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Carbon Reduction Commitment

Explore key carbon reduction figures and the implications for organizations, such as universities, under the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme. Learn about crucial targets and necessary actions to mitigate climate change effectively.

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Carbon Reduction Commitment

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  1. Carbon Reduction Commitment • Sarah Lee Project Officer EAUC-Scotland • David Somervell • Sustainability Adviser University of Edinburgh www.eauc.org.uk/scotland

  2. Climate Change by Numbers 1 • 2008 level of CO2 in atmosphere: 385 parts per million (ppm) • Annual rate of increase: 2ppm • Stabilisation level if industrialised nations follow Bush’s climate plan: 615ppm • Resulting temperature increase from pre-industrial levels : 4.5-6ºC

  3. Climate Change by Numbers 2 • • IEA estimate of US emissions increase 1990 to 2025: 38% • Temperature increase from pre-industrial levels at which "catastrophic effects" occur: 1.7ºC • • Stabilisation level needed to avoid "catastrophic effects," according to climate scientist Dr James Hansen: 350ppm

  4. Climate Change by Numbers 3 • UN estimate industrialised countries' emission cuts needed by 2020 to avoid "dangerous" CC: 25-40% • • UN estimates industrial countries' cuts needed by 2050: 80-95% • • Temperature increase at which UN warns 40-70% of species will be at increased risk of extinction: 4.2ºC

  5. The CRC … coming down the track • Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) propose a “Carbon Reduction Commitment” (CRC). • It will obligate most Universities and Colleges and aims to reduce UK carbon dioxide emissions • From April 2010anyone with a half-hourly meterwill be required toregister their supply points Ed Milliband, DECC Minister

  6. CRC fills DECC’s policy “gap” CRC EU ETS

  7. Who is caught? • If you use 6 million+ kWh/year (£600,000+ costs) you’ll have to join in a giant money-go-round • Environment Agencies will contact all UK billing addresses with half-hourly electricity meters in 2009 • If you receive one of these letters, you must provide data on half-hourly electricity consumption in 2008 • This will determine if you will have to participate in the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC). … YOU!

  8. How do we solve the problem?

  9. Solocov’s 7 Wedges

  10. What needs done?

  11. And lots more … !

  12. CRC in summary • New, and legally binding under UK Climate Change Act, it cover large private and public sector bodies • Embracing around 5,000 organisations in UK … using >6 million kWh electricity / £1m cost / yr • Early Action Metrics: - Carbon Trust Standard (CTS) - Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) • Cap and Trade scheme with reducing allowances

  13. Offsets: fundamentally a scam

  14. The one-stop shop promoting sustainability in the FHE sectorwww.eauc.org.uk/scotlandAndrew Chamberlain, EAUC-Scotland ManagerSarah Lee, EAUC-Scotland Officer

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