly run the risk

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  1. Part II:Challenges in Research Communication “No one who has something original or important to say will willingly run the risk of being misunderstood.” Peter Medawar Geilo Research Seminar for Dentistry PhD Students, 25 Nov, 2003

  2. tell ‘em what you’ll tell ‘em • tell ‘em • tell ‘em what you told ‘em • the why and wherefore • AMM • summing it up

  3. Challenges in Research Communication: the why and wherefore A Proud History • English language • higher degrees • research strategy • communication

  4. Challenges in Research Communication: the why and wherefore New degree structure • one • integration • communication

  5. teeth are important

  6. Challenges in Research Communication: the why and wherefore need to communicate   misunderstood mistrusted cost immense impact integral role future

  7. Challenges in Research Communication: the why and wherefore communication targets funding sources employers decision-makers research clients other scientists future scientists

  8. Challenges in Research Communication: the why and wherefore Why communicate? • increase employability • increase visibility of science • advisory role, management • recruitment • accountability

  9. Challenges in Research Communication: where’s the meat? AMM Audience Message Medium

  10. Challenges in Research Communication: AMM - audience funding sources employers decision-makers research clients other scientists future scientists audience • know your audience • shoes

  11. Challenges in Research Communication: AMM - message finding the story story story facts facts

  12. Challenges in Research Communication: AMM - message telling your story • language (KISS) • metaphor • zoom • stop

  13. Challenges in Research Communication: AMM - medium picking the right medium • context that works • collaboration • timing research article fact sheet short documentary poster web page film news clip popular science journal press release interview newspaper column

  14. the why and wherefore • AMM • summing it up you’ve been told

  15. Keep • It • Shortand • Simple – • Audience • Story • Strategy

  16. resources / tips • contact information • presentation outline Info pack

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